Digital Marketing Training in Pune


Job Oriented Training


You can become a digital marketing expert in areas like SEO, online networks, earn, search engine optimization, a specific project, subject matter, cell phone, and digital marketing by taking a digital marketing certification online course. Get year direct exposure to Digital Marketing Strategy & get to be industry-ready with the available technologies, perform on existing projects, and take part in Experienced professional Sessions from our team. This certified course is the ideal program for those who want to learn quickly. If you are a student,  entrepreneur, or aspiring professional, this is the certification course for you!

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Key Features

Course Duration : 6 Weeks

Real-Time Projects : 2

Project Based Learning

EMI Option Available

Certification & Job Assistance

24 x 7 Support

Digital Marketing Course Syllabus

The detailed syllabus is designed for freshers as well as working professionals

  1. Introduction To Digital Marketing
  • What is Digital Marketing
  • Digital Marketing Possibilities
  • Digital Marketing vs Traditional marketing
  • Traditional Marketing & Its Disadvantages
  • Advantages of digital medium over other media
  • Customer Persona
  • Market Research – Primary & Secondary
  • Digital medium in today’s marketing plan
  1. How To Do Keyword Research 
  • Understanding buyer persons
  • Selecting the right targeted audience
  • What are Keywords
  • Types of Keywords
  • How to choose the best format of keywords
  • Manual keyword research method
  • Tools to do keyword research
  • Keyword research competitor analysis
  • Short-listing the best performing keywords
  • Keyword research reporting
  1. Social Media Marketing (SMM)
  • Master the Sales Funnel
  • How to leverage the advance features of various social Media Platforms
  • How to build a Social Media Strategy
  • Learn how to prepare your social media calendar and manage schedules
  • How to create high, engaging content on various Social Media Platforms
  • How to grow your Social media channels with trusted followers
  • Learn how to advertise on various Social Media Platforms
  • How to build a brand on Social Media
  • Understand the strategies required to grow your presence quickly and Organically
  • How to effectively use Instagram Reels to increase your engagement
  • How to use hashtags and tagging to make your posts more discoverable
  • Master how to convert followers into customers
  • How to use social media messenger app to increase efficiency
  • How to monetize through various social media channels
  • Learn how to leverage from profiles, pages and groups
  • How to build an audience that converts
  • How to effectively use remarketing strategies on Social media platforms
  • How to use influencer marketing on various social media platforms
  • Understand the DO’s and Don’ts of Social Media channel to avoid spending time on the strategies that don’t work
  1. Facebook Marketing
  • Difference between Profile and Page
  • Page Creation for Personal Branding
  • Page Creation for Business
  • Facebook Page Optimisation
  • Planning & Designing Creatives for Facebook Page
  • Hacks to increase likes for Facebook Page
  • Content Strategy for Facebook Page Engagement
  • Creation of Social media calendar
  • Facebook Insights for Analysis
  • Automation of Facebook messenger to increase responsiveness
  1. Instagram Marketing
  • How to grow on Instagram
  • Different types of Accounts
  • Instagram Business account
  • Power of Hashtags
  • Optimisation for Personal Branding
  • Optimisation for Business Branding
  • Benefits of IGTV
  • Hacks to increase Instagram Followers
  • Hacks to increase engagement
  • Using Instagram stories effectively
  1. Linkedin Marketing
  • Creating effective LinkedIn Profile
  • Linked In Profile optimisation
  • Do’s and Dont’s on LinkedIn
  • How to Increase relevant connections
  • Content Planning for LinkedIn to increase Engagements
  • Profile Optimisation get better job opportunities
  • Linked Optimisation for Personal Branding
  • Creating and Optimizing LI company page
  • Content Strategy for LinkedIn Page Engagement
  • Budgeting and choosing the right bidding strategies
  1. Twitter Marketing
  • Creating Brand on Twitter
  • Dashboard overview
  • Hashtags marketing
  • Strategies to create an engaging tweet
  • Twitter ads campaign creation
  • Twitter marketing and its components
  • Twitter analytics
  1. Complete Guide On Website Planning & Creation
  • Introduction to Websites
  • Difference between Website and blogs
  • Importance of Websites
  • Pre-requisites for a website
  • Elements of Website
  • Website Layout Planning
  • Building a wireframe for the Website
  • What is Domain, Sub-Domain, and Hosting
  • What are TLD’s and Domain Extensions
  • Shared Hosting Vs Dedicated Hosting
  1. Content Creation
  • Content Creation: 
  • Creating Infographics
  • Video creation tools
  • Comic strip creation
  • image creation
  • access to paid platforms
  1. Build Your Own WordPress Static Website
  • Learn how to build a responsive website using WordPress
  • Learn how to navigate through tools inside the WordPress Dashboard
  • How to find the right theme and plugins for building a WordPress website
  • Understand how to troubleshoot using WordPress tools
  • Master Elementor Page Builder
  • How to customize themes to build websites
  • How to secure your WordPress website from hackers
  • How to use Custom Post Types and Advanced Custom Fields in WordPress
  • Understand the architecture of website
  • Learn to draw website wireframes
  • Get the understanding about website functionalities and usability
  • Colour concept of website
  • Design elements of website
  • Spacing & Readability concept
  • All about domain, hosting & building 1st website
  1. E-Commerce Marketing
  • Introduction to eCommerce Marketing
  • Platforms to develop eCommerce Site
  • 7 steps to start an eCommerce site.
  • Introduction to Shopify
  • Setting up a Shopify account
  • Adding products to Shopify & create categories
  • Setting up themes to the Shopify account
  • Shopify Payment Gateway Integration
  • eCommerce best practices
  • Introduction to WooCommerce
  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • How to analyse what keywords helps you drive traffic to yourwebsite
  • How to research for best performing keywords and how to use them on your website
  • Understanding how to effectively rank your website on Google and Bing
  • How to use Backlinks effectively to boost your organic presence
  • Learn effective ways to increase your website speed
  • How to improve the average time that users spend on your website
  • How to make your mobile-friendly to leverage traffic coming from Mobile devices
  • How to analyse and understand how search engines work
  • MASTER the Google Search Console configuration
  • Learn how to optimise Google My Business for local businesses
  • Learn how to conduct SEO Audit for Websites
  • How to use the best SEO tools to boost performance
  • Learn how On-Page & Off-Page SEO works and how to leverage to improve performance
  • How to analyse what keywords your competitors are using
  1. Quora Marketing
  • Quora Profile Setup & Optimization
  • Quora Research
  • Question and Answer Formation
  • Identifying Core Topics
  • Increase Followers
  • Content and Marketing Strategy
  • Quora Blogging
  • Quora Advertising
  • Structuring Answers
  • Promotion of Q&A
  1. Google Ads
  • How to Drive Traffic to your website or Landing page Consistently
  • Manage your budget and outcome of the campaigns through Conversion Tracking
  • Learn How to Create and Optimize different Google Ads Campaigns
  • How to convert your existing website visitor by using remarketing effectively
  • How to encash through the millions of searches that happen on Google every day
  • How to advertise your product or service using different Google Ads Strategies
  • How to Choose the right Bidding Strategy to gain more by spending less
  • Step-by-Step Creation of Search Campaigns with 10/10 Quality Score with maximum ROI
  • How to choose the right target Audience and optimize campaigns for better ROAS
  • How to find Hundreds of Keywords which drives conversions
  • How to write effective Ad copies that drive conversions
  • Become an expert in choosing the right extensions for your niche
  • Set up reports and analyse Google Ads performance
  • Learn How to create and Optimize different Microsoft Ads Campaigns
  1. Lead Generation
  • Introduction to Marketing Funnel and its Importance
  • Core Elements of Marketing
  • Strategy vs. Tactics
  • Front-end vs. Back-end Marketing
  • Core Elements of a Funnel
  • All About Growth Formula
  • Understanding Product Market Fit
  • What is Lead Magnets
  • Optimize the Tripwire Offer
  • Understanding & Implementing Exit Offers
  1. Google Analytics & Data Studio
  • How to set up Google Analytics for websites
  • How to track performance of various paid and organic activities
  • Understanding the navigation of Google Analytics tools
  • Understanding how to analyse different options on Google Analytics
  • Understand the important reports to be analysed
  • How to make data-driven decisions
  • Customise Google Analytics Dashboard for different Niches
  • How to set up and configure Google Data Studion
  • Linking Google Analytics with various platforms to track performance
  • How to set up Goals in Google Analytics
  • How to create Remarketing List using Google Analytics
  • Create FILTERS to easily create interactive dashboards, graphs and reports
  1. GTM – Google Tag Manager
  • Google Tag Manager set up and Triggering Tags through GTM
  • Creating and Understanding Varibles and Events 
  1. Affiliate Marketing
  • Choose profitable niches and products to generate high income
  • Understand the complete Affiliate Marketing Ecosystem
  • How to choose the right Affiliate sites which are trusted and pay high commission
  • How to promote your Affiliate products on various platforms to drive conversions
  • How to optimise your affiliate websites to drive organic traffic
  • Leverage Keyword research to identify the potential keywords
  • Identify the target audience and their behaviour to reach them on various platforms
  • Create affiliate sites, landing pages and email list
  • Learn how to fine-tune your offers and differentiate yourself from the competition
  • Learn how to promote products without a website
  1. Email Marketing
  • Create highly optimized and high-quality email marketingcampaigns
  • How to Segment and Setup Email List
  • How to create an email sequence to get optimal results
  • Create email content that gets opened and converts
  • How to grow your email list
  • How to re-target using Email Marketing Strategies
  • How to get more subscribers to your email list
  • How to use different tools to leverage Email Marketing
  • Create a Lead Magnet to convert website visitors into subscribers
  • Best practices and effective Email Marketing Techniques
  • Create the workflow
  1. Adsense
  • How to get started with Google Adsense and the best practices to generate revenue with the program
  • How to get approval for your website or blog
  • How to drive traffic to your Adsense Website
  • How to find articles that generate traffic and republish them
  • How to turn your website/blog into passive income creating source

Digital Marketing Classes in Pune

3RI Technologies is one of the best training institutes to pursue Digital Marketing Training in Pune. Our Digital Marketing course is designed by the industry specialists and delivered by the certified Digital Marketers having 7+ years of experience. Our Digital Marketing course is divided among many modules and is catered as per the audience. We have designed our course for specific audiences as well as for students, college graduates, marketing professionals, entrepreneurs, etc. With the increasing popularity of online marketing, customers are getting used to online platforms for shopping, etc. which in turn has increased the affinity of businesses as well to move to Digital Platform.

Digital Marketing has changed the way traditional marketers used to work for business development. Every business sector is moving to the digital means of marketing to increase or showcase their business. All these factors have led to an increase in the demand for Digital Marketers. The other motivating factor for people shifting to the Digital Marketing sector is its vast, logical and innovative nature. 

Our Digital Marketing course is an industry level training program designed for students, entrepreneurs, and working professionals. Digital Marketing is the new buzz in the market for some time now. With the advent of Digital India, more focus is being put by Government and private organizations for digitizing processes. Social Media has changed our day to day lives. The basic approach of marketers has nowadays changed. The best example of using Digital platforms for branding and outreach to people can be drawn from election campaigning by our Hon’ble Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi in 2014 elections which led him to a huge win.


Digital Marketing, Online Marketing, Internet Advertising … as you call it, marketing your business online is a big problem today. After all, Internet usage is more than doubled in the past decade, and this change has had a dramatic impact on how people buy products and interact with companies. Italic marketing, online marketing, Internet advertising … as you call it, marketing your business online is a big problem today. Digital marketing, therefore, implies the use of digital technology to achieve marketing objectives. It is not essential that digital marketing is always separate from the entire marketing department since both objectives are the same.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing refers to online marketing efforts or investments. Email marketing, pay-per-click advertising, social media marketing , even blogs are excellent examples of digital marketing. They help introduce people to your company and convince them for buying. Here are most common digital marketing resources and strategies that companies use to reach people online: It just has to be a marketing tool you use online.

However, many people don’t know how many digital marketing resources are available to them.

• Video content (video ads, product demonstrations, etc.)

• Images (infographics, product photos, company photos, etc.)

• Written content (blog articles, e-books, product descriptions, testimonials, etc.)

• Online products or tools (SaaS, calculator, interactive content, etc.)

To understand the importance of digital marketing for the future of marketing in any company, it is useful to think about the interactions that the public must understand and manage. Nowadays, digital marketing involves many more ways of interacting with the public than the website or email… book implementation.

5D defines the opportunities for consumers to interact with brands and for companies to reach and learn from their target groups in different ways:

1. Digital devices: the public experiences brands through interaction with commercial websites and mobile apps, usually through a combination of the connected devices, including smartphones, tablets, desktops, televisions and gaming devices.

2. Digital platforms: most interactions on these devices take place via a browser or through the applications of the most important platforms or services such as Facebook (and Instagram), Google

3. Digital media: various paid and proprietary communication channels to reach and reach the public, including advertisements, emails and news, search engines, and social networks.

4. Digital data: the information that companies collect about their audience profiles and their interactions with companies that must now be legally protected in most countries.

5. Digital technology: the marketing technology or the stack of products that companies use to create interactive experiences for websites and mobile apps in kiosks and courier stores.

Digital marketing strategies are also constantly changing.

However, here are some of the strategies used by most companies:

  • Pay-Per-Click Advertising:

Pay per click advertising (PPC) is actually a generic term that covers any type of digital marketing that you only pay for every user who clicks on the ad. For example, Google AdWords is nothing but PPC advertising called “paid advertising” (which we’ll discuss shortly). Facebook ads are another form of PPC ads and its called “paid social media advertising” (we’ll be back to this soon).

  • Paid Search Advertising:

With Google, Bing, and Yahoo, you can place text ads on your SERP pages (Search engine results). Paid search ads is one of the best ways to reach potential customers who are actively looking for a product or service same like yours.

  • Search Engine Optimization:

If you don’t want to pay to appear on SERPs, you can also use search engine optimization (SEO) to try to organically rank pages or blog posts on your website. You don’t have to pay directly for each click, but ranking a page usually takes a lot of time and effort (a more detailed comparison between paid search and SEO. Learn more about SEO Training in Pune

  • Paid Social Media Advertising:

Paid social media ads is a great way to inform an audience that may not know that your company, product, or service is media platforms e.g Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Snapchat can show ads on your website.

  • Social Media Marketing:

Like SEO, social media marketing is the organic and free way of using social media platforms e.g Facebook or Twitter to market your business. Like search engine optimization, your company’s organic marketing on social media takes much more time and effort, but it can get much cheaper long-term results.

  • Conversion Rate Optimization:

Conversion rate optimization is the art and science for improving your online user experience. In most cases, companies use CRO to get multiple conversions (leads, chats, calls, sales, etc.) from existing website traffic.

  • Content marketing:

Content marketing is another very broad term in digital marketing. Content marketing includes all digital marketing efforts that use content resources (blog posts, infographics, e-books, videos, etc.) to increase brand awareness or generate clicks, leads, or sales.

  • Email marketing:

Email marketing is oldest form of online marketing and continues to grow. Most digital marketing experts use email marketing for special advertising offers, present content (usually in the context of content marketing), or promote an event.

  • Affiliate marketing:

Affiliate marketing essentially involves paying a person (a person or a company) to advertise your products and services on your website.

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Batch Schedule

Schedule Your Batch at your convenient time.

29-June-24 | SAT-SUN 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM

08-July-24 | MON-FRI 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM

27-July-24 | SAT-SUN 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM

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Will I Get Certified?

Upon successfully completing this program, you’ll earn a certificate.

The 3RI certification is accepted and respected by every significant multinational company across the nation. Fresh graduates and corporate trainees are eligible for the assistance. We offer certificate once the academic and practical courses have been finished. The certification that we offer here at 3RI is recognized across the country. The value of your resume will grow as a result. With the assistance of this qualification, you will be able to obtain prominent employment posts in the most successful multinational corporations in the country. The completion of our course as well as the projects that are based on practical application, are prerequisites for receiving the certificate.


Digital Marketing Course FAQs

Most frequent questions and answers

After the course completion, an exam will be conducted to judge your knowledge along with the live project work completion check and you will be awarded a certificate from 3RI Technologies.

Yes we can provide you with internship for upto 3 months depending upon the availability.

Yes, we provide placement assistance to our students. We have a dedicated team for Placement and tie ups with 300+ MNC’s and SME companies.

Yes we conduct demo classes every weekend. Please contact us for more details.

Yes, Google Certifications are a part of this course.

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