MERN Stack Training in Pune

Job Oriented Training

 This course, which is available in both a classroom and an online course, will train you with all you need to know about web development. This course covers the MERN stack frameworks and tools, as well as other technologies, through hands-on real-time project experience. Anyone looking for a job as a MERN stack developer with a competitive package will receive assured job placement assistance from our industry experts.


Course Duration

5 Months

Live Project

2 Project



Training Format

Live Online /Self-Paced/Classroom


Trainings Conducted
0 +
Batches Completed
0 +
Companies Tie-ups
0 +
Students Placed
0 +
Corporate Trainings
0 +

Nothing stops you from learning

We provide EMI facility for you 

EMI Plan Registration Percent
0% Interest
On Registration
1st installment - 1st month of joining
2nd installment - 2nd month

Key Features

Course Duration : 5 months

Project Based Learning

Certification & Job Assistance

Real-Time Projects : 2

EMI Option Available

24 x 7 Support

Free Career Counselling

Overview - MERN Stack Classes in Pune

What is the MERN Stack?

MERN Stack is specially designed to make website development easy. The MERN Stack segment into four modules MongoDB, Express, React & Node JS. And these modules are the combination of technologies used to create a website application. It becomes more manageable this way as these components are a blend of the libraries, databases, frameworks, etc.

In short, MERN Stack is a JavaScript stack which is a developer to make web development an easy task. These frameworks provide end-to-end frameworks for web applications. 

Now that we know what exactly MERN Stack is let us now study the components in detail.


1. MongoDB:

MongoDB is a document-oriented, shared database, and an efficient, built for radical website application developers. Hence, this makes it more productive and responsive. It is a non-relational (no SQL) document-based database. And because of no SQL, it has no schema design with tables & columns like a relational database. All the data used in MongoDB is stored in a document form with JSON i.e., JavaScript Object Notation based query language. The content, volume, and the number of fields in the documents can differ from one to the next. This means that the data structure to be changed over time. MongoDB is best known for being adaptable and easy to estimate.


2. Express:

Express is a manageable & controlled Node JS website application framework that executes a tough set of traits for website & mobile applications. Express is a MERN Stack module used as a website application framework for Node JS. Rather than writing the webserver code by hand on Node JS, the developers can make use of Express by writing server code and quickly build their tasks. You never have to repeat the same code again and again because of the Node JS HTTP module.

The Express framework is designed for building robust mobile applications, website applications, and APIs. It is renowned for its speed and simple configuration, with many structures available as plugins.


3. React:

React is used for creating interactive User-Interfaces using JavaScript libraries. React was initially created by a software engineer at Facebook, & was later open-sourced. It is managed by Facebook & a community of development companies and individual developers. These libraries are used for creating views provided in HTML in a declarative form. Hence, there is no question of stressing out yourself while developing a website application. React makes use of a full-featured programming language (JavaScript) to construct repetitive or conditional DOM elements. Here, you can make use of the same code to execute on a server as well as the browser.

React holds the MERN Stack, meaning it is the only feature component that makes it different from MEAN Stack.


4. Node JS:

Node JS was first developed for Google Chrome & later converted to be an open-source framework by Google Itself. It is built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine & designed to build scalable web applications. It can perform JavaScript code outside of a browser too.

Node JS mechanisms without an enfolding HTML page, instead of using its module system based on Common JS, to put together several JavaScript libraries.

Why Choose MERN Stack Training at 3RI?

At 3RI Technologies, we help our students to achieve their dream jobs in Top MNC’s. We are renowned as one of the best institutes for MERN Stack training in Pune. Training yourself in MERN Stack will help you in reaching the top.

We are a well-recognized, expertise, and notable institutes in this industry for many years. When it comes to pursuing MERN Stack Training in Pune, we are the best! Here 95% of students are placed in the best MNC’s after the training at 3RI Technologies. We offer flexible timings to all our learners, which can be a weekend or weekday batch.  MERN Stack Institute in Pune is designed according to student’s perspectives and requirements. We are in collaborations with many MNC companies where even they visit our institute to analyze and conduct a session to understand their learnings.

What is MERN Stack Development?

The full form of MEAN stack is

  • MongoDB
  • Express.js
  • Angular.js
  • Node.js

From the last few years, these components of MERN Stack are become more famous and are demanding. Even the combinations of these JS frameworks are required in the industry. And as all these frameworks are open-source which indeed means that they share the same goals. And as it is open-source, organizations ask for them. Additional to this, MongoDB is there to support you with the development. And the components used in MERN Stack development provide an end-to-end framework.

Below are the features of what these platforms are used for while developing a web application:


Now that you know, MongoDB is an open-source platform, you will be happy to know that it doesn’t require any SQL database to store its application data.


Node.js is an open-source; JavaScript runtime built which executes on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine.


Building front end interfaces as a JavaScript library is what React does.


Express works as a framework for developing website applications. MERN Stack & MEAN Stack are similar to only one difference is MEAN Stack uses Angular JS for building front end website applications and MERN Stack uses React JS for the same.

What does it mean by Short Term Job Oriented MERN Stack Course?

A Short-Term Job Oriented MERN Stack Course is a type of specialised training designed to give people the information and abilities needed to work in web development, emphasising the MERN stack. Four essential technologies make up the popular MERN stack, which is used to create modern web applications: Express.js (web application framework), React (front-end UI), Node.js (server-side runtime), and MongoDB (database). This course usually lasts a few weeks to a few months, and its primary goal is to get students ready for web development jobs that they can start working on right away.

Essential elements of a job-oriented, short-term MERN stack course often consist of:

  • React for Front-End Development: This well-liked JavaScript web application development package teaches students to design dynamic and interactive user interfaces. This covers routing, state management, and components.
  • Back-end development using Node.js and Express: This course covers server-side development using Node.js and Express.js. Students get proficiency in server-side logic management, server request processing, and RESTful API development.
  • MongoDB for Database Management: The MERN stack is only complete with MongoDB, a NoSQL database. Along with learning how to do CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) activities, students also learn how to design, create, and administer databases.
  • Full-Stack Development: The curriculum is designed to produce graduates who are proficient in both front-end and back-end web application development. To do this, React and Node.js/Express must be integrated to produce feature-rich, unified online apps.
  • Real-World Projects: An essential element of MERN stack courses is hands-on training. Students use what they learn and create a portfolio of web applications by working on practical projects that mimic real-world development circumstances.
  • Deployment and Hosting: To get students ready to launch their ideas live on the internet, several courses include the deployment and hosting of web applications.
  • Job Placement Assistance: Many institutes that provide these courses also offer career services to assist students in finding jobs. This can involve helping with job placement, interview preparation, and resume building.

The fact that these courses are “job-oriented” highlights their dedication to educating graduates for web development positions that call for competence with the MERN stack. Graduates can work as software engineers, web application developers, or full-stack developers in startups or well-established businesses.

 A career-focused and streamlined method for mastering one of the most popular web development stacks is to enrol in a Short Term Job Oriented MERN Stack Course. It equips people with the knowledge and real-world experience required to break into the exciting field of web development and take advantage of the rising need in the IT sector for MERN stack engineers.

How the Short Term Job Oriented MERN Stack Course can help you in your career?

Enrolling in a Short Term Job Oriented MERN Stack Course can help you advance your career and enter the exciting world of web development. With an emphasis on the MERN stack, a combination of technologies highly valued in the industry, this programme gives you the hands-on experience and practical skills necessary to pursue successful careers in web development.

  • You will study the fundamental elements of the MERN stack—MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node. Js—during the course. You will learn to build feature-rich, interactive web applications from the bottom up. This covers managing databases, developing server-side applications, and creating captivating user interfaces.
  • The emphasis on practical experience is one of these courses’ most significant benefits. As they work on real-world projects, students can put their talents to use in real-world situations and develop a portfolio that highlights their expertise. This portfolio becomes a valuable tool when looking for a job in the web development industry.
  • In addition, many organisations that provide MERN stack courses also offer employment services and assistance with job placement. After completing their courses, you will have a better chance of landing a job as a software engineer, web application developer, or full-stack developer because they help with resume development, interview preparation, and job placement.
  • A short-term employment-oriented MERN stack course equips you with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in a competitive job market, regardless of your career aspirations as a web developer or your desire to upskill and move into web development roles. The need for MERN stack engineers is still high due to the continued dominance of web applications in the digital world, which makes this course a wise investment in your professional development.

We are happy to help you 24/7

Syllabus- MERN Stack Syllabus

The detailed syllabus is designed for freshers as well as working professionals

Decade Years Legacy of Excellence | Multiple Cities | Manifold Campuses | Global Career Offers

Basic Foundation Course

1. Programming Basics

    ● Fundamentals of Computer
    ● Understanding Applications
    ● Using Windows Explorer & File Structure
    ● Number Systems
    ● Application Software
2. Operating System & Networking
    ● Need for operating system
    ● Functions of Operating System
    ● Process Management
    ● Memory Management
    ● File Management and
    ● Device Management
    ● Types of operating system
    ● TCP/IP fundamentals
    ● Networks and computer networks
    ● 2 tier, 3 tier and n-tier architecture
3. Introduction to Database Management Systems
    ● Introduction to Database
    ● DDL, DML, DCL, TCL
    ● Data types
    ● SELECT Statement
    ● Restricting and Sorting Data
    ● Aggregating Data using Group Functions
    ● Manipulating Data
    ● Sub queries
    ● Important Functions
    ● Joins and different types

Front End Technologies

HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language
1. HTML Basic
    ● What is Markup Language
    ● Basic Structure of HTML
    ● Meta Tags
    ● External Link Tags
2. HTML Elements
    ● Basics, Elements , Attributes
    ● Paragraphs and Formatting
    ● HTML Skeleton, Links
    ● Creating an HTML Document
    ● Basic Content Structure
    ● Headings
    ● Horizontal Rules
    ● Line Breaks
3. Images
    ● Optimizing web graphics – JPEG, GIF & NG
    ● Getting images from Photoshop
    ● Embedding Images in a Web Page
    ● Using Graphics as Links
    ● Using Background Images
    ● Setting image properties via HTML
4. Hyperlinks
    ● Href, Name, Title, Target
5. Div & Tables
    ● Creating of Div Tag
    ● Creating and Modifying Tables
    ● Formatting Tables
    ● Table Headers and Captions
6. Form
    ● Name, Action, Method
    ● Text, Hidden, Password
    ● Radio Button, Checkbox
    ● Select, Text area
    ● Submit, Reset, Button
7. HTML5
    ● HTML5 Structural Elements
        o Section, Article, Aside
        o Header, Hgroup
        o Footer, Nav
● HTML5 Content Elements
        o Figure, Figcaption, Video
        o Audio, Embed, Canvas
    ● HTML5 New Application Focused Elements
        o Meter, Details, Summary
        o Progress, Time
    ● HTML5 Form Attributes
        o Autocomplete
        o No validate
        o Form/form action
        o Autofocus
        o Multiple pattern(regexp)
        o Placeholder required

CSS: Cascading Style Sheet

1. Understanding CSS
    ● Versions of CSS
    ● Types of CSS Rules
    ● CSS and Markup Languages
2. CSS Basics
    ● Adding Styles to an HTML Tag
    ● Adding Styles to a Web Page and Web Site
    ● Redefining an HTML Tag
    ● Defining Classes to Create Your own Tags
    ● Defining IDs to Identify an Object
    ● Defining Styles with the Same Rules
    ● Adding Comments to CSS
    ● Style Sheet Strategies
3. Font Properties
    ● Understanding Typography on the Web
    ● Setting the Font Size
    ● Making Text Italic and Setting Bold, Bolder, Boldest
    ● Creating Small Caps
    ● Setting Multiple Font Values
4. Text Properties
    ● Adjusting Text Spacing
    ● Setting Text Case
    ● Aligning Text Horizontally and Vertically
    ● Indenting Paragraphs.
    ● Setting Text and Foreground Color
    ● Decorating Text
    ● Setting Text Direction
    ● Setting Page Breaks for Printing
5. Color and Background Properties
    ● Choosing Color Palettes
    ● Setting Text and Foreground Color
    ● Setting a Background Color
    ● Setting a Background Image
    ● Setting Multiple Background Values
6. Box Properties
    ● Setting an Element’s Margins
    ● Setting an Element’s Border
    ● Setting an Element’s Outline
    ● Setting an Element’s Padding
    ● Setting the Width and Height of an Element
7. CSS Border
    ● Border, width, color, style
8. Positioning
    ● Static, relative, absolute
    ● Fixed, z-index
9. Floating
    ● None, left, right
    ● Initial, inherits
10. Pseudo – elements and CSS classes
11. CSS List
    ● list-style
    ● list-style-image
    ● list-style-position
    ● list-style-type
12. CSS3
    ● Borders
    ● CSS3 Backgrounds, CSS3 Gradients
    ● CSS3 Shadows, CSS3 Text Effects
    ● CSS3 Fonts, CSS3 2D/3D Transforms
    ● CSS3 Transitions, CSS3 Animations
    ● CSS3 Multiple Columns
13. Create a Layout Using CSS Property


1. Introduction
2. Statements & Comments
3. Variables
4. Data types
5. Operators
6. Conditional Statements and Loops
7. User Defined Functions
8. HTML Events
    ● Window Event Attributes
        o -onload
        o -onunload
    ● Form Events
        o -onblur
        o -onchange
        o -onfocus
        o -oninput
        o -onselect
        o -onsubmit
    ● Keyboard Events
        o -onkeydown
        o -onkeypress
        o -onkeyup
    ● Mouse Events
        o -onclick
        o -ondblclick
        o -onmouseover
        o -onmouseout
        o -onmousedown
        o -onmouseup
9. JS Validations


1. Introduction
2. JQuery Syntax
3. jQuery Selectors
4. jQuery Events
5. jQuery Effects
    ● jQuery Hide/Show
    ● jQuery Fade
    ● jQuery Slide
    ● jQuery Animate
    ● jQuery Stop()
    ● jQuery callback
    ● jQuery chaining
6. JQuery HTML
    ● jQuery Get
    ● jQuery Set
    ● jQuery Add
    ● jQuery Remove
    ● jQuery CSS Classes
    ● jQuery CSS
7. jQuery Misc
    ● jQuery noConflict()


1. How to Create a Layout in Bootstrap
    ● Grid Classes
2. Basic Tags in Bootstrap
    ● Contextual colors and backgrounds
3. Table in Bootstrap
    ● Bootstrap Basic Tables
        o Striped Rows, Bordered Table
        o Hover Rows, Condensed Table
        o Contextual Classes,Responsive Tables
4. Navigation bar in Bootstrap
    ● Inverted Navigation Bar
    ● Fixed Navigation Bar
    ● Navigation Bar with Dropdown
    ● Right-aligned Navigation Bar
    ● Collapsing the Navigation Bar
5. Form in Bootstrap
    ● Vertical Form
    ● Horizontal Form
    ● Inline Form
6. Buttons in Bootstrap
    ● Button Styles,Button Sizes
    ● Block Level Buttons
    ● Active/Disabled Buttons
7. Images in Bootstrap
    ● Rounded Corners Image
    ● Circle Image
    ● Thumbnail Image

Mongo DB
1. Design Goals, Architecture and Installation
    ● What is need for Non RDBMS
    ● Benefits of using Document based databases
2. CRUD Operations
    ● Understanding of CRUD Operations
    ● Functional usage of CRUD
    ● Read / Write Operations with CRUD
3. Schema Design and Data Modelling
    ● Schema Design and
    ● Data Modelling in MongoDB®
    ● Various Data Structure and
    ● Tools to Manage Data Model in MongoDB

Express JS
    ● An Introduction to Express JS
    ● Routing
      o Setting Up Router
      o Route Parameter and queries
    ● HTTP Interaction
    ● Handling Form Data
    ● Handling Query Parameters
    ● Error Handling
    ● Creating and Consuming RESTful Services
    ● Using Templates
    ● The model-view-controller pattern
    ● Defining Jade and Handlebars templates
    ● Building a front-end controller
    ● Defining routes
    ● Creating actions
    ● Configuring Express to use Handlebars
    ● Using REST
    ● Reading POST data
    ● Building Handlebars helpers
    ● Adding middleware
    ● Data Sources
    ● How Node.JS connects to databases
    ● RDBMS databases and NoSQL databases
    ● Connecting to RDBMS and NoSQL databases

1. Introduction & Foundation
    ● Introduction to the Node JS framework
    ● Installing NodeJS, use to execute scripts
    ● The Node Package Manager
    ● The package.json configuration file
    ● Global vs local package installation
    ● Automating tasks with Gulp
    ● The HTTP protocol
    ● Building an HTTP server
    ● Rendering a response
    ● Using Representational State Transfer
    ● Express Framework
    ● Connecting to Mongo databases.
    ● Performing CRUD operations
    ● The NodeJS framework, Installing NodeJS
    ● Using NodeJS to execute scripts
2. NodeJS Projects
    ● The Node Package Manager
    ● NodeJS Creating a project
    ● The package.json configuration file
    ● Global vs local package installation
    ● Automating tasks with Gulp.
    ● The HTTP protocol, Building an HTTP
    ● server
    ● Rendering a response
    ● Processing query strings
    ● NodeJS using Representational State
    ● Transfer Configuring TLS

React JS

1. Overview
    ● Features of React JS
    ● Advantages
    ● Limitations
2. Environment Setup
    ● Install global packages
    ● Add dependencies and plugin
    ● Run the server
3. ReactJS component
    ● Render function
    ● Component API
    ● State,Props
    ● JSX
    ● React Pure Component
    ● Creating a React Component
    ● Creating a Class Component
    ● Creating a function Component
4. ReactJS ─ Component Life Cycle
    ● Lifecycle Methods.
    ● Explanation on life cycle
5. ReactJS ─ Events
    ● Simple Example
    ● Child Events.
6. ReactJS – Redux
    ● Concept of Redux
    ● Redux API
    ● React Redux provides
    ● Middleware- (Trunk)
7. ReactJS ─ Router
    ● Install a React Router
    ● Create Components
    ● Add a Router
8. Component Inter Communication
    ● Component composition
    ● Pass data from parent to child
    ● Pass data from child to parent
9. Unit Testing Components
    ● Jasmine
    ● React test utilities
10. HOOKS in react
    ● When to use Hook
    ● Rules of Hook
    ● Hook State
    ● Hook Effect
    ● Building your Own Hooks
11. Unit Testing Components
    ● Jest
    ● React test utilities

GIT: Complete Overview

    ● Introduction to Git & Distributed Version Control
    ● Types of Version Control System
    ● Life Cycle
    ● Create clone & commit Operations
    ● Push & Update Operations
    ● Stash, Move, Rename & Delete Operations

Hands on Experience on Live Project

    ● Online portal for E-learning Management
    ● A Web-based project like E-Commerce Website

Aptitude & Reasoning

1. Quantitative Aptitude
    ● Number Systems
    ● LCM and HCF
    ● Percentages
    ● Profit, Loss and Discount
    ● Interest (Simple and Compound)
    ● Speed, Time and Distance
    ● Ratio and Proportion
    ● Probability
    ● Permutation & Combination
    ● Time and Work
2. Logical Reasoning
    ● Number and Letter Series
    ● Calendars
    ● Clocks
    ● Logical Sequence
    ● Blood Relations
3. Logical Reasoning
    ● Ages
    ● Speed math
    ● Mixture & Allegations
    ● Coding & Decoding
    ● Simplification
    ● Seating arrangements
    ● Puzzles
    ● Sequence

Soft Skills

1. Self-Analysis
    ● Know yourself
    ● Personality types
    ● Areas of interest
2. Self-Discovery
    ● SWOT Analysis – strength, weakness, opportunities, threats
3. Goal Setting
    ● Short-term plan
    ● Long-term plan
    ● Effective Time Management
4. Effective Self Presentation
    ● Personal grooming
    ● Dressing,
    ● Hygiene
5. Effective Communication
    ● Verbal – Language
    ● Voice modulation – Tone, Pitch
    ● Clarity of Speech
    ● Listening skills
    ● Written communication – general business correspondence
6. Email Etiquette
7. Body Language
    ● Understanding non-verbal communication
    ● Postures, Gestures, Eye contact
8. Resume Writing
9. Tips for Group Discussion
10. Handling Telephonic interview
11. Mock – Technical interview
12. Mock – Personal interview (PI)
13. Office Etiquettes and Mannerisms

Course Highlights

Live sessions across 11 months

Industry Projects and Case Studies

24*7 Support

Project Work & Case Studies

Validate your skills and knowledge

Validate your skills and knowledge by working on industry-based projects that includes significant real-time use cases.

Gain hands-on expertize

Gain hands-on expertize in Top IT skills and become industry-ready after completing our project works and assessments.

Latest Industry Standards

Our projects are perfectly aligned with the modules given in the curriculum and they are picked up based on latest industry standards.

Get Noticed by top industries

Add some meaningful project works in your resume, get noticed by top industries and start earning huge salary lumps right away.

Batch Schedule

Schedule Your Batch at your convenient time.


LinkedIn form

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Training Certificate

Earn your certificate

Your certificate and skills are vital to the extent of jump-starting your career and giving you a chance to compete in a global space.

Admission Process

Schedule Your Batch at your convenient time.

Submit Application

Tell us a bit about yourself and why you want to join this program

Application Review

An admission panel will shortlist candidates based on their application


Selected candidates will be notified within 1–2 weeks

Placement Lifecycle

Eligibility Criterion

Interview Q & A

Resume & LinkedIn Formation

Aptitude Test & Soft Skills

“SuperOver” A 5-Day Program for Mock Interviews

Scheduling Interviews

Job Placement

Looking to Create an Outstanding LinkedIn Profile?

Looking to Create an Outstanding LinkedIn Profile?


Most frequent questions and answers

What you choose, helps you to develop your career and secure your future. We are here to make you realize the real concepts of MERN Stack. With the best MERN Stack training in Pune, we also provide placement assistance. You will get to know about the live practical and theoretical concepts that how things work in industries and gain relevant knowledge too.

Wish to be an all-rounder, then full-stack development as a MERN stack developer can be the right choice for you. Here, you will be learning about handling both front end and back end development. MERN Stack is the need-to-know set of technologies for developing the best website, from start to end.

This technology uses all the top resources to develop the best application, and it is effortless to understand and learn when compared with other full-stack technologies. Hence, companies prefer these kinds of technologies and look for these technology experts in their companies.

Mean Stack is the most renowned, open-source (free) technology stack that used for creating feature-based and dynamic website applications. In short, Mean Stack is a combination of four main components i.e., MongoDB, Node JS, React & Express, which are the most used JavaScript frameworks where is no need for SQL database program. It is used for the development of complex web applications.

MERN Stack is different from all other stack languages, and React, the component that makes it different. React is a JavaScript open-source library maintained by Facebook. It is used for creating views rendered in HTML.

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