Full Stack Python Online Certification Training


Python Full Stack Developer Training & Certification courses at 3RI Technologies are designed according to the requirements of industry standards and standards of the latest practices by our industry experts with considerable experience in the full-stack development domain. Web application and website development in Python is a full-stack process. Python is a powerful and versatile programming language that can help you build dynamic websites, web applications, and much more.

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Key Features

Course Duration : 4 Months

Real-Time Projects : 2

Online Live Training

EMI Option Available

Certification & Job Assistance

24 x 7 Lifetime Support

Our Industry Expert Trainer

We are a team of 10+ Years of Industry Experienced Trainers, who conduct the training with real-time scenarios.
The Global Certified Trainers are Excellent in knowledge and highly professionals.
The Trainers follow the Project-Based Learning Method in the Interactive sessions.

Full Stack Python Online Training Overview

About Full Stack Python Online Course

3RI Technologies is one of the industry-leading project-based full-stack python web development online training. We ensure Job Assistance and assistance as well. This full-stack web developer training online is designed with all the technology learning’s in-depth, real-time projects, and scenario-based training is also provided.

What is Full-stack Python Web Development?

A stack is a combination of multiple technologies, frameworks, and tools concerned with Python programming language. Full-stack web development is a website development specialization where you will learn about developing the website from start to end. The package and the hiking process are more for a python full stack developer as they have profound knowledge about both front-end development and back-end development.

Why Full-stack Python Web Development?

Whenever a developer wants to build any application or web development, they always prefer Python as a programming language. It has some very famous frameworks like Django, which is more efficient, readable, and more. And the most important thing is that Python is the most accessible language to learn and understand.

And as we all know, present businesses are moving more towards online marketing and increasing their business promotions, resulting in more and more website development. Hence, if you are willing to start your career as a full-stack python web developer, this is the most enhanced field for you as this will help you develop your skills, upgrade your job, and secure it for a lifetime.

Course Features

Key Features

  • job assistance
  • Flexible timings
  • Real-time projects and scenarios
  • Additional self-development sessions
  • 24/7 access and support
  • Live sessions
  • Interactive sessions


  • 40-50 Hours


    • There are no Pre-requisites for this course.
    • A Basic Knowledge of Programming Language is Advantageous.


  • Freshers/Graduates

Skills Required

0 +
24x7 Support and Access
120 to 150 Hrs Course Duration
120- 0
Extra Activities, Sessions
0 %

Full Stack Python Online Course Syllabus

Best in Class Content by Leading Faculty & Industry Leaders in the form of Videos, Cases and Projects, Assignments and Live Sessions.

Basic Foundation Course

1. Programming Basics

    • Fundamentals of Computer
    • Understanding Applications
    • Using Windows Explorer & File Structure
    • Number Systems
    • Application Software

2. Operating System & Networking

    • Need for operating system
    • Functions of Operating System
    • Process Management
    • Memory Management
    • File Management
    • Device Management
    • Types of operating system
    • TCP/IP fundamentals
    • Networks and computer networks
    • 2 tier, 3 tier and n-tier architecture

3. C Language

    • Introduction to C
    • Keywords, Constants and Variables
    • Data Types in C
    • Operator and Expressions
    • Control Structure
    • Functions
    • Arrays
    • Structure
    • Preprocessor Directives
    • Dynamic Memory Allocation

4. Object-Oriented Concepts using C++

    • Introduction to OOPs
    • Beginning with C++
    • Functionsin cpp
      • Default arguments
      • inline functions)
      • reference variable
    • Class, Objects Basics
    • Constructor, Data Members
    • Destructors
    • Operator Overloading
    • Inheritance
    • Overriding
    • Dynamic memory allocation

5. Linux Foundations

    • Introduction to UNIX and its flavours
    • UNIX architecture
    • File System
    • User and Group Policies
    • Unix general commands
    • Concept of Files and Directories in Unix
    • File Permission and related commands
    • Filter Commands and their options
    • Vi Editor

6. Introduction to Database Management Systems

    • Introduction to Database
    • DDL, DML, DCL, TCL
    • Data types
    • SELECT Statement
    • Restricting and Sorting Data
    • Aggregating Data using Group Functions
    • Manipulating Data
    • Sub queries
    • Important Functions
    • Joins and different types
Front End Technologies


  1. Introduction and Basic Structure of HTML
  2. Basics, Elements, Attributes
  3. Paragraphs and Formatting
  4. HTML Skeleton, Links, Images
  5. HTML Tables, Blocks
  6. HTML Lists, Quick List
  7. HTML Blocks
  8. HTML Layouts & Forms, IFrames
  9. HTML Colors
  10. HTML5 Intro
  11. HTML5 Video &HTML5 Audio
  12. HTML5 Input Types
  13. HTML5 Form Attributes

2. CSS

  1. Introduction
  2. Syntax
  3. Id & Class
  4. Backgrounds
  5. Text and Fonts
  6. Links and Lists
  7. Box Model
  8. Advanced Topics

    • Dimensions, Display
    • Positioning, Floating
    • Align
  9. CSS3 Borders

  10. CSS3 Backgrounds

  11. CSS3 Text Effects

  12. CSS3 Fonts

3. JavaScript & JQuery

  1. JavaScript
    • Introduction
    • Statements & Comments
    • Variables
    • Operators and Comparisons
    • Conditional Statements and Loops
    • User Defined Functions
    • JS Objects
    • JS Validations
  2. JQuery
    • Introduction
    • JQuery Syntax
    • jQuery Selectors
  3. jQuery Events
  4. jQuery Effects
    • jQuery Hide/Show
    • jQuery Fade
    • jQuery Slide
    • jQuery Stop()
    • jQuery callback
  5. jQuery HTML
    • jQuery Get/Set
    • jQuery Add/Remove
    • jQuery CSS Classes

4. Bootstrap

  1. What is Bootstrap and its Setup
  2. How to Create a Layout in Bootstrap
    • Grid Classes
  3. Basic Tags in Bootstrap
    • Contextual colors and backgrounds
  4. Table in Bootstrap
    • Bootstrap Basic Tables
    • Striped Rows, Hover Rows
    • Bordered Table, Condensed Table
    • Contextual Classes
    • Responsive Tables
  5. Navigation bar in Bootstrap
    • Inverted Navigation Bar
    • Fixed Navigation Bar
    • Navigation Bar with Dropdown
    • Right-aligned Navigation Bar
    • Collapsing the Navigation Bar
  6. Form in Bootstrap
    • Vertical Form
    • Horizontal Form
    • Inline Form
  7. Buttons in Bootstrap
    • Button Styles
    • Button Sizes
    • Block Level Buttons
    • Active/Disabled Buttons
  8. Images in Bootstrap
    • Rounded Corners Image
    • Circle Image
    • Thumbnail Image
Python - Back End Technologies
  1. Introduction to Python
  • Why Python , its Unique Feature and where to use it?
  • Python environment Setup
  • Discuss about IDE’s like IDLE, Pycharm and Enthought Canopy
  • Start programming on interactive shell.
  • Python Identifiers, Keywords
  • Discussion about installed module s and packages
  • Access Command line arguments within programs
  1. Conditional Statement, Loopsand File Handling
  • Python Data Types and Variable
  • Condition and Loops in Python
  • Decorators
  • Python Modules & Packages
  • Python Files and Directories manipulations
  • Use various files and directory functions for OS operations
  1. Python Core Objects and Functions
  • Built in modules (Library Functions)
  • Numeric and Math’s Module
  • String/List/Dictionaries/Tuple
  • Complex Data structures in Python
  • Arbitrary data types and their Data Structure
  • Python built in function
  • Python user defined functions
  • Python packages and functions
  • The anonymous Functions – Lambda Functions
  1. Object Oriented Python
  • OOPs Concepts
  • Object , Classes and Destroying Objects
  • Accessing attributes, Built-In Class Attributes
  • Inheritance and Polymorphism
  • Overriding Methods, Data Hiding
  • Overloading Operators
  1. Exception Handling in Python
  • Exceptions Handling
  • Handling various exceptions using try….except…else
  • Try-finally clause
  • Argument of an Exception and create self exception class
  • Python Standard Exceptions
  • Raising an exceptions, User-Defined Exceptions
  • Yielding from the generators
  • Standard project setup in Python
  1. Regular Expression
  • Regular Expressions
  • What are regular expressions?
  • The match and search Function
  • Compile and matching
  • Matching vssearching
  • Search and Replace feature using RE
  • Extended Regular Expressions
  • Wildcard characters and work with them
  1. Modules & Packages
  • Modules
  • How to import a module?
  • Packages
  • How to create packages
  1. File Handling
  • Writing data to a file
  • Reading data from a file
  • Read and Write data from csv file
  • OS module
  • Rename and Removing files, directories


Database Handling with Python

  1. Python MySQL Database Access
  • Create Database Connection
  • DML and DDL Operations with Databases
  • Performing Transactions
  • Handling Database Errors
  • Disconnecting Database
  1. Database Handling with NoSQL DB
  • SQL vsNoSQL
  • MongoDB
  • PyMongo

    • Establishing a Connection
    • Accessing Database
    • DML and DDL Operations

Web Based Python Framework

  1. Django Framework
  • Introduction to Django
  • How to create Django App
  • Url Mapping
  • Templates
  • Introduction to static file
  • Django Model Overview
  • Creating model
  • Model template view creation
  • Django forms and validation
  • Relative Url with Template
  1. The Django Administration Site
  • Activating the Admin Interface
  • Using the Admin Interface
  • Users, Groups, and Permissions
  1. Form Processing
  • DjangoForms
  • Form Validation
  • Model Forms
  • Relative URLs with Templates 
  • Relative URLs Coding Examples
  1. Views and Templates
  • URL Template Inheritance
  • Template Inheritance Coding Example
  • Quick Note on Custom Template Filters
  • Template Filters and Custom Filters
  • Template Filters Coding Examples
  • Django Passwords
  • Deploying Django Framework
  1. Interacting with a Database: Models
  • Overview of Models,
  • Creating Models
  • Configuring the Database
  • Your First App
  • Using Django with MySQL.
  • Population Scripts
  • Models-Templates-Views Paradigm
  • Inserting and Updating Data
  • Selecting Objects
  • Deleting Objects
  1. Working with Session 
  • Get session
  • Set session
  • Session attributes
  • Methods in session
GIT: Complete Overview
  1. Introduction to Git& Distributed Version Control
  2. Types of Version Control System
  3. Life Cycle
  4. Create clone & commit Operations
  5. Push & Update Operations
  6. Stash, Move, Rename & Delete Operations.
Project Work
  1. User Login and Registration site
  2. Create an online Test evaluation system for Institute
  3. Building an E commerce site in Django
Soft Skills

1. Self Analysis

    • Know yourself
    • Personality types
    • Areas of interest

2. Self Discovery

    • SWOT Analysis – strength, weakness, opportunities, threats

3. Goal Setting

    • Short-term plan
    • Long-term plan
    • Effective Time-management

4. Effective Self Presentation

    • Personal grooming, Dressing, Hygiene

5. Effective Communication

    • Verbal – Language
    • Voice modulation – Tone, Pitch
    • Clarity of Speech
    • Listening skills – Active Listening, Selective Listening
    • Written communication – general business correspondence

6. Email Etiquette

7. Body Language

    • Understanding non-verbal communication
    • Postures, Gestures, Eye contact

8. Tips to prepare impressive Resume

9. Tips for Group Discussion

10. Handling Telephonic interview

11. Mock – Technical interview

12. Mock – Personal Interview (PI)

13. Office Etiquettes and Mannerisms


1. Quantitative Aptitude

    • Number Systems
    • LCM and HCF
    • Percentages
    • Profit, Loss, and Discount
    • Interest (Simple and Compound)
    • Speed, Time and Distance
    • Ratio and Proportion
    • Probability
    • Permutation & Combination
    • Time and Work
    • Heights and Distances

2. Logical Reasoning

    • Number and Letter Series
    • Calendars
    • Clocks
    • Logical Sequence
    • Blood Relations

3. Algebra

    • Linear Equations
    • Quadratic Equations
    • Higher Degree Equations

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Industry Projects

Learn through real-life industry projects sponsored by top companies across industries

Dedicated Industry Experts Mentors

Receive 1:1 career counselling sessions & mock interviews with hiring managers. Further your career with our 300+ hiring partners.

Batch Schedule

Schedule Your Batch at your convenient time.

29-June-24 | SAT-SUN 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM

08-July-24 | MON-FRI 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM

27-July-24 | SAT-SUN 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM

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Will I Get Certified?

Upon successfully completing this program, you’ll earn a certificate.

The 3RI certification is accepted and respected by every significant multinational company across the nation. Fresh graduates and corporate trainees are eligible for the assistance. We offer certificate once the academic and practical courses have been finished. The certification that we offer here at 3RI is recognized across the country. The value of your resume will grow as a result. With the assistance of this qualification, you will be able to obtain prominent employment posts in the most successful multinational corporations in the country. The completion of our course as well as the projects that are based on practical application, are prerequisites for receiving the certificate.


Full Stack Python Online Course Certification

Certification Overview

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Frequently Asked Questions

1.How many days will it take to learn full-stack Python online training?

It all depends on the batches you prefer to go with. This full-stack developer online course will take around 2 to 2 and a half months to complete tentatively.

2. What are the pre-requisites required to start this python full stack online training?

To apply for this full-stack online training, most at least have the necessary knowledge about what data structure, programming language, OOPs, and web fundamentals are.

3. Why learn Full Stack Web Development with Python training from 3RI Technologies?

3RI Technologies provides you with the best online study materials and sessions, which will help you understand things faster. You will also get hands-on all the real-time projects and scenarios that occurred in the present industry. With this, our instructors are so well experienced that they will help you with all the problems and issues you face during your practice in theory and practices work as well.

We also provide placement assistance after the full stack online course is completed.

4. What are the different modes of training that 3RI Technologies provides?

There are two different modes of training for full-stack web development online course, they are:

  • Classroom Training
  • Online Training

The same instructors conducted both the training and the study material provided is also the same. So anything comfortable for you, you can go for that training process.

5. Is Full Stack Web Development with Python good for a career?

A full-stack web developer needs to have excellent knowledge about both front-end and back-end development. And hence, this profile goes more in demand with higher salary packages and hiking. So if you want to go with this full stack developer online training with Python, this is the right platform for you to hone your development skills, and choosing this career path will add great colors to your future professional life.

6. What jobs will a full stack development course prepare me for?

Completing this full stack web developer course will allow you to experience working on different tools and learn the various roles a developer handles. And the main jobs you can apply for are:

  • A full-stack python application developer
  • Front-end developer
  • Back-end developer
  • Software Engineer
  • Web application development

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