Selenium with Python Training


Get training in Selenium with Python online-based at 3RI Technologies and become an expert in automation testing. This Selenium with Python online-based training program is meant to assist quality masters whose work needs to be automated. We have covered the following projects and frameworks in the course which will give you experience at an industry level. This course will provide you with the opportunity to learn Selenium using Python to a level that can be useful in interviews and project work.

Key Features

Course Duration : 2.5 Months

Real-Time Projects : 2

Online Live Training

EMI Option Available

Certification & Job Assistance

24 x 7 Lifetime Support

Our Industry Expert Trainer

We are a team of 10+ Years of Industry Experienced Trainers, who conduct the training with real-time scenarios.
The Global Certified Trainers are Excellent in knowledge and highly professionals.
The Trainers follow the Project-Based Learning Method in the Interactive sessions.

Selenium with Python Course Overview

Selenium with Python Overview

At the end of Python online training at 3RI Technologies

You will have a thorough understanding of Python with Selenium.

With all of the latest technologies, you can build Python Test Automation Frameworks from the ground up.

Complete knowledge of Python fundamentals, as well as numerous functional examples

Python Unit Test Frameworks such as PyTest are taught, which aid in the unit and integration testing.

Complete understanding of LIVE Websites Python API Methods for Selenium with Echtzeit

You can pass every interview and be in charge of whole Selenium Python projects during the design process. 


In an agile environment, the developers emphasize the importance of pushing for changes quickly. Cross-browser tests must be performed for each upgrade that requires a modified front end. While a small project can opt for manual testing, an increasing number of browsers advocate for automated testing.

Selenium can immediately set checks and detect the results on a previously determined browser. With various Selenium features, you can build step-by-step interfaces with a website and test the browser’s reaction to various changes.

Python for Selenium is readily accessible. This Selenium Online training will help you gain expertise in software testing. Selenium entirely supports Python and, thanks to its ease of use, can provide a user-best experience with Selenium. Python scripts run in Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer, among other browsers.

3RI Online Selenium training for Python

The objective of Selenium with Python training is to assist qualified experts who are responsible for executing activities that should be automated. With the versatile Selenium, the Python language can easily automate tasks like searching a web page and assessing a product’s quality.

Selenium with Python can also be used to create an all-web automation mechanism, such as searching websites, filling out and submitting text box types, and handling pop-ups, to name a few.

3RI Technologies’ Selenium with Python Online Training Course is one of the most advanced online courses. You will practice web server automation using Selenium with Python online training course. This Selenium with Python course is designed specifically for learning end-to-end Selenium from the initial concept with Python. Our Python-certified Selenium training course covers automation Web applications, Selenium WebDriver fundamentals, the automation framework design, extensive Python language comprehension, and more.

Our highly qualified trainers, who work as selenium SMEs in many multinational companies, could incorporate real-time conditions into the Selenium during a Python course. If you’re looking for the best Selenium with Python Online Training in your region, 3RI Technologies is the best.

Selenium with Python’s online training curriculum 

● Begins by demonstrating the fundamentals of Selenium, including HTML and JavaScript, and the concepts of Python and automation testing. 

● The deployment process explains how to locate components on the web page and the enterprise, not to mention the Selenium Web Driver Python API training, which can interact with any web browser. It also encourages you to run a new operating system.

● You’ll learn how to use Selenium Python to run scripts on Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer. 

● You can start at any stage, such as downloading a Selenium server and progressing to basic Selenium use with a remote WebDriver. 

● Navigating the page’s tabs, pop-up dialogues, and cookies by dragging and dropping; ID place, XPaths, Names, CSS Selectors, Link Text. Objects such as test case pages, locators, and page elements are examples of such objects. Special Keys, Alarms, Remote, Firefox Action Channels, Chrome Web Drivers, UPI Support, and other features.

This Selenium with Python course has been designed to meet the latest industry standards. It contains detailed information and trains you to attempt to clear the Selenium with Python certification test by reviewing the Training credential. Top MNCs will assist you with questions during job interviews. You can understand how to work on situations and systems in the real world. It is not only a theoretical course online but also a comprehensive guide to Selenium with Python training.

Skills Required

0 +
24x7 Support and Access
50 to 60 Hrs Course Duration
50- 0
Extra Activities, Sessions
0 %

Selenium with Python Online Course Syllabus

Best in Class content by Leading Faculty & Industry Leaders in the form of Videos, Cases and Projects, Assignments and Live Sessions.

Core Python

1. An Introduction to Python

    • Why Python, its Unique Feature and where to use it?
    • Python Environment Setup
    • Discuss about IDE’s like IDLE, Pycharm and Enthought Canopy
    • Start programming on an interactive shell.
    • Python Identifiers, Keywords
    • Discussion about installed module s and packages
    • Access Command line arguments within programs

2. Conditional Statement, Loops, and File Handling

    • Python Data Types and Variable
    • Condition and Loops in Python
    • Decorators
    • Python Modules & Packages
    • Python Files and Directories manipulations
    • Use various files and directory functions for OS operations

3. Python Core Objects and Functions

    • Built-in modules (Library Functions)
    • Numeric and Math’s Module
    • String/List/Dictionaries/Tuple
    • Complex Data structures in Python
    • Arbitrary data types and their Data Structure
    • Python built in function
    • Python user-defined functions
    • Python packages and functions
    • The anonymous Functions – Lambda Functions

4 Object-Oriented Python

    • OOPs Concepts
    • Object, Classes and Destroying Objects
    • Accessing attributes, Built-In Class Attributes
    • Inheritance and Polymorphism
    • Overriding Methods, Data Hiding
    • Overloading Operators

5. Exception Handling in Python

    • Exceptions Handling
    • Handling various exceptions using try….except…else
    • Try-finally clause
    • Argument of an Exception and create self exception class
    • Python Standard Exceptions
    • Raising an exceptions, User-Defined Exceptions

6. Debugging Python Programs

    • Debug Python programs using PDB debugger
    • Assert for debugging
    • Testing with Python using UnitTest
    • Iterable and generator in Python
    • Yielding from the generators
    • Standard project setup in Python

7. Regular Expression

    • Regular Expressions
    • What are regular expressions?
    • The match and search Function
    • Compile and matching
    • Matching vs searching
    • Search and Replace feature using RE
    • Extended Regular Expressions
    • Wildcard characters and work with them
Basic Selenium

1. Introduction to Automation Testing

    • What is Automation Testing?
    • Which Test Cases to Automate?
    • Different Automation tools
    • Automation challenges & Mitigations

2. Introduction to selenium

    • What is selenium?
    • History and various versions of selenium
    • Advantages of using Selenium over other tools.
    • Selenium components

3. Selenium-IDE

    • Introduction
    • IDE Features
    • Building & Running Test Cases
    • Building and Running Test Suites

4. Selenium Web Driver 3.0

    • Why Selenium Web Driver
    • What is a Driver
    • Automation Setup for Selenium Web Driver
    • Configuration of Selenium Jar using Eclipse

5. Identification of Locators

    • Tools to identify elements/objects
    • Setup for Firebug, Firepath
    • Different methods of finding element
    • By ID, By name, class
    • By Xpath, By Tag name
    • By Link text
    • By CSS
    • Using Effective X-path

6. Selenium Commands

    • Various types of operation that can be performed on any elements and how to use them.
    • Browser Commands, Navigation Commands
    • Working with different browser
    • Handling Checkbox, RadioButton
    • Dropdown and Select Operations
    • Handling Keyboard Event and Mouse Event
    • Alert & Pop Up Handling
    • Handling iFrame/Frame
    • Multiple Window Handling
    • Capturing Screenshots

7. Handling WebTables

    • What is WebTables
    • Extracting values from WebTables
    • Static and Dynamic WebTables

8. Wait Commands in Selenium

    • Implicit Wait
    • Explicit Waits,Expected Conditions
Advanced Selenium

1. Framework Designing

    • What is Framework
    • What is a Framework?
    • Different Types of Framework.
    • How to Design a framework?
    • Data Driven Framework using Excel
      • Downloading and configuration of Apache POI
      • Executing Testcases from Excel

2. TestNG Framework

    • Test NG & TestNG features
    • How to use TestNG and Junit in Selenium
    • Advantages of TestNG over Junit
    • How to integrate TestNG with Eclipse
    • Test NG Annotations
    • TestNG Reporting

3. POM Framework

    • Advantages of POM
    • How to implement
    • Using Page Object and Page Factory

4. Selenium Integration with Maven

    • How to create a maven project in Eclipse
    • Maven Build Cycles.
    • How to compile and Run tests using Maven

5. Cucumber Framework

    • What is BDD
    • Cucumber implements BDD
    • Preparing Features File
    • Writing a step definition
    • Writing Runner Class
    • Given, When, Then, And, But annotations and usage in features class
    • Passing parameters in Step Functions
    • Using regular expression in step
    • Parameterize complete scenario using features class
    • Datatable in Cucumber and its implementation
    • Using Assertions to report failure
    • Running simple feature/Step scenario
    • Building a simple test case
    • Executing project from eclipse
    • Generating Cucumber reports
    • Background and Pending Exception
    • Parameterizing/repeating test cases from feature classes

6. Continuous Build Integration tools- Jenkins

    • What is Jenkins and how to use it
    • How to integrate Jenkins with Eclipse
  • Assignments on each topic in Java and Selenium
  • POC projects on Framework like POM, Cucumber
  • Hands-on Experience on Industry Project
  • Mock Tests & Interview Tips

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Industry Projects

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Batch Schedule

Schedule Your Batch at your convenient time.

29-June-24 | SAT-SUN 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM

08-July-24 | MON-FRI 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM

27-July-24 | SAT-SUN 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM

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Will I Get Certified?

Upon successfully completing this program, you’ll earn a certificate.

The 3RI certification is accepted and respected by every significant multinational company across the nation. Fresh graduates and corporate trainees are eligible for the assistance. We offer certificate once the academic and practical courses have been finished. The certification that we offer here at 3RI is recognized across the country. The value of your resume will grow as a result. With the assistance of this qualification, you will be able to obtain prominent employment posts in the most successful multinational corporations in the country. The completion of our course as well as the projects that are based on practical application, are prerequisites for receiving the certificate.


Selenium with Python Course Certification

Certification Overview

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Selenium with Python Career Opportunities?

Qualifications and expertise are the only significant variables within the automation analysis area because they decide the difference in job wages even within a corporation. However, Selenium Automation Test Engineers’ common salary cost in India is about Rs.44.2k, with Senior Automation Engineers earning up to Rs.80.0k annually. Surprisingly, there’s no upper limit for these figures, per Glassdoor. There’s also a powerful possibility of a pay raise for increased company experience. However, one must remember that has no shortcut; one must depend upon experience to possess a fruitful future during this sector. Selenium testers will experience a rapid climb throughout their careers. They’re also ready to learn new talents, develop themselves as trainees, forestall to senior positions, and thereby succeed.

2. Why Learn Selenium With Python Automation Testing?

The following are a number of the reasons why you ought to learn Selenium with Python:

● Open-source Tools

● There are not any OS/browser requests.

● Service support in many languages

● There are frameworks available.

● The DevOps lifecycle is well-represented.

● Integration with other instruments is simple.

● Testing is performed in conjunction.

● There is no dependency on GUI-based devices.

● The ability to style test cases in an exceeding style of ways.

● API for Selenium Research

You upgrade your career path by learning Selenium with Python, which also helps you have a high salary-paying job that will increase at rocket speed with experience.

3. What Will You Learn In This Selenium With Python Certification Training Course?

Selenium with Python’s online training curriculum begins by demonstrating the basics of Selenium, including HTML and JavaScript, and the concepts of Python and automation testing. The deployment process explains how to locate components on the online page and, therefore, the enterprise, not to mention the Selenium Web Driver Python API training, which may interact with any browser. It also encourages you to run a replacement OS.

In this online training, you’ll learn how to use Selenium Python to run scripts on Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer. You’ll be able to start at any stage, like downloading a Selenium server and reaching basic Selenium use with a distant WebDriver. Navigating the page’s tabs, pop-up dialogues, and cookies by dragging and dropping; ID place, XPaths, Names, CSS Selectors, Link Text; Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, Objects like action at law pages, locators, and page elements are samples of such objects. Special Keys, Alarms, Remote, Firefox Action Channels, Chrome Web Drivers, UPI Support, and other features.

4. Who Should Take Up This Selenium With Python Training And Certification Course?

This Selenium with Python course is receptive to anybody with a programming or non-programming background. The sole distinction is that if you’ve got programming experience, you’ll be able to learn the course immediately, while non-programmers will learn from scratch.

Join 3RI Technologies Python with Selenium online course and that we guarantee that you just are going to be an expert and can be in great demand within the job market.

5. What are the Prerequisites for Learning Selenium With Python Automation Testing Training?

Learning Prerequisites during this case, Selenium may be a fairly general term. The reason for this can be that you have to discuss it immediately; you would possibly be discouraged from studying Selenium. First and foremost, you must be conversant in programming. You need to be fluent in one of the following languages to start right away:

● Python

● C#

● Python

● Ruby

Whereas Java is the most typical and commonly used language for working with Selenium WebDriver. Python is the second on the chart. If you are a new programmer, starting with Python is the best suggestion.

Another necessity could be a basic understanding of HTML principles. These ideas are simple enough to know without cracking a sweat.

The main point to recollect is that folks with a programming experience benefit their learning curve may be incremental.

Those with no programming skills can learn Selenium and make a career by setting up some work to find out C, C++, and Java. You’ll be able to enroll within the following specialized Selenium instruction to review it more thoroughly and receive a well-recognized credential.

6. What is Selenium, and What is it used for?

Selenium is an open-source automated evaluation framework for validating web applications through many browsers and platforms. This framework includes one interface for writing test files in programming languages like Ruby, Java, NodeJS, PHP, Perl, Python, or C#. Selenium’s flexibility is one of the explanations it’s still widely used. Selenium is often employed by anybody who codes for the net to verify their code/app, from freelance developers running a short series of debugging tests to visual return testing engineers.

In an enterprise setting, Selenium tests are the responsibility of QA engineers. They’re going to be tasked with writing tailored non-flaky scripts to maximize test coverage and accuracy, refactoring old test suites, and maintaining a test framework for newer iterations of the project.

If you’re interested, then come and be a component of 3RI Technologies Python with Selenium online training course.

7. Benefits of Selenium with Python

A couple of the advantages of using Selenium with Python are mentioned.

Code that’s easy to know and interpret. Compared to a different computer, it runs quickly. Texting is fun and entertaining. Python may be an artificial language that almost all programmers are accustomed to. The Python API helps you to bind to your browser using Selenium. The mixture of Python and Selenium offers a straightforward API for realistic testing with Selenium WebDriver. The linkage also provides a really useful API for contacting Selenium WebDriver via browsers like Firefox, Remore, etc. Python has less ambiguity and is more straightforward to use than most programming languages. The Python API enables you to connect with the Selenium browser thoroughly. Selenium will send simple Python commands to numerous browsers easily, irrespective of browser design differences. As a scripted language, Python isn’t afraid to run a parser to convert code from code lines to something functional and implementable. Python works quickly and employs indentation to start and end blocks. It’s both straightforward and lightweight compared to other programming languages.

Want to achieve all this benefit? Come and join 3RI Technologies Python with Selenium online training course.

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