MEAN Stack Training in Pune

Job Oriented Training

This course covers HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as Angular, Node.js, MongoDB, Express.js, and GIT, to Create & Deploy interactive Web Services & Applications. This Trainer-Led course will teach you how to create MEAN Stack Web Applications, Express Back-End Web Services, Single-Page Applications (SPA), and MongoDB documentation. This MEAN Stack Certification Training will assist you to get certified & prepare you for a career as a MEAN Stack Developer.


Course Duration

5 Months

Live Project

2 Project



Training Format

Live Online /Self-Paced/Classroom


Trainings Conducted
0 +
Batches Completed
0 +
Companies Tie-ups
0 +
Students Placed
0 +
Corporate Trainings
0 +

Nothing stops you from learning

We provide EMI facility for you 

EMI Plan Registration Percent
0% Interest
On Registration
1st installment - 1st month of joining
2nd installment - 2nd month

Key Features

Course Duration : 5 months

Project Based Learning

Certification & Job Assistance

Real-Time Projects : 2

EMI Option Available

24 x 7 Support

Free Career Counselling

Overview - MEAN Stack Classes in Pune

MEAN Stack Classes in Pune

MEAN Stack stands for MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js. It is mostly an open-source software bundle and written in one language for both server-side and client-side environments. Angular has become the most in-demand framework, and with the induction of MEAN Stack, one can use Node and Express.js between the client and server. 
3RI Technologies offers the MEAN Stack Training Course conducted by industry expert trainers. Our Mean Stack Training in Pune is a classroom training program conducted on weekdays and weekends as well. We ensure the high quality of training and take your career to the next level by joining this Mean Stack Training Program. Our primary focus is on quality training and ensuring the placements of students in well-reputed companies. We provide live project work to students, and our trainers specially train them according to the industry standards. After the completion, of course, students get well versed with the technology and also gains confidence as we induct various programs to make them ready for the industry.

For those of you looking for taking up MEAN STACK Training in Pune, we are here for you! 3RI Technologies offers a training course in MEAN STACK for aspiring developers. The classes will prepare you for a strong foot in the IT app development industry. After a full course, you can confidently learn the techniques to build a full-stack web app with Angular Material, MongoDB, NodeJS, Passport, Express, and Angular 5/6. The classes are carried out by industry experts who have hands-on experience in developing many such web apps using MEANstack. This particular MEAN stack training in Pune will give you a chance to take your career in app development ahead by helping you gain a strong foundation in all of the related concepts.MEAN Stack interview questions and answers also help you to get a job.

Why could MEAN stack training help your career?

The very first-time MEAN stack announced, a lot of JavaScript developers could not understand what it was in detail. MEAN is an abbreviation for MongoDB, ExpressJS, and AngularJS, functioning upon NodeJS. This platform gives the developers a chance to create applications using as little coding as possible and with a great view of all the components that make it up.

Besides this, writing all the codes in JavaScript and getting the work done quickly is a heavenly feeling for all the new coders who dream of making it big in the industry! Aren’t we right? That is why we at 3RI Technologies are offering the best MEAN stack classes in Pune for the aspiring developers.

So, what exactly makes Mean stack so alluring for developers as well as the companies?

  • JavaScript 

All the codes are written in JavaScript and, thus, take very little time for completely neat work. It allows you to speed up your entire process of web app development.

  • Cost-effective

By hiring a single developer, well-versed with MEAN stack, the companies can also cut down their costs. Thorough knowledge in MEAN stack means that there is no requirement of hiring several different specialists. What is more? It has also opened up new prospects for the full-stack JavaScript developers.

  • MongoDB’s benefits inferred

Many developers prefer using MongoDB as it helps to manage a vast database. MongoDB also makes it a lot easier to update and edit tables. Another huge benefit is that the documents look similar to objects present in any kind of object-oriented language.

  • Advantages of NodeJS also included

NodeJS became popular because of its feature to use the web sockets in order to send data to the client directly without the need for any request from the client-side. That is why it reduces complexity and delays in the process.

  • Top choice for companies

Be it a startup or a well-established company, almost all of the players in the industry are moving over a NodeJS. Besides this, different communities also support a more frequent use of MongoDB as their database provider. It would give you a chance to grab the eyeballs of the recruiters in all of your job interviews.

3RI Technologies understands this growing need for more and more MEAN stack developers in the IT industry. That is why it has come up with such an effective MEAN stack course that helps you achieve mastery in the subject in minimum time. You should sign up for the MEAN stack training in Pune from us and get the certification that could change your life!

MEAN stack Learning Course: A detailed overview

We have kept the syllabus of the course comprehensive to include all the essential and necessary concepts that will help you excel in the profile. At the end of the course, you will be successfully able to code MEAN stack web apps, confidently write Express Back-End services for the web, develop ad route the single-page applications, create MongoDB documents, and more!

This course is developed meticulously by teachers and experts, keeping in mind your overall requirements and needs. It includes

  • MySQL knowledge

In this first module, you will be given a detailed analysis of why document-based databases are preferred. This module will also teach you the basics of CRUD operations – their functional usage and creating read and write operations using CRUD. The third part would include schema designing and data modeling.

  • Thorough knowledge of NodeJS and Express JS

Through this course, you will be imparted with a solid foundation for NodeJS, where you will learn about its installation, usage to execute scripts, HTTP protocol, setting up an HTTP server, express framework, and more. It is all about basics. After this, you will be given knowledge about NodeJS projects where you learn how to create a project, automating tasks with Gulp, and all information about the Node package manager.

  • A detailed study of ExpressJS

This module covers all the concepts – basic and advanced- regarding ExpressJS. Students will learn the process of setting up routers, handling form data and errors, using templates, using REST, reading POST data, building Handlebars helpers, etc. This module will be all about learning how to use the MEAN stack to build real apps.

  • AngularJS

It is the last module in the course and the vastest one as well. It is a very comprehensive module that has many chapters under it. Chapters on Angular 4 and Angular 5 also included in this module. It covers a detailed study on routers, pipes, forms, display data, data binding, user input, directives, architecture, etc.

You can check out the entire syllabus of MEAN stack classes in Pune from 3RI on our website. This course will surely catapult your career and take you to heights in the IT industry.

What should you already know?

Before enrolling for this course, you should be familiar with HTML, CSS, and basic JavaScript. You should have an idea and knowledge about developing a web application and an IDE or text editor usage.

Why Choose 3RI technologies?

3RI technologies give you more than one reason to opt for their MEAN stack training in Pune. Our staff is very well-trained and has hands-on experience in building web apps using MEAN stack. We conduct an exam after the course completion to judge what all you have received from the course.

Besides this, our live project work does give you more confidence and practical knowledge about how to use MEAN stack in real-time. We also guarantee placement assistance to our students. We have a specific team for the same, and we have tie-ups with more than 300 MNCs and SMEs from around the world. We do give reference materials to all our students to help them supplement the class teachings.

To top it all up, we do provide demo MEAN stack classes in Pune on weekends. So, those who want to know more about the same can simply get in touch with us today! Register with us, and we will assist you in exploring this beautiful world of MEAN stack and web development that is taking the industry by storm! You could be the next thing that the top companies are looking for!

Key Advantages of Learning MEAN Stack

What does it mean by Short Term Job Oriented MEAN Stack Course?

A specialised educational programme called a Short Term Job Oriented MEAN Stack Course focuses on the MEAN stack and helps educate students for careers in web development. Modern web apps are created using JavaScript-based technologies called the MEAN stack. Four essential components are represented by the acronym “MEAN”: the NoSQL database MongoDB, the web application framework Express.js, the front-end framework Angular, and the server-side runtime environment Node.js. These short courses, which usually last a few weeks to a few months, are designed to provide students with the hands-on, industry-specific skills they need to start working in web development professions right away.

Essential elements of a job-oriented, short-term MEAN stack course frequently consist of:

  • Angular for Front-End Development: With this robust front-end framework, students may create dynamic and interactive user interfaces. State management, routing, and components are all included in this.
  • Back-end development with Node.js and Express.js: This course covers server-side development using Node.js and Express.js, focusing on managing server-side functionality, creating RESTful APIs, and responding to server requests.
  • MongoDB for Database Management: The MEAN stack relies heavily on MongoDB, a NoSQL database. Pupils gain knowledge of database architecture, creation, and management, as well as CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) activities. 
  • Full-Stack Development: The goal of these courses is to train students to become full-stack developers or someone who can work on the front end and back end of websites. This entails combining Node.js/Express with Angular to build unified, feature-rich web applications. 
  • Real-World Projects: An essential component of MEAN stack courses is hands-on training. Students apply their skills and create a portfolio of web apps by working on practical projects that mimic real-world development circumstances. 
  • Deployment and Hosting: To get students ready to launch their ideas live on the internet, several courses include the deployment and hosting of web applications.
  • Job Placement Assistance: A lot of the schools that provide these courses also offer career services to assist students in finding jobs. This can involve helping with job placement, interview preparation, and resume building.

These courses’ emphasis on “job-oriented” learning emphasises their dedication to educating graduates for web development positions that call for competence with the MEAN stack. Graduates of the programme are well-equipped to work in various industries, including digital startups and well-established businesses, in roles like software engineer, web application developer, or full-stack developer.

A career-driven and targeted method for mastering a highly-demanded web development stack is to enrol in a short-term job-oriented MEAN stack course. It equips people with the knowledge and real-world experience required to break into the exciting field of web development and take advantage of the rising need in the technology sector for MEAN stack engineers.

How the Short Term Job Oriented MEAN Stack Course can help you in your career?

A short-term job-oriented MEAN Stack course will help you establish yourself as a competitive and highly talented web developer, which can be a crucial career move. The MEAN stack, which consists of Node.js, Angular, Express.js, and MongoDB, is well known for its effectiveness in creating contemporary online applications. Enrolling in this course gives you the front-end and back-end web development skills you need to succeed, which makes you a valuable asset in the employment market.

  • Comprehensive instruction in Angular for developing dynamic user interfaces, Node.js and Express.js for developing server-side functionality and RESTful APIs, and MongoDB for database management are all included in the course curriculum. Additionally, you’ll discover how to combine these technologies to produce feature-rich, fully operational web apps.
  • One of these courses’ main advantages is the practical approach. Working on real-world projects that mimic real-world development scenarios allows you to put your knowledge to use, hone your problem-solving abilities in the real world, and compile a portfolio demonstrating your expertise.
  • Furthermore, career services and assistance with job placement are frequently essential parts of these programmes. After graduating, you will have a better chance of landing a job as a software engineer, web application developer, or full-stack developer because they offer advice on resume writing, interview techniques, and job placement.
  • A Short Term Job Oriented MEAN Stack Course equips you with the knowledge and abilities to succeed in the web development industry, regardless of when you’re starting your career or moving to web development. Because of the MEAN stack’s ubiquity and versatility, you will always be in high demand for your skills, opening up a wide range of chances in tech-driven organisations and a variety of industries. Enrolling in this course is an investment in your professional development, as it may lead to rewarding and lucrative roles in web development.

We are happy to help you 24/7

Syllabus- STEP in MEAN Stack Syllabus

The detailed syllabus is designed for freshers as well as working professionals

Decade Years Legacy of Excellence | Multiple Cities | Manifold Campuses | Global Career Offers

Basic Foundation Course

1. Programming Basics

    ● Fundamentals of Computer
    ● Understanding Applications
    ● Using Windows Explorer & File Structure
    ● Number Systems
    ● Application Software
2. Operating System & Networking
    ● Need for operating system
    ● Functions of Operating System
    ● Process Management
    ● Memory Management
    ● File Management and
    ● Device Management
    ● Types of operating system
    ● TCP/IP fundamentals
    ● Networks and computer networks
    ● 2 tier, 3 tier and n-tier architecture
3. Introduction to Database Management Systems
    ● Introduction to Database
    ● DDL, DML, DCL, TCL
    ● Data types
    ● SELECT Statement
    ● Restricting and Sorting Data
    ● Aggregating Data using Group Functions
    ● Manipulating Data
    ● Sub queries
    ● Important Functions
    ● Joins and different types

Front End Technologies

HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language
1. HTML Basic
    ● What is Markup Language
    ● Basic Structure of HTML
    ● Meta Tags
    ● External Link Tags
2. HTML Elements
    ● Basics, Elements , Attributes
    ● Paragraphs and Formatting
    ● HTML Skeleton, Links
    ● Creating an HTML Document
    ● Basic Content Structure
    ● Headings
    ● Horizontal Rules
    ● Line Breaks
3. Images
    ● Optimizing web graphics – JPEG, GIF & NG
    ● Getting images from Photoshop
    ● Embedding Images in a Web Page
    ● Using Graphics as Links
    ● Using Background Images
    ● Setting image properties via HTML
4. Hyperlinks
    ● Href, Name, Title, Target
5. Div & Tables
    ● Creating of Div Tag
    ● Creating and Modifying Tables
    ● Formatting Tables
    ● Table Headers and Captions
6. Form
    ● Name, Action, Method
    ● Text, Hidden, Password
    ● Radio Button, Checkbox
    ● Select, Text area
    ● Submit, Reset, Button
7. HTML5
    ● HTML5 Structural Elements
        o Section, Article, Aside
        o Header, Hgroup
        o Footer, Nav
● HTML5 Content Elements
        o Figure, Figcaption, Video
        o Audio, Embed, Canvas
    ● HTML5 New Application Focused Elements
        o Meter, Details, Summary
        o Progress, Time
    ● HTML5 Form Attributes
        o Autocomplete
        o No validate
        o Form/form action
        o Autofocus
        o Multiple pattern(regexp)
        o Placeholder required

CSS: Cascading Style Sheet

1. Understanding CSS
    ● Versions of CSS
    ● Types of CSS Rules
    ● CSS and Markup Languages
2. CSS Basics
    ● Adding Styles to an HTML Tag
    ● Adding Styles to a Web Page and Web Site
    ● Redefining an HTML Tag
    ● Defining Classes to Create Your own Tags
    ● Defining IDs to Identify an Object
    ● Defining Styles with the Same Rules
    ● Adding Comments to CSS
    ● Style Sheet Strategies
3. Font Properties
    ● Understanding Typography on the Web
    ● Setting the Font Size
    ● Making Text Italic and Setting Bold, Bolder, Boldest
    ● Creating Small Caps
    ● Setting Multiple Font Values
4. Text Properties
    ● Adjusting Text Spacing
    ● Setting Text Case
    ● Aligning Text Horizontally and Vertically
    ● Indenting Paragraphs.
    ● Setting Text and Foreground Color
    ● Decorating Text
    ● Setting Text Direction
    ● Setting Page Breaks for Printing
5. Color and Background Properties
    ● Choosing Color Palettes
    ● Setting Text and Foreground Color
    ● Setting a Background Color
    ● Setting a Background Image
    ● Setting Multiple Background Values
6. Box Properties
    ● Setting an Element’s Margins
    ● Setting an Element’s Border
    ● Setting an Element’s Outline
    ● Setting an Element’s Padding
    ● Setting the Width and Height of an Element
7. CSS Border
    ● Border, width, color, style
8. Positioning
    ● Static, relative, absolute
    ● Fixed, z-index
9. Floating
    ● None, left, right
    ● Initial, inherits
10. Pseudo – elements and CSS classes
11. CSS List
    ● list-style
    ● list-style-image
    ● list-style-position
    ● list-style-type
12. CSS3
    ● Borders
    ● CSS3 Backgrounds, CSS3 Gradients
    ● CSS3 Shadows, CSS3 Text Effects
    ● CSS3 Fonts, CSS3 2D/3D Transforms
    ● CSS3 Transitions, CSS3 Animations
    ● CSS3 Multiple Columns
13. Create a Layout Using CSS Property


1. Introduction
2. Statements & Comments
3. Variables
4. Data types
5. Operators
6. Conditional Statements and Loops
7. User Defined Functions
8. HTML Events
    ● Window Event Attributes
        o -onload
        o -onunload
    ● Form Events
        o -onblur
        o -onchange
        o -onfocus
        o -oninput
        o -onselect
        o -onsubmit
    ● Keyboard Events
        o -onkeydown
        o -onkeypress
        o -onkeyup
    ● Mouse Events
        o -onclick
        o -ondblclick
        o -onmouseover
        o -onmouseout
        o -onmousedown
        o -onmouseup
9. JS Validations


1. Introduction
2. JQuery Syntax
3. jQuery Selectors
4. jQuery Events
5. jQuery Effects
    ● jQuery Hide/Show
    ● jQuery Fade
    ● jQuery Slide
    ● jQuery Animate
    ● jQuery Stop()
    ● jQuery callback
    ● jQuery chaining
6. JQuery HTML
    ● jQuery Get
    ● jQuery Set
    ● jQuery Add
    ● jQuery Remove
    ● jQuery CSS Classes
    ● jQuery CSS
7. jQuery Misc
    ● jQuery noConflict()


1. How to Create a Layout in Bootstrap
    ● Grid Classes
2. Basic Tags in Bootstrap
    ● Contextual colors and backgrounds
3. Table in Bootstrap
    ● Bootstrap Basic Tables
        o Striped Rows, Bordered Table
        o Hover Rows, Condensed Table
        o Contextual Classes,Responsive Tables
4. Navigation bar in Bootstrap
    ● Inverted Navigation Bar
    ● Fixed Navigation Bar
    ● Navigation Bar with Dropdown
    ● Right-aligned Navigation Bar
    ● Collapsing the Navigation Bar
5. Form in Bootstrap
    ● Vertical Form
    ● Horizontal Form
    ● Inline Form
6. Buttons in Bootstrap
    ● Button Styles,Button Sizes
    ● Block Level Buttons
    ● Active/Disabled Buttons
7. Images in Bootstrap
    ● Rounded Corners Image
    ● Circle Image
    ● Thumbnail Image

Mongo DB
1. Design Goals, Architecture and Installation
    ● What is need for Non RDBMS
    ● Benefits of using Document based databases
2. CRUD Operations
    ● Understanding of CRUD Operations
    ● Functional usage of CRUD
    ● Read / Write Operations with CRUD
3. Schema Design and Data Modelling
    ● Schema Design and
    ● Data Modelling in MongoDB®
    ● Various Data Structure and
    ● Tools to Manage Data Model in MongoDB

Express JS
    ● An Introduction to Express JS
    ● Routing
      o Setting Up Router
      o Route Parameter and queries
    ● HTTP Interaction
    ● Handling Form Data
    ● Handling Query Parameters
    ● Error Handling
    ● Creating and Consuming RESTful Services
    ● Using Templates
    ● The model-view-controller pattern
    ● Defining Jade and Handlebars templates
    ● Building a front-end controller
    ● Defining routes
    ● Creating actions
    ● Configuring Express to use Handlebars
    ● Using REST
    ● Reading POST data
    ● Building Handlebars helpers
    ● Adding middleware
    ● Data Sources
    ● How Node.JS connects to databases
    ● RDBMS databases and NoSQL databases
    ● Connecting to RDBMS and NoSQL databases

1. Introduction & Foundation
    ● Introduction to the Node JS framework
    ● Installing NodeJS, use to execute scripts
    ● The Node Package Manager
    ● The package.json configuration file
    ● Global vs local package installation
    ● Automating tasks with Gulp
    ● The HTTP protocol
    ● Building an HTTP server
    ● Rendering a response
    ● Using Representational State Transfer
    ● Express Framework
    ● Connecting to Mongo databases.
    ● Performing CRUD operations
    ● The NodeJS framework, Installing NodeJS
    ● Using NodeJS to execute scripts
2. NodeJS Projects
    ● The Node Package Manager
    ● NodeJS Creating a project
    ● The package.json configuration file
    ● Global vs local package installation
    ● Automating tasks with Gulp.
    ● The HTTP protocol, Building an HTTP
    ● server
    ● Rendering a response
    ● Processing query strings
    ● NodeJS using Representational State
    ● Transfer Configuring TLS


Angular JS

1. Getting Started
    ● Introduction
    ● What is Angular 2?
    ● How Angular Works ?
    ● Difference between Angular and Other Framework
    ● Advantages of AngularJS
2. Typescript
    ● What is typescript?
    ● Compare typescript with Javascript
    ● Data Types & Variables
    ● Variable & Operators
    ● Control Structure and Decision making & loops
    ● Typescript Functions & Strings
    ● Typescript Object
    ● Class , Abstract Class
    ● Constructor Method
    ● Type of Assertion
    ● Interfaces
3. Application setup
    ● Installing Angular JS
    ● Configuration of Angular JS
    ● Creating an Angular 2 project
    ● Creating an Angular 2 project using CLI
4. Node package manager
    ● Setup & Commands
    ● What is NPM
    ● Install Nom for Angular.
5. Architecture
    ● Module
    ● Component
    ● Template
    ● Metadata & Data binding
    ● Data binding
    ● Directive
        o Attribute Directive
        o Structural Directive ,
    ● Services
    ● Dependency Injection
6. Angular Ui design patterns
    ● Flex Box
        o What is flex box
        o How to design your user interface with flex box model
    ● Material Design
    ● What is material design
    ● How to use and setup material environment
    ● Material components and layouts:
        o Material cards
        o Mat-Icons
        o Mat table
    ● Bootstrap
        o How to install bootstrap in angular environment
        o Bootstrap layout and components
7. Directives
    ● Overview, Different kinds of directives , Directives Overview
    ● Build attribute directive
    ● Apply the attribute directive to an element in a template
    ● Respond to user-initiated events
    ● Pass value into the directive with an @Input data binding
    ● Custom Attribute Directive
8. Structural and Attribute Directive
    ● What is structural directive?
        o NgIf case study
        o NgFor,NgSwitch
    ● What is attribute Directives
        o Using the NgStyle Directive
Using the NgClass Directive
        o The <template> element
9. Service
    ● What is service? Create a service
    ● Understanding Services Injecting Concepts
    ● Async service and promise
    ● Introduction to Observable
    ● What is web service, create web service
    ● how to consume rest service
    ● posting data to client server architecture
    ● Introduction to Material Design
    ● Json Server, Installation and run and up
    ● into your local machine
    ● crud operation using son server.
10. Dependency Injection
    ● Why dependency injection?
    ● Angular dependency injection
    ● Injector provider
11. Data Binding
    ● Interpolation, Property binding
    ● Event binding, Attribute binding
    ● Class binding , Style binding
    ● Multiple components & passing data

12. Display data
    ● Class Binding, Style Binding
    ● Event Binding, Two-way Binding
    ● Component Data Binding
    ● Component Events
    ● Ng-Model
13. User input
    ● Binding to user input events
    ● Get user input from the $event object
    ● Get user input from a template reference variable
    ● Key event filtering (with key.enter)
14. Form
    ● Types of Forms in Angular4
    ● Introduction to Template Driven Forms.
    ● Validation of Template Driven Forms.
    ● Introduction Model Driven Forms.
    ● Validation of Model Driven Forms.
    ● Two way data binding using ngModel.
    ● Model Driven Forms With Form Builder
    ● Post data via a angular forms with rest service.
15. Pipes
    ● Introduction to Pipes, Why pipes are useful.
    ● Type of pipes, Built-in pipes
    ● Parametrized pipes, create custom pipes
16. Router
    ● Setting Up Router, Imperative Routing
    ● Route Parameter, Child Routing
17. What are the change in every version of angular
    ● Difference and changes in various angular versions.
    ● Latest angular version and it’s features

GIT: Complete Overview

    ● Introduction to Git & Distributed Version Control
    ● Types of Version Control System
    ● Life Cycle
    ● Create clone & commit Operations
    ● Push & Update Operations
    ● Stash, Move, Rename & Delete Operations

Hands on Experience on Live Project

 ● Online portal for E-learning Management
    ● A Web-based project like E-Commerce Website

Aptitude & Reasoning

1. Quantitative Aptitude
    ● Number Systems
    ● LCM and HCF
    ● Percentages
    ● Profit, Loss and Discount
    ● Interest (Simple and Compound)
    ● Speed, Time and Distance
    ● Ratio and Proportion
    ● Probability
    ● Permutation & Combination
    ● Time and Work
2. Logical Reasoning
    ● Number and Letter Series
    ● Calendars
    ● Clocks
    ● Logical Sequence
    ● Blood Relations
3. Logical Reasoning
    ● Ages
    ● Speed math
    ● Mixture & Allegations
    ● Coding & Decoding
    ● Simplification
    ● Seating arrangements
    ● Puzzles
    ● Sequence

Soft Skills

1. Self-Analysis
    ● Know yourself
    ● Personality types
    ● Areas of interest
2. Self-Discovery
    ● SWOT Analysis – strength, weakness, opportunities, threats
3. Goal Setting
    ● Short-term plan
    ● Long-term plan
    ● Effective Time Management
4. Effective Self Presentation
    ● Personal grooming
    ● Dressing,
    ● Hygiene
5. Effective Communication
    ● Verbal – Language
    ● Voice modulation – Tone, Pitch
    ● Clarity of Speech
    ● Listening skills
    ● Written communication – general business correspondence
6. Email Etiquette
7. Body Language
    ● Understanding non-verbal communication
    ● Postures, Gestures, Eye contact
8. Resume Writing
9. Tips for Group Discussion
10. Handling Telephonic interview
11. Mock – Technical interview
12. Mock – Personal interview (PI)
13. Office Etiquettes and Mannerisms

Course Highlights

Live sessions across 11 months

Industry Projects and Case Studies

24*7 Support

Project Work & Case Studies

Validate your skills and knowledge

Validate your skills and knowledge by working on industry-based projects that includes significant real-time use cases.

Gain hands-on expertize

Gain hands-on expertize in Top IT skills and become industry-ready after completing our project works and assessments.

Latest Industry Standards

Our projects are perfectly aligned with the modules given in the curriculum and they are picked up based on latest industry standards.

Get Noticed by top industries

Add some meaningful project works in your resume, get noticed by top industries and start earning huge salary lumps right away.

Batch Schedule

Schedule Your Batch at your convenient time.


LinkedIn form

Want to Book
Your Seat?

Training Certificate

Earn your certificate

Your certificate and skills are vital to the extent of jump-starting your career and giving you a chance to compete in a global space.

Admission Process

Schedule Your Batch at your convenient time.

Submit Application

Tell us a bit about yourself and why you want to join this program

Application Review

An admission panel will shortlist candidates based on their application


Selected candidates will be notified within 1–2 weeks

Placement Lifecycle

Eligibility Criterion

Interview Q & A

Resume & LinkedIn Formation

Aptitude Test & Soft Skills

“SuperOver” A 5-Day Program for Mock Interviews

Scheduling Interviews

Job Placement

Looking to Create an Outstanding LinkedIn Profile?

Looking to Create an Outstanding LinkedIn Profile?


Most frequent questions and answers

After the course completion, an exam will be conducted to judge your knowledge along with the live project work completion check and you will be awarded a certificate from 3RI Technologies.

Yes, we provide placement assistance to our students. We have a dedicated team for Placement and tie ups with 300+ MNC’s and SME companies.

Yes, we conduct demo classes every weekend. Please contact us for more details.


Most frequent questions and answers
After the course completion, an exam will be conducted to judge your knowledge along with the live project work completion check and you will be awarded a certificate from 3RI Technologies.

Yes, we provide placement assistance to our students. We have a dedicated team for Placement and tie ups with 300+ MNC’s and SME companies.

Yes, we conduct demo classes every weekend. Please contact us for more details.

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