Software Testing Course in Pune

Job Oriented Training

This course is aimed to provide a thorough understanding of all software testing modules, from manual to Advanced Automation Testing. This course provides Selenium Automation Tool training from Industry Expert Trainer, all of which are based on a Real-Scenario-based Project and offer Placement Assistance. The ISTQB Certification for Software Testing is covered, and it is a highly sought-after profession in the IT industry, with both freshers and experienced individuals interested in a career as Software Testing Professional.


Course Duration

5 Months

Live Project

2 Project



Training Format

Live Online /Self-Paced/Classroom


Trainings Conducted
0 +
Batches Completed
0 +
Companies Tie-ups
0 +
Students Placed
0 +
Corporate Trainings
0 +

Nothing stops you from learning

We provide EMI facility for you 

EMI Plan Registration Percent
0% Interest
On Registration
1st installment - 1st month of joining
2nd installment - 2nd month

Key Features

Course Duration : 5 months

Project Based Learning

Certification & Job Assistance

Real-Time Projects : 2

EMI Option Available

24 x 7 Support

Free Career Counselling

Overview - Software Testing Classes in Pune

Software Testing Classes in Pune

3RI Technologies is offering one of the Best Software Testing Course with Job Assistance. This program is delivered to students for three months and make sure that they become employable after the course completion. Our software testing training course covers basics to advanced level of software testing; we also cover automation testing tools like Selenium in this course. Software testing being quite a sought out job in the IT industry has a lot of opportunities in the market, and our dedicated placement cell makes sure that we provide ample amount of calls to the candidates and make them employable.

Our Software testing Diploma course specially designed for students who have just graduated from colleges and are looking forward to making a career in Testing Industry. We work closely with candidates, analyze them through various assignments, and work on live projects. Our testing course also includes helping students for interviews through mock interviews, soft skill sessions, and aptitude sessions by industry experts.

Enroll for job oriented software testing course at 3RI in Pune

3RI is the leading institute offering a software testing course in Pune. Our software testing course designed to meet the quality demands of modern age applications and software suites. Software testing has been a legacy field and has grown in substance and techniques over the decades. The frontline application software is not simple but interface across the devices and platforms, including the dynamic databases. Therefore robust and multidimensional software testing needs to be done to ensure seamless operation and hence satisfaction on the part of the end-users! Our diploma in software testing is a well-charted program that covers all the topics of relevance and touches upon the latest testing practices of industry apart from the basics of the subject. It makes us the preferred banner in the segment of job oriented courses in software testing in Pune and entire India! 

Scope of software testing 

Software testing is a field of practice, and the knowledge is accrued gradually through the experience that a tester accumulates during his career. However, the matrix of software testing has developed a code of knowledge along with the standards and techniques to ensure the best results and concurrence with stakeholders’ requirements. With the testers responding towards the rising demands, the scope of software testing service has not only expanded, but it has also assumed prime significance, especially if the viability and overall competitive value ensured for any software application. A course of software testing becomes the pre-requisite for the aspirants who can get acquainted with the core concepts and practices of the field and thus find acceptance as a professional in the software testing space that is getting complex and specialized. 

Why seek software testing training at 3RI?

 At 3RI, software training in Pune is delivered in a classroom environment that enhances the practical learning capacity of the candidates. We have endeavored to maintain the quality of our course and curriculum so that it matches the widening scope and professional requirements without any gaps. Every module is designed with care and is continuously revised to incorporate the new techniques of software testing. It ensures frontline skills development in the takers and, therefore, also makes them eligible for the best job listings in India and around the world. 

The classes are run by an expert who is possessing long experience in software design and testing. They also cater to the queries and questions of the learners to ensure clarity on the concepts and better insights into software testing knowledge. All the candidates are given a chance to become part of the development & testing teams on board 3RI. It allows them to get ‘hands-on’ training experience, and thus enriched learning is assured. 

Software testing course at 3RI – An overview

The software testing course at 3RI is a comprehensive and robust curriculum that modeled as per the latest demands of the industry. The aim is to address the dimensions of the core and peripheral relevance so that holistic capacity building achieved in the learners. Here are the aspects that worked upon during the tutorials and practical sessions – 

Software application performance and bugs identification – it is the core task of every software tester to examine and find out the bugs, errors, and discrepancies that are responsible for generating performance issues. The reported bugs then fixed to ensure performance optimization and glitch-free operation. 

I/O analysis and time response – it is necessary that the software responds to the applied inputs and user commands and in a stipulated timeline. Failing this, the software/app deemed to be tagged as defunct. 

Environment and hardware compatibility – the software so designed must be able to integrate seamlessly with the hardware environments and diverse user contexts that associate with the fundamental goal of the app. Hence the software tester should test the app in different user orientations and hardware devices too. 

Coherence with the desired/intended goals – if the intended objectives are getting missed (even if the operation is error-free), then the software is considered useless. Hence the tester needs to evaluate whether the software is coherent with the intended goals that inspired its design and development!

Risk analysis for the stakeholder(s) – the software despite being bug-free and performance-optimized should not pose any risk to the operations and information of the user/stakeholders. A wise software tester, therefore, undertakes detailed studies to find out the loopholes in the codes and user pathways to assess the safety gaps in the software. 

Software testing orientations – 

3RI adopts a complete course structure that prepares the candidates for all the testing orientations that developed and accepted by industry through decades of practice. Most such testing orientations are well documented while also requiring innovative and customized application abilities on the part of the tester. At 3RI, we ensure that the candidates adapt to the testing manuals well and perform standard operations for the best results.

overview of what comprises our software testing course

Automation testing – for programmed testing of the codes swiftly through custom-designed tests. It saves time and establishes the coding correctness. 

Manual testing – this type of testing is done to find out the hidden discrepancies which may escape the programmed tests. It requires innovative techniques de novo each time as per the software context and design. 

Smoke testing – it is done to test the overall performance of the software application. Acute functions of software targeted. 

Sanity testing – this type of testing done to assess whether the bugs fixed in the software or not

Context testing – to check whether the software program performs appropriately in the context in which it required to function! It is important to note that in many cases, even bug-free software may not deliver the desired outcomes & this needs to be pre-checked. 

Regression testing – such type of testing involves checking the codes that might get affected due to bug fixing in some other part of the software. This ensures that no errors are developed!

White-box testing – also known as structural testing, here the tester assesses the internal structure of the software, its design protocols, and their compatibility with the software demands. 

Black box testing – it involves syntax-based testing of the program while equivalence partitioning is done for different classes of inputs. 

Gray box testing – this combines the techniques and objectives of the black box and white box testing.

Program testing – it involves case wise testing for various inputs and evaluating the outputs every time to assess the compatibility

Cleanroom testing – such testing relies on the philosophy of undertaking a rigorous examination of the codes rather than ‘code execution – result’ analyses.

Statistical testing – applied mathematics tools are used to check the consistency of software segments. 

Testing guidelines and protocols – this is a dynamic segment and includes the best practices, guidelines, and protocols that are being used by professionals around the world. 3RI teaches its students the best practices, so that frontline testing capabilities are achieved by them. 

Job assurance and placement 

3RI runs its job and placement division, which remains active through its dynamic initiatives. It interfaces with the leading hirers and firms in India and around the world towards facilitating the placement of its candidates. However, the aspirant needs to complete the software testing training successfully and earn the certificate to become eligible for the placements. 

We are happy to help you 24/7

Syllabus- Software Testing Syllabus

The detailed syllabus is designed for freshers as well as working professionals

Decade Years Legacy of Excellence | Multiple Cities | Manifold Campuses | Global Career Offers

Basic Foundation Course

1. Programming Basics

    • Fundamentals of Computer
    • Understanding Applications
    • Using Windows Explorer & File Structure
    • Number Systems
    • Application Software

2. Operating System & Networking

    • Need for operating system
    • Functions of Operating System
    • Types of operating system
    • TCP/IP fundamentals
    • Networks and computer networks
    • 2 tier, 3 tier and n-tier architecture

3. C Language

    • Introduction to C
    • Keywords, Constants and Variables
    • Data Types in C
    • Operator and Expressions
    • Control Structure
    • Functions
    • Arrays
    • Structure
    • Preprocessor Directives
    • Dynamic Memory Allocation

4. Object-Oriented Concepts using C++

    • Introduction to OOPs
    • Beginning with C++
    • Functions in C++
      • Default arguments
      • inline functions)
      • reference variable
    • Class, Objects Basics
    • Constructor, Data Members
    • Destructors
    • Polymorphism
    • Operator Overloading
    • Overriding
    • Inheritance
    • Dynamic memory allocation

5. Linux Foundations

    • Introduction to UNIX and its flavours
    • UNIX architecture
    • File System
    • User and Group Policies
    • Unix general commands
    • Concept of Files and Directories in Unix
    • File Permission and related commands
    • Filter Commands and their options
    • Vi Editor

6. Introduction to Database Management Systems

    • Introduction to Database
    • DDL, DML, DCL, TCL
    • Data types
    • SELECT Statement
    • Restricting and Sorting Data
    • Aggregating Data using Group Functions
    • Manipulating Data
    • Sub queries
    • Important Functions
    • Joins and different types
Basic Software Testing

1. Fundamentals of Testing

    • What is Software Testing?
    • What is Software Bug
    • Testing Principles
    • When to Start/Stop Testing?

2. Application Architecture

    • Desktop/Stand–alone Environment
    • Client-Server Environment
    • Web-Based Environment

3. SDLC and STLC

    • SDLC Phases
    • Various SDLC Models
    • Waterfall Model
    • Iterative and Incremental model
    • STLC Phases
    • Types of Testing
    • Methods of Testing
    • Static and Dynamic Testing

4. Verification and Validation

    • Verification
    • Methods of Verification
    • Validation
    • Levels of Testing
    • V Model

5. Functional and Non Functional Testing

    • Functional Testing
      • Unit Testing
      • Integration Testing
      • System Testing
      • User Acceptance Testing
      • Regression Testing
      • Retesting
    • Non Functional Testing
      • Performance Testing
      • Load Testing
      • Stress Testing
      • UI and Usability Testing
      • Security Testing
      • Portability Testing
      • Compatibility Testing
      • Other Special Testing Types

6. Test Management

    • Test Plan Template
    • Usecase Testing
    • Scenario Testing
    • Testcases & Test Data
    • Testcases Template
    • Test Design Technique

7. Defect Management

    • What is Defect/Bug?
    • Reason for Defects in Software
    • Defect Tracking System
    • Defect Life Cycle
    • Attributes of Defect

8. Bugzilla – Defect Tracking Tool

    • How to Report a Bugs 
    • Priority of Bugs
    • Report Generation
  1. JIRA –Defect Tracking and TestCase Management Tool
  • Getting started with JIRA
  • Jira screen and components
  • Mapping Agile project
  • How to create issues in Jira
  • How to file defects using Jira
  • Report and analysis of the result
  • Introduction to Database
  • Data types
  • SELECT Statement
  • Restricting and Sorting Data
  • Aggregating Data using Group Functions
  • Manipulating Data
  • Sub queries
  • Important Functions
  • Joins and different types
Python Programming
  1. Introduction to Python
  • Why Python , its Unique Feature and where to use it?
  • Python environment Setup
  • Discuss about IDE’s like IDLE, Pycharm and Enthought Canopy
  • Start programming on interactive shell.
  • Python Identifiers, Keywords
  • Discussion about installed module s and packages
  • Access Command line arguments within programs
  1. Conditional Statement, Loopsand File Handling
  • Python Data Types and Variable
  • Condition and Loops in Python
  • Decorators
  • Python Modules & Packages
  • Python Files and Directories manipulations
  • Use various files and directory functions for OS operations
  1. Python Core Objects and Functions
  • Built in modules (Library Functions)
  • Numeric and Math’s Module
  • String/List/Dictionaries/Tuple
  • Complex Data structures in Python
  • Arbitrary data types and their Data Structure
  • Python built in function
  • Python user defined functions
  • Python packages and functions
  • The anonymous Functions – Lambda Functions
  1. Object Oriented Python
  • OOPs Concepts
  • Object , Classes and Destroying Objects
  • Accessing attributes, Built-In Class Attributes
  • Inheritance and Polymorphism
  • Overriding Methods, Data Hiding
  • Overloading Operators
  1. Exception Handling in Python
  • Exceptions Handling
  • Handling various exceptions using try….except…else
  • Try-finally clause
  • Argument of an Exception and create self exception class
  • Python Standard Exceptions
  • Raising an exceptions, User-Defined Exceptions
  1. Debugging Python Programs
  • Debug Python programs using PDB debugger
  • Assert for debugging
  • Testing with Python using UnitTest
  • Iterable and generator in Python
  • Yielding from the generators
  • Standard project setup in Python
  1. Regular Expression
  • Regular Expressions
  • What are regular expressions?
  • The match and search Function
  • Compile and matching
  • Matching vssearching
  • Search and Replace feature using RE
  • Extended Regular Expressions
  • Wildcard characters and work with them
Basic Selenium
  1. Introduction to Selenium
  • Introduction to Automation Testing
  • Why Automation Testing
  • Introduction to Selenium components
  • History and various versions of selenium
  • What is Selenium 3.0
  • Advantages of using Selenium over other tools.
  1. Installation & setting up- environment
  • Installation of Python
  • Automation Setup for Selenium Web Driver
  • Install and Configure PyDev in Eclipse
  1. Selenium-IDE
  • Selenium Web driver 3.0 (RC)
  • Overview
    • Architecture
    • Upgrade history
  1. Selenium Web driver 3.0
  • Why Selenium Web Driver
  • What is a Driver
  • Download & configuring Web driver
  • The architecture of Selenium web driver
  • Drivers for Firefox, IE, chrome
  1. Identification of Locators
  • Tools to identify elements/objects
  • Different methods of finding element
    • By ID, By name, class
    • By Xpath, By Tag name
    • By Link text
    • By CSS
    • Using Effective X-path
  1. Selenium Commands
  • Various types of operation that can be performed on any elements and how to use them.
  • Browser Commands,Navigation Commands
  • Working with a different browser
  • Handling Checkbox, RadioButton
  • Dropdown and Select Operations
  • Capturing Screenshots
  • Handling Keyboard Event and Mouse Event
  • Multiple Window Handling
  • Alert & Pop Up Handling.
  1. Wait Commands in Selenium
  • Implicit Wait
  • Explicit Waits, Expected Conditions
Advanced Selenium
  1. Framework Designing
  • What is Framework
  • Different Types of Framework.
  • How to Design a framework?
  • Data-Driven Framework using Excel
    • Reading and writing data from Excel
    • Executing Testcases from Excel
  1. Python Package Manager (PIP)
  • Overview
  • Install packages
  • upgrade packages
  • remove packages
  1. Unit Test Framework PyUnit
  • Basic of pyunit
  • pyunit Installation
  • pyunit annotation
  • Test Case creation
  • Test Case execution
  • Assertions/Reporting Errors
  • Suite execution
  • pyunit Reports
    • Using pyunit in Selenium
  1. PyTest Framework
  • Introduction to PyTest framework
  • Installing PyTest
  • PyTest Fixtures
  • Parametrized Test Functions
  • Running multiple tests using PyTest
  • Generating Test report
  1. POM Framework
  • Advantages of POM
  • How to implement
  • Page Object Classes
    • Page Element and Page Locators
  1. Python ROBOT Framework – RIDE
  • Introduction to Robot Framework
  • How to setup and environment creation for Robot Framework
  • How to create the first Selenium Test with RIDE
  • Writing and Executing Testcases
  • RobotFramework-Selenium Library
  1. Continuous Build Integration tools- Jenkins
  • What is Jenkins and how to use it
    • Installation and configuration of Jenkins


Project Work and Assignments

  • POC Projects on Framework like POM, Cucumber
  • Hands-on Experience on Industry Project
  • Daily Assignments and hands-on Topics covered.
  • Interview Questions, Resume Formation, and Interview Tips.
Soft Skills

1. Self Analysis

    • Know yourself
    • Personality types
    • Areas of interest

2. Self Discovery

    • SWOT Analysis – strength, weakness, opportunities, threats

3. Goal Setting

    • Short-term plan
    • Long-term plan
    • Effective Time-management

4. Effective Self Presentation

    • Personal grooming, Dressing, Hygiene

5. Effective Communication

    • Verbal – Language
    • Voice modulation – Tone, Pitch
    • Clarity of Speech
    • Listening skills – Active Listening, Selective Listening
    • Written communication – general business correspondence

6. Email Etiquette

7. Body Language

    • Understanding non-verbal communication
    • Postures, Gestures, Eye contact

8. Tips to prepare impressive Resume

9. Tips for Group Discussion

10. Handling Telephonic interview

11. Mock – Technical interview

12. Mock – Personal Interview (PI)

13. Office Etiquettes and Mannerisms


1. Quantitative Aptitude

    • Number Systems
    • LCM and HCF
    • Percentages
    • Profit, Loss, and Discount
    • Interest (Simple and Compound)
    • Speed, Time and Distance
    • Ratio and Proportion
    • Probability
    • Permutation & Combination
    • Time and Work
    • Heights and Distances

2. Logical Reasoning

    • Number and Letter Series
    • Calendars
    • Clocks
    • Logical Sequence
    • Blood Relations

3. Algebra

    • Linear Equations
    • Quadratic Equations
    • Higher Degree Equations

Course Highlights

Live sessions across 11 months

Industry Projects and Case Studies

24*7 Support

Project Work & Case Studies

Validate your skills and knowledge

Validate your skills and knowledge by working on industry-based projects that includes significant real-time use cases.

Gain hands-on expertize

Gain hands-on expertize in Top IT skills and become industry-ready after completing our project works and assessments.

Latest Industry Standards

Our projects are perfectly aligned with the modules given in the curriculum and they are picked up based on latest industry standards.

Get Noticed by top industries

Add some meaningful project works in your resume, get noticed by top industries and start earning huge salary lumps right away.

Batch Schedule

Schedule Your Batch at your convenient time.


LinkedIn form

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Training Certificate

Earn your certificate

Your certificate and skills are vital to the extent of jump-starting your career and giving you a chance to compete in a global space.

Admission Process

Schedule Your Batch at your convenient time.

Submit Application

Tell us a bit about yourself and why you want to join this program

Application Review

An admission panel will shortlist candidates based on their application


Selected candidates will be notified within 1–2 weeks

Placement Lifecycle

Eligibility Criterion

Interview Q & A

Resume & LinkedIn Formation

Aptitude Test & Soft Skills

“SuperOver” A 5-Day Program for Mock Interviews

Scheduling Interviews

Job Placement

Looking to Create an Outstanding LinkedIn Profile?

Looking to Create an Outstanding LinkedIn Profile?


Most frequent questions and answers

After the course completion, an exam will be conducted to judge your knowledge along with the live project work completion check and you will be awarded a certificate from 3RI Technologies.

Yes, we provide placement assistance to our students. We have a dedicated team for Placement and tie ups with 300+ MNC’s and SME companies.

Yes we conduct demo classes every weekend. Please contact us for more details.

We conduct the live project during the course ,wherein you can apply your knowledge and skills that you acquired through our training. These projects could be from various fields like ecommerce, Finance, Retails , social networking,website , enterprise application.

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