Selenium Training in Pune

It also offers Manual & Automated Testing on Real-Time Projects, as well as Placement Assistance.

The first tool that springs to mind when thinking about automated web application testing is Selenium. Compatible with Python, C#, Ruby, and Java, it is a lightweight, open-source framework for online apps. Choosing the appropriate language depends on a number of factors, including the application being tested, the community supporting it, the available test automation frameworks, usability, elegance, and seamless build integration.


Course Duration

2.5 Months

Live Project

2 Project



Training Format

Live Online /Self-Paced/Classroom


Trainings Conducted
0 +
Batches Completed
0 +
Companies Tie-ups
0 +
Students Placed
0 +
Corporate Trainings
0 +

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We provide EMI facility for you 

EMI Plan Registration Percent
0% Interest
On Registration
1st installment - 1st month of joining
2nd installment - 2nd month

Key Features

Course Duration : 2.5 Months

Project Based Learning

Certification & Job Assistance

Real-Time Projects : 2

EMI Option Available

24 x 7 Support

Free Career Counselling

Overview - Selenium Classes in Pune

Selenium Overview

Selenium is one of the best open sources, free automation testing tool for functional testing available in the market. With the exponential increase in web-based applications, companies and organizations are harnessing the power of Selenium Tool to get these applications tested effectively. Test Automation also has the edge over the speed and lowers the repeatability of tests.

Considering the demand for Selenium professionals in the IT industry, 3RI Technologies has designed a market-centric Selenium Automation Testing Courses. Selenium’s course at 3RI Technologies is highly competent and comprehensive. Our Selenium Automation Course is ideal for fresher students and for individuals who have experience and knowledge on Manual Testing as well. Our Selenium Training Classes help students to grasp the latest automation techniques, which play a major role in their career growth. The Best way of teaching Selenium is followed by 3RI Technologies; here, our experts first teach you Java Training until you get hands-on practice on Java and then will move to Selenium. Join us for the best selenium training in Pune and excel in your career.

Selenium WebDriver works by making calls to the browser & then performing testing or operations on the browser. Different browser drivers used for making calls to different browsers, such as ChromeDriver, IEDriver, GeckoDriver, etc. The call is made by writing scripts. Selenium automation testing tool is used by most of the companies to their product. A bit about Selenium, Selenium provides a record/playback tool for authoring tests without the need to learn a test scripting language (Selenium IDE).

Selenium is an open-source and portable automated software testing tool for testing web applications. It has capabilities to operate across different browsers and operating systems. Selenium is not just a single tool but a set of tools that helps testers to automate web-based applications more efficiently. There are four selenium tools, namely Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Grid.

Before starting to learn Selenium, you need to know that only testing of the web application is possible with Selenium. In selenium training, you will learn Selenium IDE, Selenium Installation, working of its components, we provide certification training for Selenium. You should check our Selenium Course in Pune for more details as we are one of the best leading institutes providing Selenium Testing Course in Pune.

Advantages of learning Selenium for Automated Testing


What is Selenium Testing?

Selenium is a new kind of automated testing tools for mobile and online applications. It is the technology that forms the basis of many other browser automation tools, frameworks, and APIs.

  • regression
Who should Learn Selenium?
  • Anyone wishing to change careers into the automation industry.
  • New hires/college graduates
  • Engineers working on any other automation tool; developers; quality analysts
  • Manual testers; white box testers; user interface testers.

Prerequisites of learning from 3RI

  • A basic comprehension of Java, or any other object-oriented programming language (OOP)
  • Previous knowledge of software testing methodologies, like functional, and
After completing this Selenium certification course, what career prospects are there in Selenium?

Some of the many opportunities in the Selenium industry that become accessible after completing the certification course are as follows:

Job Title

Role Description

Necessary Skills

Selenium Automation Tester

Use Selenium to develop and execute automated testing solutions, write test scripts, and guarantee the dependability and quality of software applications.

Expertise in Selenium WebDriver, Python and Java programming, testing framework comprehension, and continuous integration tool knowledge.

Senior Automation Test Engineer

Directing the automation testing projects, creating reliable test frameworks, and coaching less experienced automation testers.

Strong analytical abilities, familiarity with API testing, test automation architecture, and advanced Selenium competency are all required.

Performance Test Engineer

Enhancing system performance and creating and carrying out performance tests to guarantee the scalability and dependability of applications.

Expertise with performance testing methodology, familiarity with performance testing tools (such as JMeter), and familiarity with analysing and interpreting performance indicators.

DevOps Test Automation Engineer

Assuring continuous testing, putting test automation into the DevOps process, and working with the development and DevOps teams.

Understanding of DevOps practices, skill with Selenium, experience with CI/CD pipelines, and knowledge of how to automate tests in a DevOps setting.

Security Test Engineer

Addressing security issues by working with security teams, finding vulnerabilities, and testing apps for security.

The ability to use security testing tools, have knowledge of ethical hacking techniques, comprehend security best practices, and be conversant with secure coding principles.

We are happy to help you 24/7


Who can apply for this program?

Selenium Syllabus

Decade Years Legacy of Excellence | Multiple Cities | Manifold Campuses | Global Career Offers

Core Java

1. Overview of Java
    • OOP’s, Data Types and Variables
    • Operators, Control Structures
    • Strings, Arrays

2. Objects and Classes
    • Object, Classes and Methods
    • Method Overloading
    • Constructors

3. Inheritance
    • Types of Inheritance
    • Method Overriding

4. Packages and Interfaces
    • Defining Packages
    • Extending Interfaces

5. Exception Handling
    • Fundamentals of Exception Handling
    • Exception types
    • Try and Catch and finally
    • Multiple Catch

6. Input and Output in Java
    • File handling
    • Fetching data from Property File
    • How to use excel data with Apache POI Jars
    • Working with Excel

7. Collections Framework
    • Collection Interfaces and Classes
   • Iterator, Map , HashMap

Basic Selenium

1. Introduction to Automation Testing
    ● What is Automation Testing?
    ● Which Test Cases to Automate?
    ● Different Automation tools
    ● Automation challenges & Mitigations

2. Introduction to selenium
    ● What is selenium?
    ● History and various versions of selenium
    ● Advantages of using Selenium over other tools.
    ● Selenium components

3. Selenium Web Driver 4.0
    ● Why Selenium Web Driver
    ● Automation Setup for Selenium Web Driver
    ● Configuration of Selenium Jar using Eclipse

4. Identification of Locators
    ● Tools to identify elements/objects
    ● Setup for Firebug, Firepath
    ● Different methods of finding element
    o By ID, By name, class
    o By Xpath, By Tag name
    o By Link text
    o By CSS
    o Using Effective X-path

5. Selenium Commands
    ● Various types of operation that can be performed on any elements and how to use them.
    ● Browser Commands, Navigation Commands
    ● Working with different browser
    ● Handling Checkbox, RadioButton
    ● Dropdown and Select Operations
    ● Handling Keyboard Event and Mouse Event
    ● Alert & Pop Up Handling
    ● Handling iFrame/Frame
    ● Multiple Window Handling
    ● Capturing Screen shots

6. Handling WebTables
    ● What is WebTables
    ● Extracting values from WebTables
    ● Static and Dynamic WebTables

7. Wait Commands in Selenium
    ● Implicit Wait
    ● Explicit Waits,Expected Conditions

Advanced Selenium

1. Framework Designing
    ● What is Framework
    ● What is a Framework?
    ● Different Types of Framework.
    ● How to Design a framework?
    ● Data Driven Framework using Excel
    o Data Driven Framework using configuration files.
    o Using and Maintaining configuration files.

2. TestNG Framework
    ● Test NG & TestNG features
    ● How to use TestNG and Junit in Selenium
    ● Advantages of TestNG over Junit
    ● How to integrate TestNG with Eclipse
    ● Test NG Annotations
    ● TestNG Reporting

3. POM Framework
    ● Advantages of POM
    ● How to implement
    ● Using Page Object and Page Factory

4. Selenium Integration with Maven
    ● How to create a maven project in Eclipse
    ● Maven Build Cycles.
    ● How to compile and Run tests using Maven

5. Cucumber Framework
    ● What is BDD
    ● Cucumber implements BDD
    ● Preparing Features File
    ● Writing a step definition
    ● Writing Runner Class
    ● Given, When, Then, And, But annotations and usage in features class
    ● Passing parameters in Step Functions
    ● Using regular expression in step
    ● Parameterize complete scenario using features class
    ● Datatable in Cucumber and its implementation
    ● Using Assertions to report failure
    ● Running simple feature/Step scenario
    ● Building a simple test case
    ● Executing project from eclipse
    ● Generating Cucumber reports
    ● Background and Pending Exception
    ● Parameterizing/repeating test cases from feature classes

6. Continuous Build Integration tools- Jenkins
    ● What is Jenkins and how to use it
    ● How to integrate Jenkins with Eclipse

7. Selenium Grid
    ● Set up Selenium Grid
    ● Different concepts of Selenium Grid
    ● Executing Test-Cases and Nodes.

  • Assignments on each topic in Java and Selenium
  • POC projects on Framework like POM, Cucumber
  • Hands-on Experience on Industry Project, Resume Formation and Interview Tips
  • Mock Tests & Interview Tips

Course Highlights

Live sessions across 11 months

Industry Projects and Case Studies

24*7 Support

Project Work & Case Studies

Validate your skills and knowledge

Validate your skills and knowledge by working on industry-based projects that includes significant real-time use cases.

Gain hands-on expertize

Gain hands-on expertize in Top IT skills and become industry-ready after completing our project works and assessments.

Latest Industry Standards

Our projects are perfectly aligned with the modules given in the curriculum and they are picked up based on latest industry standards.

Get Noticed by top industries

Add some meaningful project works in your resume, get noticed by top industries and start earning huge salary lumps right away.

Batch Schedule

Schedule Your Batch at your convenient time.


LinkedIn form

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Training Certificate

Earn your certificate

Your certificate and skills are vital to the extent of jump-starting your career and giving you a chance to compete in a global space.

Admission Process

Schedule Your Batch at your convenient time.

Submit Application

Tell us a bit about yourself and why you want to join this program

Application Review

An admission panel will shortlist candidates based on their application


Selected candidates will be notified within 1–2 weeks

Placement Lifecycle

Eligibility Criterion

Interview Q & A

Resume & LinkedIn Formation

Aptitude Test & Soft Skills

“SuperOver” A 5-Day Program for Mock Interviews

Scheduling Interviews

Job Placement

Looking to Create an Outstanding LinkedIn Profile?

Looking to Create an Outstanding LinkedIn Profile?

Tools to master

Skills to master


Selenium WenDrive

API Testing



Selenium Grid

Jira Software



Rest API



Selenium Training FAQ's

Most frequent questions and answers

The following are a few well-known businesses that hire Selenium testers:

  • Microsoft
  • Facebook
  • Cisco
  • Nasdaq
  • Recognizant

Professionals in the field have prepared the curriculum for the Selenium with Java Training in Pune, and you will be working on real-world projects and detailed tasks that are extremely applicable in the corporate world. You can apply for some of the greatest positions at top wages in leading multinational corporations (MNCs) worldwide after completing the training program.


Selenium IDE, Selenium Grid Selenium WebDriver.

Automation testing is the practice of controlling test execution with specialized software and comparing test results with predicted outcomes.

Indeed, 3RI Technologies provides additional Selenium with Java Classes in Pune for training in SQL, Python , Java, Tableau, Power BI, and Salesforce.

Selenium uses a variety of annotation kinds, such as:

@Test ,@BeforeMethod ,@AfterMethod ,@BeforeClass

get(): The most popular way to open a URL in Selenium is to use the get() method. It opens the

given URL in the tab or window of the open browser.


WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();


The four parameters that are required to be passed in Selenium are:

  1. WebDriver: It is a browser driver that helps in communicating with the browser. It is the most important parameter as it is responsible for launching the browser and performing actions on it.
  2. WebElements: These are the HTML elements on a web page that can be interacted with. The elements can be found using various locators such as ID, class, name, xpath, etc.
  3. Browser Commands: These are the commands used to perform actions on the browser such as opening a new tab, closing a tab, navigating forward or backward, etc.
  4. Navigation Commands: These are the commands used to navigate between different pages or URLs, such as going to a specific URL, refreshing the current page, etc.

Indeed! We do offer certification as soon as the learn selenium with java is finished.

Absolutely! There are live practical sessions and labs included in this course.

Automation is not feasible for everything. Reaching 100% automation is challenging since there are situations in which a test case we don’t run frequently or a signup page with a captcha.

Prominent tech firms like Persistent, Cybage, and Markel are based in the city. Pune is therefore the ideal location to learn Classes near me about the most recent developments and industry best practices in software testing.

Indeed, a variety of criteria, including experience, the size of the organization, the industry (manufacturing, IT) affect an automation tester’s pay.

Here are some actions you may take to begin learning Selenium with java course if you are new to it:

  • Acquire the fundamentals of programming
  • Acquire knowledge of web technology
  • Basic knowledge of Java
  • Selenium should be utilized for test automation since it is a free, open-source program that works with many different browsers, including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and others. It also has a substantial user base and supportive community.
  • It outstanding compatibility across multiple systems (Windows, Mac OS, Linux, etc.)
  • Numerous programming languages are supported, such as Perl, Java, C#, Ruby, and Python.
  • Characteristics Distributed testing is completed through regular and innovative repository developments.

In 2024, it will be worthwhile to study Selenium Automation Testing since many software testers like to automate web application testing using the Selenium web driver tool.

If you want to work in testing, Selenium Automation testing is a great choice. Considering that Selenium is an open source program that tests the functionality of web applications across a range of browsers.

Prior to beginning to learn Selenium, programming in Java is not required. However, knowing the fundamentals of Java programming might be useful.

Python and Java programming skills are in high demand for Selenium automation testing.

It’s true that you can watch a demo of Selenium Automation Testing before signing up. In any case, we may send you the lecture recording so you can see it whenever it’s convenient for you.

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Selenium Certification Training locations in Pune: Pune City, Aundh (411007), Gokhalenagar (411016), Kothrud (411029), Baner (411004), Shivajinagar (411005), Parvati (411009), Kondhwa (411048), Navsahyadri (411052), Chatursringi (411053), Pimpri Chinchwad (411078), Pimple Gurav (411061), Pimple Nilakh (411027), Pimple Saudagar (411027), Pimple Khed (411017), Pimple Jagtap (411061), Rahatani (411017), Wakad (411057), Balewadi (411045), Vishal Nagar (411027), Thergaon (411033), Shivaji Nagar (Pimpri-Chinchwad) (411017), Sangvi (411027), Jagtap Dairy (411027)

Locations Offered: Selenium Course in Aundh, Selenium Training in Kothrud, Selenium Classes in Baner, Selenium Classes in Pimpri Chinchwad, Selenium Classes in Shivajinagar, Selenium Classes in Karve Nagar, Selenium Classes in Sangavi, Selenium Classes in Deccan, Selenium Course in Katraj, Selenium Training in Warje, Selenium Certification Course in Bavdhan, Selenium Certification Classes in Vishal Nagar, Selenium Certification Course in Pimple Gurav, Best Selenium Training in Pune, Best Selenium Course in Pune