Front-End Development Training in Pune

Job Oriented Training

 You must join a web design course to create an engaging, intriguing, and instructional global website for companies. A website is a centre for both small and large-scale organizations. It aids in their brand and identity development among consumers worldwide. They can also use an online portal for advertising their features. Companies, therefore, need designers who can produce attractive and responsive websites. The customers would have a more fulfilling experience as a result.


Course Duration

2.5 Months

Live Project

2 Project



Training Format

Live Online /Self-Paced/Classroom


Trainings Conducted
0 +
Batches Completed
0 +
Companies Tie-ups
0 +
Students Placed
0 +
Corporate Trainings
0 +

Nothing stops you from learning

We provide EMI facility for you 

EMI Plan Registration Percent
0% Interest
On Registration
1st installment - 1st month of joining
2nd installment - 2nd month

Key Features

Course Duration: 2.5 months

Project Based Learning

Certification & Job Assistance

Real-Time Projects : 2

EMI Option Available

24 x 7 Support

Free Career Counselling

Overview - Web Designing Classes in Pune

Web Designing Classes

Are you creative? Think out of the box? Web designing is a very exciting career option for you. Our Web Designing course consists of HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, and JavaScript, these are used to organize the website layout and define the look and feel of WebPages. We teach all these using Dreamweaver, which is the most popular professional web development tool. Our special design course covers the latest designing tools, like Adobe Photoshop and flash. We also include real-time projects starting from domain registration to hosting your website.

We are living in a digital world that is significantly dominated by the Web. From small retail shops to big business giants are creating their online presence across the globe with the help of advertisements, promotions, and adopting other marketing campaigns for their products and services on the Web. This online marketing through web presence is playing a very integral role in the growth of the organization. Moreover, this web presence is created by a professional website that represents the organization’s overall business portfolio. It is possible with the help of web designing or web development, which deals with the creation of websites and web applications for organizations.

It holds immense opportunities from a career perspective with lucrative salaries. The individual who manages the creation of websites and web applications is known as a website developer or web specialist or web designer. The best piece of being a web designer is that they required by almost every organization, and they can even work autonomously as a freelance consultant.


How can you learn Web Designing?

There is a massive demand for Web designer across the globe in almost every industry, and each organization only look to employ trained professionals or experts. Understanding the market demands, 3RI Technologies brings the most advanced Web Designing Course in Pune that help you to get acquainted with the required knowledge and skill.

With Web Designing Classes in Pune from 3RI Technologies, you can quickly build up creative skills with technical abilities in Web Designing with an experienced work portfolio, which makes you ready to be a part of this dynamic market or industry.

Is There Any Pre-requisite or Eligibility Required To Join Web Designing Course in Pune?

No pre-requisite, if you love computers and want to do creative wonders, then this Web Designing Course in Pune from 3RI Technologies is a must for you. You can pursue this course either immediately after 12th or along with your graduation. If you are passionate enough for this dynamic world of Web and Design, then there are a lot of scope and career opportunities waiting for you. The best part of this course is that there is no limit on age as well; you can start whenever you want to.

Professions or Jobs Available After Attending Web Designing Course in Pune  

“Web Designing has an immense scope in current as well as future IT industry around the globe.” 

Once you finish your 3RI’s Web Designing Course in Pune, you can work either with any IT organization or with any digital marketing firm, and not only this. It allows you to work as an independent freelancer specialist. 

As a freelancer, it allows you to control your work portfolio with ease and flexibility. Today many small scale organizations like to hire independent freelancers only. This way, after attending Web Designing Classes in Pune, you have the vast options available to you concerning the job profile. 

Options available in web designing field
  • Front end Developer: The front end designer by and significant works at the customer side means they manage the overall website planning, designing strategy and also choose graphics or illustrations that will use in the website development. 
  • Back end Developer: The back end engineer is an individual who is in charge of the back end technical advancement that is related to the server. This sort of web engineer holds the expertise in the programming languages dialects such as Php, ASP.Net, Ruby, Cold Fusion, Java, and Perl.

Other career options include Web application developer, Design and layout analyst, senior web analyst, web marketing analyst

Job Application Areas Involved:

  • IT/Software Companies
  • Audio-Visual Media Agencies
  • Marketing or Advertising Agencies
  • Publishing Houses
  • Education Institutions
  • Digital Marketing Firms
  • Design Studio
  • E-commerce organizations
Advantages of Learning Web Designing or Web Development

Today, websites are an integral part of the digital world over the internet; no organization can work or survive without a website. To generate more sales and achieve higher profits, they need to have effects as well as efficient websites.

It is the best and effective business model to implement marketing strategies, promotional campaigns, and to generate sales leads.

The web designing skills grow with time, and you become more creative, innovative, and imaginative, which further helps you to create your strong presence in the market as a potential skilled candidate.

What 3RI Technologies Offer Under Web Designing Course in Pune?

3RI Technologies is one of the top and most renowned web designing and web development training institute in Pune. Our courses designed after understanding the needs of freshers as well as professionals, which further mapped parallel to market trends. This web designing or development course meets all the aspects of creativity and technology.


Our trainers are highly experienced and professional practitioners who have worked with the best of the organization or industries. They are intellectual and highly skilled educators who offer the immense wealth of advance technical skills with belief in imparting the knowledge with significant commitment in a creative and innovative environment using best learning methodologies. 


We offer flexible timings and batches for the convenience of the students.

Course Objectives Under Web Designing Course in Pune:

  • Introduction to the latest Web technologies.
  • How does the web framework work?
  • What is the difference between client-side scripting and server-side scripting?
  • What do you mean by domains and hosting and how to get the same registered & implemented?
  • Methodologies and approaches involved in static as well as dynamic web designing and web applications
  • W3C recommendations and involved web standards.
  • Respective programming languages
Reasons Why It Is Essential To Go For Web Designing Course in Pune at 3RI
  • employment Guarantee as there is a massive requirement of website designers in the market. 
  • Working as Freelancer options is also available. 
  • Different job profiles to apply for like Graphic Designer, website designer, SEO Specialist, web developer
  • Excellent compensation: according to, the average pay in this field in India is approx. 5 lac 

These above reasons are sufficient enough for you to pick this course and begin proceeding towards an excellent career.

Deliverables & Takeaways
  • 100 % Placement Assistance
  • Resume Preparation
  • Interview Preparation
  • Missed Sessions Covered
  • Multiple Batches
  • Flexible Timings
  • Live Project Work/Assignments

DURATION : 50 Hours

PREREQUISITES : As such no pre-requisites, only basic computer knowledge is required.


  • Trainers are Professional Graphics designers from the Industry.
  • We cover the entire course on one or more real-time web site project.
  • Provide Interview tips and assist in resume formation.

We are happy to help you 24/7

Syllabus- Front-End Development

The detailed syllabus is designed for freshers as well as working professionals

Decade Years Legacy of Excellence | Multiple Cities | Manifold Campuses | Global Career Offers

HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language

1. HTML Basic
    • What is Markup Language
    • Basic Structure of HTML
    • Meta Tags
    • External Link Tags
    • Important Functions
    • Joins and different types
2. HTML Elements
    • Basics, Elements , Attributes
    • Paragraphs and Formatting
    • HTML Skeleton, Links
    • Creating an HTML Document
    • Basic Content Structure
    • Headings
    • Horizontal Rules
    • Line Breaks
3. Images
    • Optimizing web graphics – JPEG, GIF & NG
    • Getting images from Photoshop
    • Embedding Images in a Web Page
    • Using Graphics as Links
    • Using Background Images
    • Setting image properties via HTML
4. Hyperlinks
    • Href, Name, Title, Target
5. Div & Tables
    • Creating of Div Tag
    • Creating and Modifying Tables
    • Formatting Tables
    • Table Headers and Captions
6. Form
    • Name, Action, Method
    • Text, Hidden, Password
    • Radio Button, Checkbox
    • Select, Textarea
    • Submit, Reset, Button
7. HTML5
    • HTML5 Structural Elements
        o Section, Article, Aside
        o Header, Hgroup
        o Footer, Nav
    • HTML5 Content Elements
        o Figure, Figcaption, Video
        o Audio, Embed, Canvas
    • HTML5 New Application Focused
        o Elements
        o Meter, Details, Summary
        o Progress, Time
    • HTML5
        o Input Types
        o Color, date, DateTime
        o email, month, number range, search, tel
        o time, url, week
    • HTML5 Form Attributes
        o autocomplete
        o novalidate
        o form/formaction
        o autofocus
        o multiple pattern(regexp)
        o placeholder required

CSS: Cascading Style Sheet

1. Understanding CSS
    • Versions of CSS
    • Types of CSS Rules
    • CSS and Markup Languages
2. CSS Basics
    • Adding Styles to an HTML Tag
    • Adding Styles to a Web Page & Website
    • Redefining an HTML Tag
    • Defining Classes – Create Your Own Tags
    • Defining IDs to Identify an Object
    • Defining Styles with the Same Rules
    • Adding Comments to CSS Style Sheet Strategies
3. Font Properties
    • Understanding Typography on the Web
    • Setting the Font Size
    • Making Text Italic and Setting Bold, Bolder, Boldest
    • Creating Small Caps
    • Setting Multiple Font Values
4. Text Properties
    • Adjusting Text Spacing
    • Setting Text Case
    • Aligning Text Horizontally and Vertically
    • Indenting Paragraphs.
    • Setting Text and Foreground Color
    • Decorating Text
    • Setting Text Direction
    • Setting Page Breaks for Printing
5. Color and Background Properties
    • Choosing Color Palettes
    • Setting Text and Foreground Color
    • Setting a Background Color
    • Setting a Background Image
    • Setting Multiple Background Values
6. Box Properties
    • Setting an Element’s Margins
    • Setting an Element’s Border
    • Setting an Element’s Outline
    • Setting an Element’s Padding
    • Setting the Width and Height of an Element
7. CSS Border
    • Border, width, color, style
8. Positioning
    • Static, relative, absolute
    • Fixed, z-index
9. Floating
    • None, left, right
    • Initial, inherits
10. Pseudo – elements and CSS classes
11. CSS List
    • list-style, list-style-image
    • list-style-position
    • list-style-type
12. CSS3
    • Borders
    • CSS3 Backgrounds, CSS3 Gradients
    • CSS3 Shadows, CSS3 Text Effects
    • CSS3 Fonts, CSS3 2D/3D Transforms
    • CSS3 Transitions, CSS3 Animations
    • CSS3 Multiple Columns
13. Create a Layout Using CSS Property

Java Script

1. Introduction
2. Statements & Comments
3. Variables
4. Data types
5. Operators
6. Conditional Statements and Loops
7. User Defined Functions
8. HTML Events
    • Window Event Attributes
        o -onload
        o -onunload
    • Form Events
        o -onblur
        o -onchange
        o -onfocus
        o -oninput
        o -onselect
        o -onsubmit
    • Keyboard Events
        o -onkeydown
        o -onkeypress
        o -onkeyup
    • Mouse Events
        o -onclick
        o -ondblclick
        o -onmouseover
        o -onmouseout
        o -onmousedown
        o -onmouseup
9. JS Validations


1. Introduction
2. JQuery Syntax
3. jQuery Selectors
4. jQuery Events
5. jQuery Effects
    • jQuery Hide/Show
    • jQuery Fade
    • jQuery Slide
    • jQuery Animate
    • jQuery Stop()
    • jQuery callback
    • jQuery chaining
6. JQuery HTML
    • jQuery Get
    • jQuery Set
    • jQuery Add
    • jQuery Remove
    • jQuery CSS Classes
    • jQuery CSS
7. jQuery Misc
    • jQuery noConflict()


1. How to Create a Layout in Bootstrap
    • Grid Classes
2. Basic Tags in Bootstrap
    • Contextual colors and backgrounds
3. Table in Bootstrap
    • Bootstrap Basic Tables
        o Striped Rows, Bordered Table
        o Hover Rows, Condensed Table
        o Contextual Classes, Responsive Tables
4. Navigation bar in Bootstrap
    • Inverted Navigation Bar
    • Fixed Navigation Bar
    • Navigation Bar with Dropdown
    • Right-aligned Navigation Bar
    • Collapsing the Navigation Bar
5. Form in Bootstrap
    • Vertical Form
    • Horizontal Form
    • Inline Form
6. Buttons in Bootstrap
    • Button Styles,Button Sizes
    • Block Level Buttons
    • Active/Disabled Buttons
7. Images in Bootstrap
    • Rounded Corners Image
    • Circle Image
    • Thumbnail Image

Course Highlights

Live sessions across 4 months

Industry Projects and Case Studies

24*7 Support

Project Work & Case Studies

Validate your skills and knowledge

Validate your skills and knowledge by working on industry-based projects that includes significant real-time use cases.

Gain hands-on expertize

Gain hands-on expertize in Top IT skills and become industry-ready after completing our project works and assessments.

Latest Industry Standards

Our projects are perfectly aligned with the modules given in the curriculum and they are picked up based on latest industry standards.

Get Noticed by top industries

Add some meaningful project works in your resume, get noticed by top industries and start earning huge salary lumps right away.

Batch Schedule

Schedule Your Batch at your convenient time.


LinkedIn form

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Training Certificate

Earn your certificate

Your certificate and skills are vital to the extent of jump-starting your career and giving you a chance to compete in a global space.

Admission Process

Schedule Your Batch at your convenient time.

Submit Application

Tell us a bit about yourself and why you want to join this program

Application Review

An admission panel will shortlist candidates based on their application


Selected candidates will be notified within 1–2 weeks

Placement Lifecycle

Eligibility Criterion

Interview Q & A

Resume & LinkedIn Formation

Aptitude Test & Soft Skills

“SuperOver” A 5-Day Program for Mock Interviews

Scheduling Interviews

Job Placement

Looking to Create an Outstanding LinkedIn Profile?

Looking to Create an Outstanding LinkedIn Profile?


Most frequent questions and answers

After the course completion, an exam will be conducted to judge your knowledge along with the live project work completion check and you will be awarded a certificate from 3RI Technologies.

Yes, we provide placement assistance to our students. We have a dedicated team for Placement and tie ups with 300+ MNC’s and SME companies.

Yes ,we conduct demo classes every weekend. Please contact us for more details.

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