Dot Net Training Institute in Pune


Job Oriented Training


Trained 15000+ Students  |  3 Centers in Pune  |  Job Oriented Courses  |  Affordable Fees  | Pay in Easy No Cost EMIs  |  Flexible Batch Timings

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Key Features

Course Duration : 6 Weeks

Real-Time Projects : 2

Project Based Learning

EMI Option Available

Certification & Job Assistance

24 x 7 Support

Dot Net Syllabus

The detailed syllabus is designed for freshers as well as working professionals

1. Programming Basics

    • Fundamentals of Computer
    • Understanding Applications
    • Using Windows Explorer & File Structure
    • Number Systems
    • Application Software

2. Operating System & Networking

    • Need for operating system
    • Functions of Operating System
    • Types of operating system
    • TCP/IP fundamentals
    • Networks and computer networks
    • 2 tier, 3 tier and n-tier architecture

3. C Language

    • Introduction to C
    • Keywords, Constants and Variables
    • Data Types in C
    • Operator and Expressions
    • Control Structure
    • Functions
    • Arrays
    • Structure
    • Preprocessor Directives
    • Dynamic Memory Allocation

4. Object-Oriented Concepts using C++

    • Introduction to OOPs
    • Beginning with C++
    • Functions in C++
    • Default arguments
    • inline functions)
    • reference variable
    • Class, Objects Basics
    • Constructor, Data Members
    • Destructors
    • Polymorphism
    • Operator Overloading
    • Overriding
    • Inheritance
    • Dynamic memory allocation

5. Linux Foundations

    • Introduction to UNIX and its flavours
    • UNIX architecture
    • File System
    • User and Group Policies
    • Unix general commands
    • Concept of Files and Directories in Unix
    • File Permission and related commands
    • Filter Commands and their options
    • Vi Editor

6. Introduction to Database Management Systems

    • Introduction to Database
    • DDL, DML, DCL, TCL
    • Data types
    • SELECT Statement
    • Restricting and Sorting Data
    • Aggregating Data using Group Functions
    • Manipulating Data
    • Sub queries
    • Important Functions
    • Joins and different types

HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language

  1. HTML Basic
  • What is Markup Language
  • Basic Structure of HTML
  • Meta Tags
  • External Link Tags
  1. HTML Elements
  • Basics, Elements , Attributes
  • Paragraphs and Formatting
  • HTML Skeleton, Links
  • Creating an HTML Document
  • Basic Content Structure
  • Headings
  • Horizontal Rules
  • Line Breaks
  1. Images
  • Optimizing web graphics – JPEG, GIF & NG
  • Getting images from Photoshop
  • Embedding Images in a Web Page
  • Using Graphics as Links
  • Using Background Images
  • Setting image properties via HTML
  1. Hyperlinks
  • Href, Name, Title, Target
  1. Div & Tables
  • Creating of Div Tag
  • Creating and Modifying Tables
  • Formatting Tables
  • Table Headers and Captions 
  1. Form
  • Name, Action, Method
  • Text, Hidden, Password
  • Radio Button, Checkbox
  • Select, Textarea
  • Submit, Reset, Button
  1. HTML5
  • HTML5 Structural Elements
    • Section, Article, Aside
    • Header, Hgroup
    • Footer, Nav
  • HTML5 Content Elements
    • Figure, Figcaption, Video
    • Audio, Embed, Canvas
  • HTML5 New Application Focused Elements
    • Meter, Details, Summary
    • Progress, Time
  • HTML5
    • Input Types
    • Color, date, DateTime
    • email, month, number range, search, tel
    • time, url, week
  • HTML5 Form Attributes
    • autocomplete
    • novalidate
    • form/formaction
    • autofocus
    • multiple pattern(regexp)
    • placeholder required

CSS: Cascading Style Sheet
1. Understanding CSS

  • Versions of CSS
  • Types of CSS Rules
  • CSS and Markup Languages
  1. CSS Basics
  • Adding Styles to an HTML Tag
  • Adding Styles to a Web Page and Web Site
  • Redefining an HTML Tag
  • Defining Classes to Create Your Own Tags
  • Defining IDs to Identify an Object
  • Defining Styles with the Same Rules
  • Adding Comments to CSS
  • Style Sheet Strategies
  1. Font Properties
  • Understanding Typography on the Web
  • Setting the Font Size
  • Making Text Italic and Setting Bold, Bolder,Boldest
  • Creating Small Caps
  • Setting Multiple Font Values 
  1. Text Properties
  • Adjusting Text Spacing
  • Setting Text Case
  • Aligning Text Horizontally and Vertically
  • Indenting Paragraphs.
  • Setting Text and Foreground Color
  • Decorating Text
  • Setting Text Direction
  • Setting Page Breaks for Printing
  1. Color and Background Properties
  • Choosing Color Palettes
  • Setting Text and Foreground Color
  • Setting a Background Color
  • Setting a Background Image
  • Setting Multiple Background Values
  1. Box Properties
  • Setting an Element’s Margins
  • Setting an Element’s Border
  • Setting an Element’s Outline
  • Setting an Element’s Padding
  • Setting the Width and Height of an Element
  1. CSS Border
  • Border, width, color, style
  1. Positioning
  • Static, relative, absolute
  • Fixed, z-index
  1. Floating
  • None, left, right
  • Initial, inherits
  1. Pseudo – elements and CSS classes
  1. CSS List
  • list-style
  • list-style-image
  • list-style-position
  • list-style-type
  1. CSS3
  • Borders
  • CSS3 Backgrounds, CSS3 Gradients
  • CSS3 Shadows, CSS3 Text Effects
  • CSS3 Fonts, CSS3 2D/3D Transforms
  • CSS3 Transitions, CSS3 Animations
  • CSS3 Multiple Columns
  1. Create a Layout Using CSS Property


  1. Introduction
  2. Statements & Comments
  3. Variables
  4. Data types
  5. Operators
  6. Conditional Statements and Loops
  7. User Defined Functions
  8. HTML Events
  • Window Event Attributes
    • -onload
    • –onunload
  • Form Events
    • -onblur
    • -onchange
    • -onfocus
    • -oninput
    • -onselect
    • -onsubmit
  • Keyboard Events
    • -onkeydown
    • -onkeypress
    • -onkeyup
  1. JS Validations


  1. Introduction
  2. JQuery Syntax
  3. jQuery Selectors
  4. jQuery Events
  5. jQuery Effects
  • jQuery Hide/Show
  • jQuery Fade
  • jQuery Slide
  • jQuery Animate
  • jQuery Stop()
  • jQuery callback
  • jQuery chaining
  1. JQuery HTML
  • jQuery Get
  • jQuery Set
  • jQuery Add
  • jQuery Remove
  • jQuery CSS Classes
  • jQuery CSS
  1. jQuery Misc
  • jQuery noConflict()


  1. AJAX with JavaScript
  • Why AJAX & How it works
  • Syntax (XMLHTTPRequest Object)
  • Sending Requests to server
  • Processing Response
  • AJAX Events
  • Example with PHP Server
  1. JQuery AJAX
  • jQuery load
  • jQuery Get/Post


  1. How to Create a Layout in Bootstrap
  • Grid Classes
  1. Basic Tags in Bootstrap
  • Contextual colors and backgrounds
  1. Table in Bootstrap
  • Bootstrap Basic Tables
  • -Striped Rows, Bordered Table
  • -Hover Rows, Condensed Table
  • -Contextual Classes, Responsive Tables 
  1. Navigation bar in Bootstrap
  • Inverted Navigation Bar
  • Fixed Navigation Bar
  • Navigation Bar with Dropdown
  • -Right-aligned Navigation Bar
  • -Collapsing the Navigation Bar 
  1. Form in Bootstrap
  • Vertical Form
  • Horizontal Form
  • Inline Form
  1. Buttons in Bootstrap
  • Button Styles
  • Button Sizes
  • Block Level Buttons
  • Active/Disabled Buttons
  1. Images in Bootstrap
  • Rounded Corners Image
  • Circle Image
  • Thumbnail Image
  1. Introduction to .NET Framework
    • What is .NET Framework?
    • What are components of .NET Framework?
    • IDE for .NET
  2. Writing C# classes
    • Class Basics, Constructors, Destructors
    • Using Methods in Classes
    • Properties
    • Indexers
  3. Language Fundamentals & Constructs
    • Comments, Variables, Constants
    • Controlled Structure
    • Looping Structures
  4. Inheritance and Polymorphism
    • Extending Classes
    • Constructors in Inheritance
    • Polymorphism
    • Function Overloading, Operator Overloading
    • Dynamic Polymorphism
  5. Exception Handling
    • Try, Catch, Throw
    • System Defined Exceptions
    • User Defined Exceptions
  6. Attributes & Reflection
    • User Defined Attributes
    • Predefined Attributes
    • Reflection
    • Introspection of Classes, Methods, Parameters, Properties
  7. Events & Delegates
    • Event Handling in C#
    • Delegates
    • Delegates
    • Multicasting Delegates
    • Delegate Chaining
  8. Collection Framework
    • Arraylist, List, Stack, Queue
    • IEnumerable, IEnumerator, IComparor interfaces
  9. Generics & Anonymous Methods
    • Generics in C#
    • Generics for User Defined Functions and Classes
    • Anonymous Methods
  10. Multithreading
    • Thread Class
    • Common Methods of Thread Class
    • Creating, Managing and Destroying Threads
  11. File I/O and Serialization
    • File Handling
    • Creating, Deleting files
    • Serialization
  12. XML using .NET
    • Creating XML file with .NET
    • Reading XML Document with .NET
  13. Windows Application
    • Introduction to Windows Forms
    • Basic Controls of Windows Form
    • MDI Container Form
    • Adding Menu Bar, ToolBar and Status Bar to Form
    • Event Handling with Forms
  14. Deployment
    • XCOPY
    • CAB projects
    • Merge module
    • Click Once
  1. Introduction to ASP.NET
    • .NET Framework Architecture
    • Common Language Runtime
    • Common Type Specification
    • Web Configuration File
  2. Connection with Database
  3. DDL Operations (create ,alter , drop ,truncate/empty)
  4. DML Operations (insert, update, delete)
  5. DQL Operations (select)
  6. Executing queries
  7. Handling Query Results
  8. Handling Query Errors
  9. Joins
  10. order By and group By
  11. Like Patterns
  12. Stored Procedure
  13. Practice Application with Database Integration
  1. ADO.NET
  • Database Basics
  • Connection To ADO.Net
  • Query, and SubQuery
  • Connecting ASP.NET Application with Database
  • DataSet, DataTable
  • SqlCommand,SqlConnection,SqlDataAdaptor,
  • Using Stored Procedure
  1. LINQ
  • Introduction of LINQ
  • Why LINQ and advantages of LINQ
  • LINQ Query Syntax
  • Standard Query Operators:
  • Lambda Expression
  • LINQ to XML
  1. XML Data Access
  • XML Introduction
  • XML Syntax
  • XML Elements
  • XML Attributes
  • XML Validation
  • XML Validator
  • XML Viewing
  1. Testing & Deployment
  • Unit Testing
  • Publishing Application

1. Quantitative Aptitude

    • Number Systems
    • LCM and HCF
    • Percentages
    • Profit, Loss, and Discount
    • Interest (Simple and Compound)
    • Speed, Time and Distance
    • Ratio and Proportion
    • Probability
    • Permutation & Combination
    • Time and Work

2. Logical Reasoning

    • Number and Letter Series
    • Calendars
    • Clocks
    • Logical Sequence
    • Blood Relations

3. Algebra

    • Linear Equations
    • Higher Degree Equations

1. Self Analysis

    • Know yourself
    • Personality types
    • Areas of interest

2. Self Discovery

    • SWOT Analysis – strength, weakness, opportunities, threats

3. Goal Setting

    • Short-term plan
    • Long-term plan
    • Effective Time-management

4. Effective Self Presentation

    • Personal grooming, Dressing, Hygiene

5. Effective Communication

    • Verbal – Language
    • Voice modulation – Tone, Pitch
    • Clarity of Speech
    • Listening skills – Active Listening, Selective Listening
    • Written communication – general business correspondence

6. Email Etiquette

7. Body Language

    • Understanding non-verbal communication
    • Postures, Gestures, Eye contact

8. Tips to prepare impressive Resume

9. Tips for Group Discussion

10. Handling Telephonic interview

11. Mock – Technical interview

12. Mock – Personal Interview (PI)

13. Office Etiquettes and Mannerisms

Dot Net Classes in Pune

The .NET Framework is a new computing platform developed by Microsoft that simplifies the application development task of developers. You can use the Dot NET Framework to develop apps for the desktop, web, mobile devices, and much more. At 3RI Technologies, the team of experts in.Net has specially designed this Job oriented Web development using Dot Net Professional course. In our Microsoft dot net training program, you will learn to start from basic HTML to advanced level of .net Framework. This course covers web development foundation course (HTML/CSS/JavaScript) plus C# and 3RI Technologies, also have specially designed courses for MVC framework, WCF, WPF training for professional people.


 In today’s world of the high marketing, high fees, and poor quality of education. With an industry-oriented hands-on training program, we have changed the .NET training and set a new standard. The interest and interest of many multinational companies in recruiting our candidates is our certificate of success. Has the course been designed to provide complete coverage of .NET training, and is it constantly updated? Starting from the basics of programming in C # .NET, we have modified the dogma of training so that candidates can search for resources in C # that they To add more skills, we teach WPF and WCF, which are widely used in the Windows developer community.

What is .Net?

.NET Framework (pronounced dot net) is software framework developed by Microsoft that runs mainly on Microsoft Windows. It contains a large library and offers linguistic interoperability (any language can use code written in other languages) in multiple programming languages. In other words .NET Framework is a technology that supports the creation and execution of next-generation XML Web applications and services.

The Dot Net Faculty / .Net Training Institute of Pune at 3RI Technologies believes in preparing each student as a full-stack .NET developer. The .Net training Trainer gives theoretical and practical knowledge and prepares students for work. We think learning technology does it better, but its implementation makes it perfect. To this end, we offer to our students with computer labs so that they can regularly learn what they are learning in the classroom. In the .Net training course, our training institute offers practical knowledge and numerous benefits by working with the .Net course.

Why should you learn .Net?

.Net is free, cross-platform, and open-source platform for building web, mobile, and gaming applications. An experienced .NET programmer can write .NET applications in C #, F #, or Visual Basic. A .NET developer uses multiple languages, editors, and libraries to create solutions for the Web, mobile devices, office, games, and the Internet of things. Our tutors specialize in making you the best ASP Dot Net training institute in Pune

What is .NET used for?

  • To create a webserver/service application to respond to user requests
  • To create a desktop application for any Windows operating system
  • For the design of mobile applications that can be used in Window

.NET online training includes the following interesting resources:

  • The execution engine of common languages
  • Language-specific independence and interoperability
  • Basic class library
  • Portability and security in programs
  • Distribution tasks in the simplest way

Free Career Counselling

WE are Happy to help you

Batch Schedule

Schedule Your Batch at your convenient time.

29-June-24 | SAT-SUN 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM

08-July-24 | MON-FRI 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM

27-July-24 | SAT-SUN 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM

Want to Book Your Seat?

Will I Get Certified?

Upon successfully completing this program, you’ll earn a certificate.

The 3RI certification is accepted and respected by every significant multinational company across the nation. Fresh graduates and corporate trainees are eligible for the assistance. We offer certificate once the academic and practical courses have been finished. The certification that we offer here at 3RI is recognized across the country. The value of your resume will grow as a result. With the assistance of this qualification, you will be able to obtain prominent employment posts in the most successful multinational corporations in the country. The completion of our course as well as the projects that are based on practical application, are prerequisites for receiving the certificate.



Most frequent questions and answers
After the course completion, an exam will be conducted to judge your knowledge along with the live project work completion check and you will be awarded a certificate from 3RI Technologies.

Yes, we provide placement assistance to our students. We have a dedicated team for Placement and tie ups with 300+ MNC’s and SME companies.

Yes we conduct demo classes every weekend. Please contact us for more details.

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