Core Java Training in Pune

Job Oriented Training

Java has a fantastic open source ecosystem that supports it and a very comprehensive API (Application Program Interface). A fantastic community-driven approach is also in place to guarantee growth in the appropriate directions. It can be accomplished through the 3RI Technologies Java Course. We provide high-quality training to prevent you from failing in the IT industry. We offer cost-effective Java training that is of the highest calibre. The organization of our Core and Advanced Java Classes in Pune, the training materials delivered, and the instructors’ calibre.


Course Duration

6 weeks

Live Project

2 Project



Training Format

Live Online /Self-Paced/Classroom


Trainings Conducted
0 +
Batches Completed
0 +
Companies Tie-ups
0 +
Students Placed
0 +
Corporate Trainings
0 +

Nothing stops you from learning

We provide EMI facility for you 

EMI Plan Registration Percent
0% Interest
On Registration
1st installment - 1st month of joining
2nd installment - 2nd month

Key Features

Course Duration : 6 Weeks

Project Based Learning

Certification & Job Assistance

Real-Time Projects : 2

EMI Option Available

24 x 7 Support

Free Career Counselling

Overview - Core Java Classes in Pune

About Core Java
  • Java came into existence in 1991. James Gosling introduced it for Sun Microsystem. It has been in massive use since 1995.
  • Originally, Java designed for consumer electronic devices.
  • Java developed to work on several issues by the other programming languages, which are:
    1. Object orientation.
    2. Portability
    3. Performance
    4. Distributed computing.
  • Java has a huge developer base and also a vast collection of libraries (from Sun and other sources).


Features of the Java programming language
  • It is object-oriented; that is, Java helps in software development using the notion of objects. Thus software developed using Java is mainly composed of classes and objects.
  • Java helps in the development of diverse applications. A few of the java applications designed to accessed through a web browser.
  • It is robust.
  • Java implements the pointer model, which does not allow access to the actual memory location. Thus overwriting does not take place in the memory.
  • Java is secure. The authentication based on the public-key encryption method.
  • Java supports multithreading.
  • Java is both compiled and interpreted language. 
  • It is architecture-neutral because bytecodes run on the Java Virtual Machine and are independent of the platform.
  • They run on any OS.


The prospect of core java
  • Web developer
  • Application developer
  • EJB programmer
  • Software developer
  • Tester
  • Graphic designer
  • Programmer analyst
  • System programmer


About 3RI Technologies

Since 2010, 3RI is a leading training provider for Software Development courses. Along with high-quality industrial training with Real Time Projects, 3RI Technologies is one of the best training institutes. 3RI is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company providing IT training in both basic and advanced levels in the domain of technologies. 

Under the specially designed job oriented program for freshers and job seekers, training is provided by a faculty with an experience of around 8 to 10 years. Training is always tagged, along with living projects and placement support. Thus the candidates are moderately groomed to be hired by a company.

3RI Technologies are ready to groom the candidates with enriched knowledge about the courses with a holistic approach to meet the expectations of the same. Focus put on proper hands-on vocational training. Meticulous about timing, focus on industry trends, a look-out for cost-friendly equipment is the primary focus of the institution so that candidates are eligible and employable.


What does it mean by Short Term Job Oriented Diploma in Java Course?

A specialised educational programme that provides rigorous instruction in the Java programming language and related technologies is known as a Short Term Job Oriented Diploma in Java Course. The program’s primary goal is to prepare students for immediate work in the software development industry. These courses, which usually last a few weeks to a few months, are made to transmit valuable, career-specific skills in a comparatively short time.

Essential elements of a Java short-term job-oriented diploma program frequently consist of the following:

  • Java programming: These courses give students a thorough understanding of Java, covering fundamental ideas like variables, data types, control structures, and the concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP). Students get knowledge about writing Java code and developing apps.
    Essential Software Development Tools are taught to students, including Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) like Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA. Students gain efficient writing, compiling, debugging, and managing skills for Java applications.
  • Web Development: Many Java courses also cover web development, showing students how to use Java-based frameworks like JavaServer Faces (JSF) to create web applications.
  • Database Connectivity: Using tools like JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), students learn how to link Java programs to databases. For applications that rely on data, this is an essential ability. 
  • Java Libraries and APIs: Java provides many standard libraries and APIs for various uses, including network programming and graphical user interfaces (Swing). The use of these resources is covered in these courses.
  • Project Work: These courses heavily rely on real-world experience. Pupils frequently engage in pratical projects that mimic real-world software development situations. Through these assignments, they can put their knowledge to use, develop a portfolio, and learn how to solve problems in real-world scenarios. 
  • Job Placement Support: Many institutes that offer these diploma programmes provide career services to assist students in getting jobs. This could involve creating a CV, getting ready for an interview, and job placement aid.
    The emphasis on training graduates for careers in software development and application programming that need Java knowledge is highlighted by the “job-oriented” feature of these courses. Graduates are prepared to work as application programmers, software engineers, Java developers, and more.
    The Short Term Job Oriented Diploma in Java Course provides a focused and efficient way to gain industry-relevant skills for software developers. For those wishing to get into software development, improve their programming skills, or move into Java-specific employment promptly, this is a great option.


How the Short Term Job Oriented  Diploma in Java Course can help you in your career?

A short-term job-oriented Java diploma programme has the power to advance your software development career significantly. With a focus on Java, one of the most popular and adaptable programming languages, this programme gives you real-world experience and industry-relevant skills that can lead to various career options.

  • To guarantee a solid foundation in Java application development, the extensive curriculum usually covers fundamental Java concepts, object-oriented programming principles, software development tools, and database connection. Additionally, you study web programming with Java frameworks, which is a necessary ability in the current technological environment.
  • The practical approach of this course is one of its main advantages. You can apply the knowledge you have learned to real-world situations through practical project work, which helps you develop a portfolio that highlights your programming skills.
  • Many of the colleges that provide these courses offer career services and assistance with job placement in addition to technical skills. This covers help with creating a CV, getting ready for interviews, and making contacts for employment openings. With these resources, you may land jobs like application programmer, software engineer, Java developer, and more quickly.
  • A short-term job-oriented diploma in Java gives you the knowledge and qualifications you need to achieve a fulfilling career in software development, regardless of whether you’re a recent graduate, looking to change careers, or just looking to expand your skill set. Java skills are in high demand in a job environment that is becoming increasingly technology-driven, so this course is an excellent investment in your professional development and future chances.

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Who can apply for this program?

JAVA Training Syllabus

Decade Years Legacy of Excellence | Multiple Cities | Manifold Campuses | Global Career Offers

UI Development

HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language
1. HTML Basic
    ● What is Markup Language
    ● Basic Structure of HTML
    ● Meta Tags
    ● External Link Tags
    ● Important Functions
    ● Joins and different types
    ● Basics, Elements , Attributes
    ● Paragraphs and Formatting
    ● HTML Skeleton, Links
    ● Creating an HTML Document
    ● Basic Content Structure
    ● Headings
    ● Horizontal Rules
    ● Line Breaks
3. Images
    ● Optimizing web graphics – JPEG, GIF & NG
    ● Getting images from Photoshop
    ● Embedding Images in a Web Page
    ● Using Graphics as Links
    ● Using Background Images
    ● Setting image properties via HTML
4. Hyperlinks
    ● Href, Name, Title, Target
5. Div & Tables
    ● Creating of Div Tag
    ● Creating and Modifying Tables
    ● Formatting Tables
    ● Table Headers and Captions

6. Form
    ● Name, Action, Method
    ● Text, Hidden, Password
    ● Radio Button, Checkbox
    ● Select, Textarea
    ● Submit, Reset, Button
7. HTML5
    ● HTML5 Structural Elements
      o Section, Article, Aside
      o Header, Hgroup
      o Footer, Nav
    ● HTML5 Content Elements
      o Figure, Figcaption, Video
      o Audio, Embed, Canvas
    ● HTML5 New Application Focused
      o Elements
      o Meter, Details, Summary
      o Progress, Time
    ● HTML5
      o Input Types
      o Color, date, DateTime
      o email, month, number range, search, tel
      o time, url, week
    ● HTML5 Form Attributes
      o autocomplete
      o novalidate
      o form/formaction
      o autofocus
      o multiple pattern(regexp)
      o placeholder required

CSS: Cascading Style Sheet
1. Understanding CSS
    ● Versions of CSS
    ● Types of CSS Rules
    ● CSS and Markup Languages
2. CSS Basics
    ● Adding Styles to an HTML Tag
    ● Adding Styles to a Web Page and WebSite
    ● Redefining an HTML Tag
    ● Defining Classes to Create Your Own Tags
    ● Defining IDs to Identify an Object
    ● Defining Styles with the Same Rules
    ● Adding Comments to CSS Style Sheet Strategies
3. Font Properties
    ● Understanding Typography on the Web
    ● Setting the Font Size
    ● Making Text Italic and Setting Bold, Bolder, Boldest
    ● Creating Small Caps
    ● Setting Multiple Font Values
4. Text Properties
    ● Adjusting Text Spacing
    ● Setting Text Case
    ● Aligning Text Horizontally and Vertically
    ● Indenting Paragraphs.
    ● Setting Text and Foreground Color
    ● Decorating Text
    ● Setting Text Direction
    ● Setting Page Breaks for Printing
5. Color and Background Properties
    ● Choosing Color Palettes
    ● Setting Text and Foreground Color
    ● Setting a Background Color
    ● Setting a Background Image
    ● Setting Multiple Background Values
6. Box Properties
    ● Setting an Element’s Margins
    ● Setting an Element’s Border
    ● Setting an Element’s Outline
    ● Setting an Element’s Padding
    ● Setting the Width and Height of an Element
7. CSS Border
    ● Border, width, color, style
8. Positioning
    ● Static, relative, absolute
    ● Fixed, z-index
9. Floating
    ● None, left, right
    ● Initial, inherits
10. Pseudo – elements and CSS classes
11. CSS List
    ● list-style
    ● list-style-image
    ● list-style-position
    ● list-style-type
12. CSS3
    ● Borders
    ● CSS3 Backgrounds, CSS3 Gradients
    ● CSS3 Shadows, CSS3 Text Effects
    ● CSS3 Fonts, CSS3 2D/3D Transforms
    ● CSS3 Transitions, CSS3 Animations
    ● CSS3 Multiple Columns
13. Create a Layout Using CSS Property


1. Introduction
2. Statements & Comments
3. Variables
4. Data types
5. Operators
6. Conditional Statements and Loops
7. User Defined Functions
8. HTML Events
    ● Window Event Attributes
     o -onload
     o -onunload
   ● Form Events
     o -onblur
     o -onchange
     o -onfocus
     o -oninput
     o -onselect
     o -onsubmit
   ● Keyboard Events
     o -onkeydown
     o -onkeypress
     o -onkeyup
   ● Mouse Events
     o -onclick
     o -ondblclick
     o -onmouseover
     o -onmouseout
     o -onmousedown
     o -onmouseup
9. JS Validations

1. Introduction
2. JQuery Syntax
3. jQuery Selectors
4. jQuery Events
5. jQuery Effects
   ● jQuery Hide/Show
   ● jQuery Fade
   ● jQuery Slide
   ● jQuery Animate
   ● jQuery Stop()
   ● jQuery callback
   ● jQuery chaining
6. JQuery HTML
   ● jQuery Get
   ● jQuery Set
   ● jQuery Add
   ● jQuery Remove
   ● jQuery CSS Classes
   ● jQuery CSS
7. jQuery Misc
   ● jQuery noConflict()

1. How to Create a Layout in Bootstrap
   ● Grid Classes
2. Basic Tags in Bootstrap
   ● Contextual colors and backgrounds
3. Table in Bootstrap
   ● Bootstrap Basic Tables
     o Striped Rows, Bordered Table
     o Hover Rows, Condensed Table
     o Contextual Classes,Responsive Tables
4. Navigation bar in Bootstrap
   ● Inverted Navigation Bar
   ● Fixed Navigation Bar
   ● Navigation Bar with Dropdown
   ● Right-aligned Navigation Bar
   ● Collapsing the Navigation Bar
5. Form in Bootstrap
   ● Vertical Form
   ● Horizontal Form
   ● Inline Form
6. Buttons in Bootstrap
   ● Button Styles,Button Sizes
   ● Block Level Buttons
   ● Active/Disabled Buttons
7. Images in Bootstrap
   ● Rounded Corners Image
   ● Circle Image
   ● Thumbnail Image

Core Java

Core Java
1. Introduction to Java
     ● History of Java
     ● Features of Java
2. Overview of Java
    ● OOP’s Concept
    ● Data types and   Variables
    ● Control Structures
    ● Strings, Arrays
3. Objects and Classes
    ● Object, Classes and Methods
    ● Method Overloading
    ● Constructors
    ● Object class
4. Inheritance
    ● Types of Inheritance
    ● Method Overriding
    ● Dynamic method dispatch
5. Packages and Interfaces
    ● Defining Packages
    ● Extending Interfaces
6. Exception Handling
    ● Fundamentals of Exception Handling
    ● Exception types
    ● Try and Catch and finally
    ● Throw ,throws
    ● Custom Exception
7. Inner Class and Wrapper classes
    ● Inner Classes
    ● Static Nested Classes
    ● Wrapper Classes
    ● Anonymous Inner Classes
8. String Handling
    ● Creating Strings
    ● String handling methods
    ● String Buffer and String Builder
9. Input and Output in Java
    ● Byte streams & Character streams
    ● File
    ● Serialization
10. Collections Framework
    ● Collection Interfaces and Classes
    ● Iterators
    ● Comparators
11. Multithreading
    ● Basics of java thread
    ● The Thread Scheduler
    ● Naming a thread ,Daemon thread
    ● Perform single /multiple task by multiple threads
    ● Major Thread Concepts
    ● Garbage Collection
12. Reflection API
    ● Overview of Reflection
    ● Use of newInstance() method and determining the class Object
    ● Accessing private method or member from outside the class
13. Lambda Built-in Functional Interfaces
    ● Use primitive versions of functional Interface
    ● java.util.function package
    ● Use binary versions of functional Interface
    ● Use the Unary Operator Interface


    ● Common JDBC components
    ● Steps to connect to the database using MySQL and oracle database
    ● Types of JDBC statements – statements, preparedStatement and callableStatement
    ● Transactions management in JDBC
    ● CRUD operation using preparedStatement
    ● Calling Stored procedure using callableStatement
    ● How Result Set Works in JDBC
    ● Servlet – environment setup
    ● ServletConfig and ServletContext parameters
    ● Servlet life cycle
    ● Servlet Attribute And Servlet Parameters
    ● Exploring Deployment Descriptor (web.xml)
    ● Session Tracking In Servlet
    ● Servlet Filter
    ● Types Of Filter
    ● Servlet Filter Mapping in Web.Xml,
    ● Servlet-listener
    ● Various Servlet Listener
    ● Servlet Listener Configuration
    ● servlet-security
    ● Details about MVC architecture
    ● Practical exposure on MVC using JSP and Servlet.
3. JSP
    ● JSP – Overview
    ● JSP – Life Cycle
    ● JSP API
    ● JSP-Scripting Elements
    ● JSP- Directive Elements
    ● Types Of JSP Scopes
    ● JSP – Custom Tags
    ● JSP-Implicit Objects
    ● JSP – Standard Tag Library (JSTL)
    ● JSP – Expression Language (EL)
    ● JSP – Exception Handling


1. Introduction to spring framework
Spring-Environment Setup
    ● Steps To Use Spring Framework In
    ● Applications
    ● Understanding IOC And Dependency
    ● Injection
    ● Working with Bean Factory and
    ● Application Context
    ● Bean Definition
    ● Working with multiple configuration
    ● files.
    ● Bean Scopes and Bean Life Cycle
    ● Bean Post Processors
    ● Bean Definition Inheritance
    ● Dependency Injection
    ● Injecting Inner Beans
    ● Injecting Collection Type
    ● Annotation-Based Dependency
    ● Injection
    ● Autowiring and component scanning
    ● Annotation Based Configuration
    ● (@Required, @Autowired,@Qualifier)
    ● JSR-250 Annotations (@Resource,
    ● @PostConstruct, @PreDestroy)
    ● Component and Stereotype
    ● Annotations
    ● Using MessageSource To Get Text
    ● From Property Files
2. Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) with Spring
    ● Introduction on Spring AOP
    ● Aspect-oriented programming concepts
    ● Integration with Spring IoC
    ● Defining pointcut expressions
    ● Implementing an advice: @Around,
    ● @Before, @After, and so on
    ● AspectJ APIs and annotations
3. Data Access and JDBC with Spring
    ● Introduction to Spring JDBC
    ● How Spring integrates with existing data access technologies
    ● Spring JDBC APIs
    ● Spring JDBC development.
    ● DataAccessException hierarchy
    ● Result Transformations
    ● Implementing RowMapper
    ● Parameter mapping
    ● Named Parameter JDBC Template
4. Transactions management in spring.
    ● Spring Declarative Transactions Management
    ● Spring Programmatic transaction management
5. Hibernate with Spring
6. Working with Spring MVC
    ● Introduction to Spring MVC framework
    ● Creating many Spring MVC Web Applications
    ● Writing an annotation based controller class -@Controller, @RequestMapping
    ● @PathVariable annotation
    ● Handling an HTML form using @RequestParam annotation

    ● Understanding @ModelAttribute Annotation
    ● Data Binding with Date, Collection
    ● Data Binding with a User-Defined Type, BindingResult
    ● @InitBinder annotation, WebDataBinder, CustomDateEditor
    ● Writing your own custom property editor class
    ● Form Validations
    ● Form Validation (customizing error messages using Spring MessageSource).

Spring Boot

1. Introducing Spring Boot
    ● System Requirements
    ● Servlet Containers
    ● Build Tools Overview
    ● Install Maven
    ● Maven Build
    ● Gradle Installation
2. Spring Boot features
    ● Spring Beans & Dependency Injection
    ● Spring Beans & Dependency Injection Demo
    ● Application Properties & YAML Configuration
    ● Configuration Properties
    ● Profiles
    ● Auto Configuration
    ● Spring Core Fundamentals Exercise
    ● Spring Boot Life Cycle
    ● Understanding IOC and Dependency Injection
    ● Spring Boot Configuration
3. Developing Your First Spring Boot Application
    ● Creating the POM
    ● Adding Classpath Dependencies
    ● Writing the Code
    ● The @Controller and @RequestMapping Annotations
    ● The @EnableAutoConfiguration Annotation
    ● The “main” Method
    ● Running the Example
    ● Creating an Executable Jar/War

4. Spring Beans and Dependency Injection
    ● Using the @SpringBootApplication Annotation
    ● Running Your Application
5. Developing Web Applications
    ● Spring MVC Introduction
    ● Spring MVC Auto-configuration
    ● Welcome Page
    ● Path Matching and Content Negotiation
    ● Configurable Web Binding Initializer
    ● Template Engines
    ● Thymeleaf Demo
    ● Error Handling
    ● Exception Handling
    ● Creating a web application
6. Spring boot Microservice architecture
    ● Webservices using spring
7. Working with SQL Databases
    ● Data Access Introduction
    ● Creating an Application using H2’s in-memory database
    ● Creating Entities & Repositories
    ● H2 In-memory & JPA Quiz
    ● Loading Data
    ● Spring Data JDBC
    ● Data Access with JPA & h2 Exercise
    ● Spring Data JPA
8. Building REST APIs
    ● REST API Intro
    ● HTTP Request Methods (Verbs)
    ● HTTP Status Codes
    ● Content Negotiation
    ● HTTP Clients
    ● Building A REST API
    ● REST Components
    ● Error Handling
    ● REST Template
    ● Building a REST API
9. Spring Boot Testing
    ● JUnit and Hamcrest
    ● Mockito


1. Overview of Hibernate
2. Hibernate-environment setup
3. Object-relational mapping (ORM)
4. Features of Hibernate
5. Using JPA and Hibernate annotations
6. Hibernate object states(Transient,
7. Persistent and Detached Objects)
8. CRUD operation in Hibernate
9. Annotation
10. Hibernate Mapping XML Configuration.

Course Highlights

Live sessions across 11 months

Industry Projects and Case Studies

24*7 Support

Project Work & Case Studies

Validate your skills and knowledge

Validate your skills and knowledge by working on industry-based projects that includes significant real-time use cases.

Gain hands-on expertize

Gain hands-on expertize in Top IT skills and become industry-ready after completing our project works and assessments.

Latest Industry Standards

Our projects are perfectly aligned with the modules given in the curriculum and they are picked up based on latest industry standards.

Get Noticed by top industries

Add some meaningful project works in your resume, get noticed by top industries and start earning huge salary lumps right away.

Batch Schedule

Schedule Your Batch at your convenient time.


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Training Certificate

Earn your certificate

Your certificate and skills are vital to the extent of jump-starting your career and giving you a chance to compete in a global space.

Admission Process

Schedule Your Batch at your convenient time.

Submit Application

Tell us a bit about yourself and why you want to join this program

Application Review

An admission panel will shortlist candidates based on their application


Selected candidates will be notified within 1–2 weeks

Placement Lifecycle

Eligibility Criterion

Interview Q & A

Resume & LinkedIn Formation

Aptitude Test & Soft Skills

“SuperOver” A 5-Day Program for Mock Interviews

Scheduling Interviews

Job Placement

Looking to Create an Outstanding LinkedIn Profile?

Looking to Create an Outstanding LinkedIn Profile?


Most frequent questions and answers

We strongly believe in hands on practical training and our trainers make sure that is imparted to our students as well. Saying that, yes we will cover a live project which needs to be completed during the course

After the course completion, an exam will be conducted to judge your knowledge along with the live project work completion check and you will be awarded a certificate from 3RI Technologies.

Yes, we provide placement assistance to our students. We have a dedicated team for Placement and tie ups with 300+ MNC’s and SME companies.

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