Python Programming Training in Pune

Python Training in Pune

Job Oriented Training


3RI Technologies Python Training in Pune covers all Python language concepts, as well as OOP principles, Modules, Panda, NumPy, DJango & Flask Web Frameworks. This excellent Python Programming Course is designed to train you to “Master” Web Design & Development, GUI Applications, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Predictive Analysis, & Data Science, along with the advanced concepts. If you are new to programming & want to build a Strong Career as a Python Developer, our Python Certification Course is for you.

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Key Features

Course Duration : 5 months

Real-Time Projects : 2

Project Based Learning

EMI Option Available

Certification & Job Assistance

24 x 7 Support

Python Syllabus

The detailed syllabus is designed for freshers as well as working professionals
  1. An Introduction to Python
    • Why Python, its Unique Feature and where to use it?
    • Python Environment Setup
    • Discuss about IDE’s like IDLE, PyCharm and Enthought Canopy
    • Start programming on an interactive shell.
    • Python Identifiers, Keywords
    • Discussion about installed modules and packages
    • Access Command line arguments within programs
  2. Conditional Statement, Loops, and File Handling
    • Python Data Types and Variable
    • Condition and Loops in Python
    • Decorators
    • Python Modules & Packages
    • Python Files and Directories manipulations
    • Use various files and directory functions for OS operations
  3. Python Core Objects and Functions
    • Built in modules (Library Functions)
    • Numeric and Math’s Module
    • String/List/Dictionaries/Tuple
    • Complex Data structures in Python
    • Arbitrary data types and their Data Structure
    • Python built-in function
    • Python user-defined functions
    • Python packages and functions
    • The anonymous Functions – Lambda Functions
  4. Object Oriented Python
    • OOPs Concepts
    • Object, Classes and Destroying Objects
    • Accessing attributes, Built-In Class Attributes
    • Inheritance and Polymorphism
    • Overriding Methods, Data Hiding
    • Abstraction and Encapsulation
  5. Regular Expression
    • Regular Expressions
    • What are regular expressions?
    • The match and search Function
    • Compile and Matching
    • Matching vs Searching
    • Search and Replace feature using RE
    • Extended Regular Expressions
    • Wildcard characters and work with them
  6. Multithreading
    • Multithreading with Python
    • What is Multithreading?
    • Starting a New Thread
    • The Threading Module
    • Synchronizing Threads
  7. File Handling
    • Writing data to a file
    • Reading data from a file
    • Read and Write data from CSV file
    • OS module
    • Rename and Removing files, directories
  8. Exception Handling in Python
    • Exceptions Handling
    • Handling various exceptions using try….except…else
    • Try-finally clause
    • The argument of an Exception and create a self Exception Class
    • Python Standard Exceptions
    • Raising an exceptions, User-Defined Exceptions
  9. Debugging Python Programs
    • Debug Python programs using pdb debugger
    • Assert for debugging
    • Testing with Python using UnitTest
    • Iterable and generator in Python
    • Yielding from the generators
    • Standard project setup in Python
  10. Modules & Packages
    • Modules
    • How to import a module?
    • Packages
    • How to create packages
  11. Database Handling
    • Create Database Connection
    • Creating and accessing SQLite database
    • Python with MySQL Database
    • Creating Database table
    • CRUD operation on database
    • Performing Transactions
    • Handling Database Errors
    • Disconnecting Database

  1. Basics of Web Page Creation
    • Understanding of basic HTML /CSS
    • HTML Header, paragraph
    • Various tag for button, label and combo-box
    • Creation of forms in HTML
  2. Django Framework
    • Introduction to Django
    • MVT Architecture
    • How to create Django App
    • Url Mapping
    • Templates
    • Introduction to static file
    • Django Model Overview
    • Creating model
    • Model template view creation
    • Django forms and validation
    • Relative Url with Template
  3. Interacting with a Database: Models
    • Overview of Models
    • Creating Models
    • Configuring the Database
    • Your First App
    • Using Django with MySQL.
    • Models-Templates-Views Paradigm
    • Inserting and Updating Data
  4. The Django Administration Site
    • Activating the Admin Interface
    • Using the Admin Interface
    • Users, Groups, and Permissions
    • Selecting an Objects
    • Deleting an Objects
  5. Views and Templates
    • URL Template Inheritance
    • Template Inheritance Coding Example
    • Quick Note on Custom Template Filters
    • Template Filters and Custom Filters
    • Template Filters Coding Examples
    • Django Passwords
    • Deploying Django Framework
  6. Form Processing
    • Django Forms
    • Form Validation
    • Model Forms
    • Relative URLs with Templates 
    • Relative URLs Coding Examples 
  7. Project Work
    • Discussion on Overview and requirements of Project
    • Creation a Web-based Application
  1. Fundamentals of Data Science and Machine Learning
    • Introduction to Data Science
    • The need for Data Science
    • BigData and Data Science’
    • Data Science and Machine Learning 
    • Data Science Life Cycle
    • Data Science Platform
    • Data Science Use Cases 
    • Skill Required for Data Science
  2. Mathematics For Data Science
    • Linear Algebra
      • Vectors
      • Matrices
    • Optimization
      • Theory Of optimization
      • Gradients Descent
  1. Introduction to Statistics
    • Descriptive vs. Inferential Statistics
    • Types of data
    • Measures of central tendency and dispersion
    • Hypothesis & inferences
    • Hypothesis Testing
    • Confidence Interval
    • Central Limit Theorem
  2. Probability and Probability Distributions
    • Probability Theory
    • Conditional Probability
    • Data Distribution
    • Binomial Distribution
    • Normal Distribution

Machine Learning

Python for ML along with Module1

  1. Introduction to NumPy
    • Array Operations
    • Arrays Functions
    • Array Mathematics
    • Array Manipulation
    • Array I/O
    • Importing Files with NumPy
  2. Data Manipulation with Pandas
    • Data Frames
    • I/O
    • Selection in DFs
    • Retrieving in DFs
    • Applying Functions
    • Reshaping the DFs – Pivot
    • Combining DFs
      • Merge
      • Join
    • Data Alignment
  3. SciPy
    • Matrices Operations
    • Create matrices
      • Inverse, Transpose, Trace, Norms , Rank etc
    • Matrices Decomposition
      • Eigen Values & vectors
      • SVDs
  1. MatPlotLib
    • Basics of Plotting
    • Plots Generation
    • Customization
    • Store Plots
  2. SciKit Learn Basics
    • Data Loading
    • Train/Test Data generation
    • Preprocessing
    • Generate Model
    • Evaluate Models

Machine Learning

  1. Exploratory Data Analysis
    • Data Exploration
    • Missing Value handling
    • Outliers Handling
    • Feature Engineering
  2. Feature Selection
    • Importance of Feature Selection in Machine Learning
    • Filter Methods
    • Wrapper Methods
    • Embedded Methods
  3. Machine Learning: Supervised Algorithms Classification
    • Introduction to Machine Learning
    • Logistic Regression
    • Naïve Bays Algorithm
    • K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm
    • Decision Tress (SingleTree)
    • Support Vector Machines
    • Model Ensemble
      • Bagging
      • Random Forest
      • Boosting
      • Gradient Boosted Trees
    • Model Evaluation and performance
      • K-Fold Cross Validation
      • ROC, AUC etc…
  1. Machine Learning: Regression
    • Simple Linear Regression
    • Multiple Linear Regression
    • Decision Tree and Random Forest Regression
  2. Machine Learning: Unsupervised Learning Algorithms
    • Similarity Measures
    • Cluster Analysis and Similarity Measures
    • K-Mean Clustering
    • Hierarchical means Clustering
    • Principal Components Analysis
    • Association Rules Mining & Market Basket Analysis
  3. Text Mining
    • Basics
    • Term Document Matrix
    • TF-IDF
    • Twitter Sentiment Analysis
  1. Project Work
  • Machine Learning end to end Project blueprint
  • Regression predictive modeling – House Price Prediction
  • Classification predictive modeling – Binary Classification
  • Widespread coverage for each Topic
  • Various Approaches to Solve Data Science Problem
  • Pros and Cons of Various Algorithms and approaches
  1. Introduction to Selenium
    • Introduction to Automation Testing
    • Why Automation Testing
    • Introduction to Selenium components
    • History and various versions of Selenium
    • What is Selenium 3.0
    • Advantages of using Selenium over other tools.
  2. Installation and setting up the environment
    • Installation of Python
    • Automation Setup for Selenium Web Driver
    • Install and Configure PyDev in Eclipse
  3. Selenium-IDE
    • Introduction
    • IDE Features
    • Building & Running Test Cases
    • Building and Running Test Suites
  4. Selenium Web Driver 2.0
    • Why Selenium Web Driver
    • What is a Driver
    • Download & configuring Web Driver
    • Architecture of Selenium web Driver
    • Drivers for Firefox, IE, Chrome
  5. Identification of Locators
    • Tools to identify elements/objects
    • Different methods of finding an element
      • By ID, By name, class
      • By Xpath, By Tag name
      • By Link text
      • By CSS
      • Using Effective X-path
  1. Selenium Commands
    • Various types of operation that can be
    • performed on any elements and how to use them.
    • Browser Commands, Navigation Commands
    • Working with a different browser
    • Handling Checkbox, RadioButton
    • Dropdown and Select Operations
    • Capturing Screenshots
    • Handling Keyboard Event and Mouse Event
    • Multiple Window Handling
    • Alert & Pop Up Handling.
  2. Wait Commands in Selenium
    • Implicit Wait
    • Explicit Waits, Expected Conditions

Advanced Selenium

  1. Framework Designing
    • What is Framework
    • Different Types of Framework.
    • How to Design a framework?
    • Data-Driven Framework using Excel
      • Reading and writing data from Excel
      • Executing Testcases from Excel
  1. PyTest Framework
    • Introduction to PyTest framework
    • Installing PyTest
    • PyTest Fixtures
    • Parametrized Test Functions
    • Running multiple tests using PyTest
    • Generating Test report
  2. Unit Test Framework PyUnit
    • Basic of pyunit
    • PyUnit Installation
    • PyUnit annotation
    • Test Case creation 
    • Test Case execution
    • Assertions/Reporting Errors
    • Suite execution
    • PyUnit Reports
    • Using PyUnit in Selenium
  3. POM Framework
    • Advantages of POM
    • How to implement
    • Using Page Object and Page Factory
  4. Continuous Build Integration tools- Jenkins
    • What is Jenkins and how to use it
    • Installation and configuration of Jenkins

Front End Technologies

  1. HTML
    • Introduction and Basic Structure of HTML
    • Basics, Elements, Attributes
    • Paragraphs and Formatting
    • HTML Skeleton, Links, Images
    • HTML Tables, Blocks
    • HTML Lists, Quick List
    • HTML Blocks
    • HTML Layouts & Forms, IFrames
    • HTML Colors
  2. CSS
    • Introduction
    • Syntax
    • Id & Class
    • Backgrounds
    • Text and Fonts
    • Links and Lists
    • Box Model
    • Advanced Topics
    • Dimensions, Display
    • Positioning, Floating
    • Align
  3. JavaScript
    • Introduction
    • Statements & Comments
    • Variables
    • Operators and Comparisons
    • Conditional Statements and Loops
    • User Defined Functions
    • JS Objects
    • JS Validations
  4. Bootstrap
  • What is Bootstrap and its Setup
  • How to Create a Layout in Bootstrap
    • Grid Classes
  • Basic Tags in Bootstrap
    • Contextual colors and backgrounds
  • Table in Bootstrap
    • Bootstrap Basic Tables
    • Striped Rows, Hover Rows
    • Bordered Table, Condensed Table
    • Responsive Tables
  • Navigation bar in Bootstrap
    • Inverted Navigation Bar
    • Fixed Navigation Bar
    • Navigation Bar with Dropdown
    • Right-aligned Navigation Bar
    • Collapsing the Navigation Bar
  • Form & Buttons in Bootstrap
    • Vertical Form
    • Horizontal Form
    • Inline Form
    • Block Level Buttons
    • Active/Disabled Button

Database Handling with Python

  1. Python MySQL Database Access
    • Create Database Connection
    • DML and DDL Operations with Databases
    • Performing Transactions
    • Handling Database Errors
    • Disconnecting Database
  2. Database Handling with NoSQL DB
    • SQL vs NoSQL
    • MongoDB
    • PyMongo
    • Establishing a Connection
    • Accessing Database
    • DML and DDL Operations

Project Work

  • User Login and Registration site
  • Create an online Test evaluation system for Institute
  • Building an E-commerce site in Django

We are pleased to offer this course at minimal Python certification cost in India,
please call us at  +91 9552563869   for more details.

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Python Classes in Pune

Being a popular language and easy to learn, Python programming language ranks 3rd As per the survey of the TIOBE Index for February 2020. The demand of python developer is very high as it is a versatile language, considered instrumental in AI and data science, and highly recommended for coding in web development. Python being high-in-demand in streams like AI & Data Science, Web Development, DevOps, Cloud Computing, and Software Testing.

3RI Technologies provides python training in different modules from beginner to advance level in the following streams.

  • Python Programming – Basics and Advanced 
  • Python for Data Science 
  • Python for Automation Testing
  • Python for Cloud Computing and DevOps
  • Python for Web development

Students can choose any of the modules. Please refer syllabus for different modules of python training.

Are you looking for advance computer language courses to enhance your skills? If yes, then Python language is the perfect match for you. Python classes in Pune can be straightforward and convenient with 3RI Technologies. Although we all know that there are countless Python Training Institutes in and around Pune, there is something unique and one of a kind about 3RI Technologies. It grants preparation by showing theoretical ideas as well as offering hands-on involvement. What is more, it is due to these great hands-on Training which 3RI Technologies gives that its understudies can deal with Python-related undertakings productively at the organizations they get control over after course culmination.

Python Classes in Pune

Through the practical, viable sessions held at our training institute, you will be able to familiarize yourself with the most recent IT patterns and trends. Accordingly, you will get established into an exceptionally demand full Python proficient, all set to be contracted by top-class IT organizations. There is surely no dearth of training institutes offering Python Course in Pune, yet 3RI Technologies guarantees an inside and out advancement of its students in this field. The motivation behind why it is not advisable to get selected with any arbitrary Python Training Center is because there is no dearth of fake relief merchants nowadays.

What is more, you exploited on account of a single wrong step you take in your professional or academic life. 3RI Technologies comprehends your requests and expectations well and does every bit to help you with a brilliant IT career. Besides all this, 3RI Technologies provides flexible batch timings to all its students and tries to create batches according to the student’s convenience. 

The joy of coding Python should be in seeing short, concise, readable classes that express a lot of action in a small amount of clear code -- not in reams of trivial code that bores the reader to death.

Call for enquiring Python Course fees in Pune, at +91 9552563869

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What is Python?

Delve in the article below to understand all about Python is and what exactly the language does. Python is one of the high-level computer languages which has impressed the IT professionals significantly due to its extraordinary and incredible semantics. This course is an ideal choice for the development of a rapid application. Python is best known for its ability to build in data structures and its ability to facilitate typing and dynamic binding. Python is also known for its scripting language that improves existing component binding efficiency.  

And the best part about this language is its syntax, which isn’t really simple but incredibly easy to learn. Coding & Reading this language is a lot easier as compared to other computer languages. The language ensures a low cost of program maintenance and maintains high readability. The language also offers incredible productivity, of which software engineers appear to be head over heels in love with this computer language Python. This language is perfect for application and web advancement and is amazingly simple.

Apart from all the things mentioned above, the Python language has many more benefits and uses, which can advance the IT world. The bottom line is that this computer language is open to one and all. Most importantly, Python is open to one and all. And, if you can get a decent hang on the language, you will be a brew to make some astonishing things with it.

Why Choose 3RI Technologies for Python Training in Pune?

The stipulate of the python course is constantly developing. All things considered, it offers enormous and direct web designing knowledge. What’s more, since the growing use of applications is fantastically high nowadays, the demand for Python has likewise expanded parallel. And that is the exact reason for taking a python course at 3RI technologies Pune, which are profoundly advisable. We offer Classroom Training, Online Training, and Corporate guidance to intrigued competitors, and provide trustworthy Placement Assistance.

In today’s advanced technology world, we all know the importance of computer languages. Python is one such advanced computer language that can add extra value to your career. Python training in  Pune at 3RI technologies can help you build a bridge to grow your career. In today’s IT world, we at 3RI technologies incessantly put all our efforts to pinpoint and cover every micro information related to the python language. It is probably one of the reasons why 3RI technologies have earned the best name in the market and considered as one of the most reliable language training institutes in Pune. 3RI Technologies is one of the experts and a well-experienced training institute, giving the top Python classes in Pune with placement. We wish to see all our students reach untouchable heights in the IT field and have a fortune career. We make sure we leave none of the stone unturned, assuring the students with topmost Training to create great success stories and bring fame and name to themselves, as well as to their family and friends. 3RI Technologies is best known for its expert, knowledgeable, and incredibly experienced teaching staff (trainers) in Pune. We play a significant role in boosting our student’s skills with our astonishing language skills. With proper proficiency in practical’s and theories, we provide immense empirical knowledge along with time to time tests. Each student is given special attention to 3RI technologies. We train our students with a student-centric approach to teaching. We make sure every student understands the language and the teachings. Therefore, we have consistently been fruitful in guaranteeing acceptable learning results in students. 

Our courses are another motivation behind why students render us the best python training institute all over Pune. We are fit to a wide range of students and have structured, keeping up all the requirements, expectations, and standards of the industry from python-prepared individuals. We investigate every possibility to keep you at the front line of innovation and make sure that each minor piece of data you get from us is right and significant to the present-day world.

After the effective completion of the python certification course, you will certainly investigate all the professional prospects the field of Python holds. There are boundless openings for jobs for a python certified candidate. If that you wish you can do well as an IT proficient, then you can join any huge web development organization as well. Some of the top positions you can try for after completing python certification include Data Analyst, Software Developer, Software Engineer, Data Scientist, Research Analyst, and others. 


Python programming culture has responded resonantly towards the emerging demands of application development and web paradigms, including database management tasks. Python’s framework has designed as robust & flexible. The developers, however, need to gain insights into the functional interfaces that underpin its structures, interpreter, and library. A Python programmer must develop efficiency in the use of these functions, after which, deriving value as sought by the client, becomes easy. Practical Training and professional experience also play a significant role in determining the actual competence of the Python developer.

3RI organizes Python classes in Pune that have carefully designed as per the emergent demand trends in the market and the latest standards of the industry. Theoretical lessons are complemented with the practical Training modules so that learning and applicative potential maximized in a definite time schedule.

Python Training in Pune with Placement

Although Python professionals need not possess any official certification, skills refinement is always sought at its best. Python Training sessions designed to polish the existing capabilities so that responsiveness maintained without any gaps in value for the client. 3RI provides intensive Training on Python3 that is now widely accepted in the developers’ community worldwide. Python2 core topics also included ensuring the knowledge continuum for the fresher graduates!

Python Training in Pune at 3RI –

  • Python Overview and Basics
  • Python2 Versus Python3
  • Command Line Basics
  • Step By Step Installation Of Python
  • Running Python Codes
  • Python Object and Data Structures
  • Python Syntaxes
  • Python Numbers
  • Python Casting
  • Python Strings
  • Python Lists
  • Python Operators (Arithmetic, Comparison, Assignment, Logical, Identity, and others)
  • Python Tuples
  • Python Sets
  • Python Dictionaries
  • Python If Else
  • Python While Loops
  • Python For Loops
  • Python Functions
  • Python Lambda
  • Python Arrays
  • Python Classes
  • Python Inheritance
  • Python Iterators
  • Python RegEx
  • Python PIP
  • Python File Handling Tasks (Read, Write, Create & Delete Files)

Apart from the core Python topics that are of direct relevance to programming, 3RI also offers Training in methodologies that relied upon holistic value generation. ‘Python and MySQL’ tutorial is, therefore, included as a segment to ensure that learners develop skills to embed Python functionality into the databases for seamless operation of applications across the user platforms.

Special lectures and practical Training is imparted on ‘errors & exceptions’ so that the candidates acquire competence in syntaxes; & hence ensure the desired value of the project.


Python, as a programming language, has found demand and relevance in diverse niches of direct applicative significance. The developers make use of its tool kits and library to design applications of custom usage, and a variety of fields of social economy have benefited! Here is an overview of the spectrum advantages that are derived through Python –

  • Web design & development– Python has designated libraries that allow leveraging the latest web design and development protocols, and thus great ease is generated for the programmer. Dedicated functions exist in its library for HTML, FTP, IMAP, XML, JSON, and more.
  • GUI applications – app developers, design smart user interfaces by making use of Tk – a GUI library set. Among the highly ranked and trusted toolkits for GUI are wxWidgets, Kivy, and Qt through ‘pyqt’ and ‘PySide.’ The toolkits that are platform-specific include GTK+, Delphi, and others.
  • Software development – Python is a brilliant support platform for scripting software programs. The developers use Python tools like SCons, Buildbot, Roundup, Apache Gump, and Trac for build-control-manage and testing tasks while designing the software.
  • Database management – in Python, the customized and ODBC interface functions to MySQL, MS SQL Server, PostgresSQL, Oracle, and others let the developers design dynamically performing databases that behave seamlessly and in a resonant manner.
  • Scientific/numeric computations and analyses – Python’s dedicated toolkits like SciPy (allows data aggregation in mathematics, science, and engineering models), Pandas (allows smart data analyses), IPython (supports visualizations, editing, recording, and parallel computing processes) and NumPy (supports complex mathematical calculations). Software Carpentry Course teaches fundamental skills towards scientific computing and for running boot camps.
  • Business apps – design e-commerce and ERP portals through its platforms like Tryton! Another framework Odoo supports holistic business management through the in-built apps.
  • Education – Python has resonated well as a programming language for beginners, like in the schools. Simple to use toolkits and library framework generates core skills in the learners.
  • Recreational gaming and smart graphics – PyGame and PyKyra are the notable game development frameworks within Python. The developer also finds assistance through the 3D rendering tools in libraries.
  • Networking applications – Twisted Python (that supports asynchronous networking) finds complement through easy socket interfaces.

Besides, Python, due to its ease of accessibility and flexible usage, finds active demand among the DevOps professionals who work as a team and derive enhanced functionality for coding, testing, and operating the applications simultaneously. It saves time and cuts down the development cycle for the client.


‘Hands-on’ Training imparted to all candidates who enroll for the 3RI Python course in Pune. The takers get ample opportunities to polish their skills and develop a truly applicative insight into the Python development framework. Ongoing projects at 3RI are allowed to feed upon for the hands-on experience!


Practical Training sessions intended to unleash the real potential in any candidate who seeks to master Python concepts. The development of application skills is subject to actual usage in diverse orientations & this is secured only in a practical setup. Unless the candidates get a chance to use their theoretical knowledge in an applicative orientation, their understanding remains incomplete!

Python professionals also get acquainted with the trending paradigms in the Python development framework, which helps them to keep pace with the latest features that are being dynamically included towards deriving optimal value!

At 3RI Python Training in Pune, this ensured for the candidates through their involvement in the development teams that lead the real projects. Such an opportunity helps them to develop a finer grasp over the topics listed above.

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Batch Schedule

Schedule Your Batch at your convenient time.

31-Mar-24 | SAT-SUN 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM

15-Apr-24 | MON-FRI 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM

28-Apr-24 | SAT-SUN 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM

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Will I Get Certified?

Upon successfully completing this program, you’ll earn a certificate.

The 3RI certification is accepted and respected by every significant multinational company across the nation. Fresh graduates and corporate trainees are eligible for the assistance. We offer certificate once the academic and practical courses have been finished. The certification that we offer here at 3RI is recognized across the country. The value of your resume will grow as a result. With the assistance of this qualification, you will be able to obtain prominent employment posts in the most successful multinational corporations in the country. The completion of our course as well as the projects that are based on practical application, are prerequisites for receiving the certificate.



Most frequent questions and answers
Yes, we provide placement assistance to our students. We have a dedicated team for Placement and tie ups with 300+ MNC’s and SME companies.

Candidates who are looking for a bright future in IT and would like to be on the top of the IT World can start from basic python programming.

Python Programming is very easy, readable and it’s execution is much faster. Wherever rapid coding is needed python programming comes on no.1.
Freshers who would like to make their career into Machine Learning , Data Science, Full Stack Development, Cloud Computing, DevOps, Robotics, Industry Automation, Automation Testing Tool can start from Basic python course in pune.

Mechanical Engineers who are in a state of confusion, who are seeing the future of mechanical industries is not great and would like to get into IT, but afraid of coding can start learning Python first, once they get confidence on programming because of Python easy programming characteristics, they can go ahead and plan for a profile based courses.

Working professionals who are working in project coordination, os administration, L1,L2,L3 support, incident management tools, services now, production support, application support, middleware, manual testing, change, plan and release management, people who are working somewhere between the clouds and DevOps environment can take python training in pune and start making their career in different profile as mentioned.

People who are doing higher studies like MPhil, PhD in Microbiology, human anatomy, bioinformatics etc.. can also take python training in pune, it will be helpful for them to write down their algorithms in for dissertation project work and make things easier.

Python can be learned in n number of profile based courses, Python can be bundled in Data Science, Cloud Computing, Automation etc.

Initially anyone who is new to coding should start from Basic Python course, once they will be comfortable in programming and will get a faith on their programming skills should go ahead and learn the profiles which are based on Python.

People who already have a basic knowledge of programming can directly go for a profile based course like Full Stack Development in Python or Data Science with Python or Automation Testing Selenium with Python.It should be understood in this way, now a days Python is not optional but compulsory for everyone who is in the IT field.

The course can be taken accordingly, Basic Python is not sufficient, but after doing this you can easily take a decision in which the main stream you should make your profile.

Easy coding practice is a very important key factor to make Python so popular and demanding now a days. Experts say that writing python code is as simple as writing English, it has thousands of libraries and functions which makes the tasks easier, there is no complicated syntax and hence easy to debug the existing warning or errors.

Python course can be useful in multiple job profiles, now a days if you see on any job description for cloud engineer, DevOps engineer, web developer, android developer, automation test engineer, industry automation engineer, os maintenance job profile, everywhere you will be getting the need of Python programming.

Reason is simple and logical, since python makes things easier and simpler as compared to Java or any other programming language everyone wants to adopt it, python can be used as programming and writing a complete application , writing an API and communication to the os, writing job scripts for automating tasks. In short Python is a technology which is easy to write, maintain and debug and hence it is getting adopted by the complete world. In fact google itself used 60% of python programming to write their own applications.

So, python course in pune can be helpful

Python is very much in demand and hence everyone would like to learn python course in pune, here let us make it clear that python is none other than a basic programming language. It is a programming language which is based on all basic programming concepts used earlier and it is also based on Object Oriented Programming concepts. Learning Basic Python can be taught in the span of one to 1nd and a half month, daily or during the weekends.

Python is a general-purpose programming language designed with integrated dynamic semantics used for app and web development. It is highly applicable in Rapid Application Development as it ensures dynamic binding and typing options. It is simple and easy to learn. Since there is a need for a unique syntax, but it is relevant for readability only. Moreover, developers feel flawless to read and translate Python code as opposed to other languages.

The pros of using python language are it reduces the cost associated with the maintenance and development of programs as it permits teams to work together without experiencing any language barrier.

Besides, Python activates the need for modules and packages, and it means that programs can design and use in a modular manner, and code can be reused in different projects. Concisely, it is the best option used in programming as once a module or package developed by Python, and it can be used in other projects and either can import or export as required.

Python is a programming language that applies to nearly everything. It is also titled as an interpreted language as the written code doesn’t need to convert to a computer-readable format during the runtime. The fact, most programming languages need to convert before programming.

The scripting language is another name of Python, as it is highly applicable in Python.

3RI is the best destination in Pune offers the training of learning Python language. We provide complete courses to beginners and also upgrades the skills of professionals. We commence from the general introduction to programming towards teaching about how to apply Python to fetch data from the web and how to work with distinct databases. Our course also includes the concepts of how Python is used for managing large datasets.

Briefly, 3RI Tech will make you able to learn different skills and tracks for Python. We offer multiple courses in this domain, be it a data analytics, programming, or data science. We ensure each course in Python in a comprehensive manner in terms of offering videos, interactive exercises, and quizzes that make the learning process engaging and straightforward.

  • Hired the professional experts in Python
  • Provide a thorough and depth understanding of this language.
  • Offer interactive exercises, quizzes, and videos to make your learning easier.
  • Presenting Python training for beginners and professionals.
  • Ensures the Python training at a reasonable cost.

Since you realized that Python expert has a vast future in software companies, but you are confused to think that whether you profile is suitable for this job or not.

Yup! You can learn python language without learning other programming languages. It is easy to understand and learn as its scripts are in a human-readable format.

Briefly, it can be offered to newbies in the field of programming, as well. However, the provider of this language should be worthy as it needs thorough knowledge and training. The training part is highly significant as it makes the Python learners seamlessly able to handle projects related to Python. Thus, you can start your career in Python language, even though you are not an expert in other languages.

Since you determined to learn the Python programming language, there are ample opportunities where you can commence your career. Basically, grabbing a Python certification will give you a sought after jobs in the entire programming domain. You will get shortlisted by profiles like:

  • Data Scientist
  • Python Developer
  • Data Analyst
  • Research Analyst
  • Software Engineer
  • Software Developer

Not only in India, however, in other countries like the USA, but the scope of Python language is also infinite. In the top software companies, many vacancies are opened with this job profile, where the packages are very high also. However, thorough skills and experience are required to fill up this job. Thus, you can take this career for your bright future.

Python is an easy-to-understand, high-level, general-purpose programming language that can be used to tackle a variety of problems!

Python is a useful programming language for various applications due to its simple syntax, high readability, and portability between operating systems.

Programming in Python is a skill that can be applied in practically every industry and in professions that extend far beyond software development.
Python-based technologies drive innovation and innovative solutions from the financial, healthcare, and insurance sectors to the aerospace and entertainment industries.

Let’s examine several industries that employ Python extensively:

  • Finance:  Data mining to identify cross-sell opportunities
  • Healthcare: Predicting the prognosis of diseases
  • Insurance: Using machine learning to create business insights
  • Business Services: Financial data access via API
  • Aerospace: Meeting deadlines for software systems
  • Retail Banking: Flexible data transformation and manipulation
  • Hardware: Network administration automation
  • InfoTech: Modernizing IT
  • Consulting Services: Tailored Website Design
  • Software: Adding flexibility to legacy application 

Why Is Python Needed In Industry?

  • Cost Of Possession
  • Python is an open-source, freely downloadable programme.
  • Python is the official language of Google, which gives the language a competitive advantage through free advertising and strong library support. Thus, Google APIs are developed in Python, and various businesses are urged to utilize the language more.
  • Versatility: It can be handled procedurally, object-oriented, or functionally.
  • Multipurpose can be used to construct a complete application.
  • It utilizes an interpretive system.


 Python is currently the most popular programming language among developers. As the demand for Python has expanded, it has become a field that professionals should investigate. The popularity of the high-level programming language is increasing due to its accessibility and clear syntax. This is why the number of Python classes in Pune continues to rise. Nonetheless, many assume that being a Python developer is the only professional option accessible.

Python provides experts with a variety of employment alternatives. This is a listing.

  1. Machine Learning Engineer – Python-savvy individuals will be preferred. Machine learning engineers create and train computer systems to predict. Data automation and algorithms make Python excellent for this profession.
  2. Python Web Developer – Python developers write server-side web application logic. Python web developers create back-end components, integrate third-party web services, and support front-end developers by integrating their work with the Python programme.
  3. Data Analyst – Python is often used to generate and manage data structures swiftly. Pandas have several tools to modify, analyse, and depict data structures and complicated datasets. Python/R lets you develop data analysis algorithms that can be integrated into your business intelligence products via API.
  4. Python Developer – Python developer is the best job after learning Python. Python developers code, create, deploy, and debug server-side projects (or back-end). They may also aid firms with their technology framework.
  5. Product Manager – Product Managers constantly evaluate user data and audience behaviour to inform product decisions. Python may be utilised to evaluate data efficiently and make intelligent business decisions.
  • Extensive Standard Library – Python differs from other programming languages because it contains a solid and sizable standard library. You can choose from various modules, operations, and web service tools in its standard library to utilise in your applications without writing any more code.

  • Cost-Effective Method – Python is an open-source programming language. Therefore there are no licencing costs associated with its use. This makes Python the most sensible and cost-effective option for businesses.
    It provides a variety of open-source frameworks, development tools, and libraries that considerably cut development time and cost.Anyone looking for a python course in Pune with placement can find the greatest resources at 3RI Technologies.

  • Integration with Major Platforms – Python is an interpretable programming language compatible with multiple operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and Mac. Without recompilation, Python code can execute on any of the supported systems. This facilitates the developers’ work.

  • Multiple Project Development Frameworks – Numerous sophisticated Python frameworks, including Django, Pyramid, Flask, Bottle, and Cherrypy, are suitable for creating dynamic, intuitive, and engaging web and mobile apps. Python GUI frameworks and toolkits, such as PyJs, PyGUI, PyQT, Kivy, PyGTK, and WxPython, are extremely beneficial for developing apps at a faster rate and a lower cost.

  • The Code is Simple to Read, Use, and Maintain – Python is a great programming language that employs simple codes. Python’s programming codes contain abundant English terms and punctuation, making it easy for developers to read the code when necessary.

  • Versatile Programming Methodologies – Python supports several programming paradigms, including object-oriented programming and structured programming, among others. Some Python features employ functional and aspect-oriented programming paradigms. Python additionally provides automatic memory management and a dynamic type system.

Python is a highly popular programming language that is gradually gaining significance. Python is well recognised as a potent programming language with numerous excellent features. Overall, the programming language is advantageous to developers because of its simplicity. Python is utilised by many programmers and organisations to address technological challenges. Therefore, let’s examine the most demanding field it offers aspirants today.


  •  Data Scientist – Data scientists must efficiently use the company’s data libraries to uncover trends and make predictions. Python has swiftly become the go-to language for data science because of its ability to automate and analyse data fields. Furthermore, this is one of the most in-demand Python fields in the IT business, offering lucrative packages.


  • AI/ML Researcher – The most exciting job option available to you as a Python coder is in artificial intelligence and machine learning. These sectors at the vanguard of the technology industry use drastically different approaches to software architecture, design, and development. Computers replicate the human brain by acquiring intelligence (including natural language processing) through exposure to the actual world. Moreover, this is the second most in-demand Python field after Data Scientist.


Therefore, 3RI technologies are the best option if you intend to enrol in python training in Pune.

Being a Python developer is an excellent career option, mostly due to the growing demand for Python developers in various industries. Numerous prominent firms use Python, like Google and Facebook, and its average annual income is approximately USD 120,000. Here is a list of the top  Indian organisations that offer competitive salaries to Python developers.

  1. Cognitive Clouds
  2. Aubergine Solutions
  3. The Ninehertz
  4. Alliance Tak
  5. Experion Technologies
  6. Capital Numbers

Additionally, Python developers are employed by numerous freelance websites like Upwork and freelancer. Typically, developers on these platforms bill by the hour.

Python is one of the simplest programming languages to master. Although anyone can learn Python programming, even if they’ve never written a single line of Python code before, you should expect it to be time-consuming and frustrating. Python has been used by many non-programmers, such as accountants and scientists, for various common jobs, such as arranging finances, because it is very simple to learn. Therefore, everyone can code in Python, regardless of their IT background. Python programming requires a strong willingness to do so. Even frequently, entry-level or field-changing applicants perform exceptionally well in Python Coding. Therefore, if you are looking for the best Python classes in Pune with placement, 3RI technologies are the ideal option.

 Python could be your first step toward reaching the pinnacle of your profession. However, unless you study a profile-based technology like data science, automation testing, cloud computing, and DevOps, it cannot make you employable. Once you have a solid understanding of Python’s fundamentals, you can use those skills to start a fantastic career in the rapidly growing field of data science. Even better, as more machine learning applications are developed daily, Python programmers will be in high demand, which will help your career.

Thus, once you study Python, having a solid educational foundation, other soft skills, and knowledge of python essentials will all be beneficial. What else must a Python student do to find employment?

  • Web development requires knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Without these skills, it is difficult to understand Python frameworks such as Flask, Django, etc.
  • Fundamental knowledge of Database(SQL) is necessary. You should be able to create a table, perform queries, combine data from multiple tables, etc.
  • You need to understand mathematical modeling to work as an ML developer thoroughly.
  • You need to be familiar with full-stack software development, whether your goal is to work as a front-end developer or a database administrator.It’s important to comprehend how the front end, back end, and database are related.

If you wish to become a Python developer and are searching for a Python course in Pune, 3RI technologies are the finest institution to enrol in.

AI initiatives are distinct from regular software development initiatives. The three primary differentiating factors are the technological stack, the talents necessary for an AI-based project, and the necessity for extensive research. To implement your artificial intelligence ideas, choose a programming language that is dependable, flexible, and provides you with resources. Python offers all of these features, which is why so many AI applications are created using it nowadays.

Python is a programming language that assists developers at every stage of software creation, from development to deployment to maintenance, to increase productivity and security. Python is the best option for AI and ML-based projects because of its consistency, ease of use, and access to top-notch libraries and frameworks. Its big community, platform independence, and community-based libraries are just a few more advantages.

Reasons Why Python Is Best To Learn Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence

  • Simple And Consistent

Python has code that is short and easy to understand. AI and machine learning are based on complicated algorithms and workflows, but Python makes it easy for developers to write reliable systems. Developers don’t have to worry about the technical details of the language. Instead, they can concentrate on resolving an ML issue. Thus, if you want Python training in Pune, 3RI Technologies is the perfect place to obtain an in-depth understanding.

  • A Large Number of Libraries and Frameworks

AI and ML algorithm implementation can be complicated and time-consuming. Developers must have a well-structured and well-tested environment to produce the most effective coding solutions.

Programmers utilize many Python frameworks and libraries to minimize development time. A library of pre-written code is what programmers utilize to do typical programming tasks. Due to its strong technology stack, Python offers a comprehensive library for artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Python is an ideal language for AI and machine learning, according to our experience as Python programmers. Python is suitable for AI if you have yet to figure it out. Alternatively, if you wish to mix Python and machine learning in your product, please get in touch with us for guidance and help.

There are various job opportunity choices available after learning Python.

Web Programming with Python
One of the most famous jobs in the programming world is web development. Many computer languages, like Python, can be used to make web applications.

Python has two main web programming frameworks to help us make web apps: Django and Flask.

If you are searching best Python training in Pune, 3RI Technologies is the best institute.

Machine Learning with Python
Machine learning is a very famous field right now, and it is one of the main reasons Python is becoming increasingly popular. We all know that Python is the language most often used for machine learning.

Python Full Stack Developer
A Python Full Stack Developer position falls in between entry-level and mid-level. Full-stack developers have forepart and side skills and must employ Python on the back end.

So if you want to learn Python and look at Python classes in Pune, 3RI Technologies can be the ideal institute.

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Pune is considered a paradise for scholars

A recent survey determined that Pune, India’s second-largest information technology hub and leading automobile and manufacturing production centre, is the country’s most livable city. The population of the urban region surrounding Pune was counted at 5.05 million during the census that was conducted in 2011. However, projections for the year 2020 indicate that the population will be close to 7.4 million.
In addition, Savitribai Phule and Fatima Sheikh established the first school in India to be administered exclusively by female students in Pune. As a result, the city has developed into a vital centre for the education industry in the most recent decade. Students and professionals in information technology, education, management, and training come from around the world to study at the many research institutes in Pune.
Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) was established in 1949 as a public state university. It encompasses a 411-acre campus. A wide variety of undergraduate, graduate and doctorate programs are available to students. Courses at Savitribai Phule Pune University are available at various levels, including Undergraduate Degrees (e.g., B.Com, in Physics, etc.), Postgraduate Degrees (e.g., MBA, MCA,, M.Sc. in Zoology, etc.), Law Degree (e.g. BA-LLB, LLB), Pharmacy Degree (e.g. B.Pharm, M. Pharma), and Doctoral levels, among others.
The city of Pune contributes approximately $48 billion to the GDP (PPP). With a total area of 15.642 square kilometres, the city of Pune is located on the western edge of the Deccan plateau. In addition to its well-known historical and ancestral significance, the city of Pune is home to several tourist attractions, including picturesque natural settings, gardens, museums, parks, forts, and lake vistas, among other things. The following are the most popular tourist destinations of  Pune :

Some of the most visited places of Pune are: 

3RI Technologies is a well-known place where people who want to become professionals can take Software Development Courses. Our courses will help you learn how to use Cloud Computing, Web technologies, Data Science, DevOps, Power BI, Software testing, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning technologies. You will do things yourself to get a clear picture.