In this post, we discuss the top features of Java programming language in order to understand why programmers, software developers, and data science professionals keep choosing Java. In this article, I am going to discuss the features of Java Language, or the reasons Java has gained such popularity among developers. Whether you are using Java for your profession or your work role, you are learning syntax, ideas, patterns, tools, styles, and idiosyncrasies which are easily translatable to other programming languages too. As the most popular programming language among programmers overall, Java has plenty to offer Computer Security Programmers, too.
Java is described as being a polyglot, strongly-typed, object-oriented programming (OOP) language. Javas syntax is heavily influenced by C++ and C. Unlike C++, which combined the syntax of structural, generic, and object-oriented programming, Java was built almost solely as an object-oriented language. Java has a lot of syntax in common with C and C++, but it has a simpler object model and fewer low-level features. Java is thus a language that is generally recognized to be relatively contemporary, and its potential is well established. It is different from most programming languages because of its ability to take applications across platforms or operating system environments via the medium of the Internet.
Java is a general-purpose programming language designed to allow application developers to write once, run everywhere (WORA), which means compiled Java code can be executed across any platform supporting Java, with no recompilation required. Java itself is platform-independent, and is tailored for the specific platform on which it is intended to be run by the JVM for that platform, which converts the Java bytecode to the platforms machine language. The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is software that is necessary to execute any Java-based applications.
Who developed Java?
Java programming language was developed by Sun Microsystems, led by James Gosling. And released in 1995 as core components of Sun Microsystems’ Java Platform (Java 1.0[J2SE]). Sun Microsystems began developing the Java platform and language as an internal project in December 1990. James Gosling started a Java language project in June 1991 to be used on one of James Goslings numerous projects, a TV set-top box. In 1991, Java Pioneer James Gosling worked with fellow Sun Microsystems employees, Michael Sheridan and Patrick Naughton, in the Green Project, developing new technologies to program the next-generation smart appliances.
The project to create Java was born in 1991, behind the scenes at a team at Sun Microsystems, as three engineers, James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton, sought to develop a language that would work on small electrical devices. Java was created by Sun Microsystems, Inc., where James Gosling led a group of researchers who sought to build a new language that could enable consumer electronics devices to talk to one another The “Green Team” began the project with the purpose of creating a language for digital devices such as televisions, set-top boxes, and other similar devices. In June 1991, James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton began work on the Java programming language. Java was originally intended for interactive media, but it was too sophisticated for the digital cable television business at the time. This language was initially named Oak, after the oak tree which stood outside of the offices of James Gosling.
Goslings Java programming language, which was also called Green, eventually was renamed to Java, after a random word list. Goslings Java was intended as a replacement for C++, though its feature set closely resembled Objective C. Java is not to be confused with JavaScript, which shares only its name and similar a C-like syntax.
The principles of creating Java programming are Simple, Robust, Portable, Platform-Independent, Secure, Fast, Multithreaded, Architecture Neutral, Object-Oriented, Interpretive, And Dynamic. Java is class-based and object-oriented, meaning that it is organized around objects instead of actions. Java is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, which you can use to develop Web Applications, Mobile Applications, Desktop Applications, etc.
Java Programming Language Uses
- Higher Data Processing Speed
Java programming language is used for building backend applications as it offers higher data processing speed, it also synchronizes across a lot of different servers, making it more stable. Java is widely used for developing Java applications on notebooks, video game consoles, data centers, mobile phones, scientific supercomputers, etc.
- Used to Develop Android applications
Java is an official programming language for developing on Android, and Java accounts for 46.2% of all Android applications. Today, Java is used to create complex technologies that include Mobile Apps, Artificial Intelligence (AI) programming, among other things.
- Used to Develop Various Applications
Nowadays, Java is usually a preferred option for scientific applications, including Natural Language Processing (NLP). We have found a lot of applications for the Java language across nearly every domain, whether we are talking about app or Web development, Big Data, AI, Mobile development, and so on. Besides, we can create Business applications, Desktop applications, Web applications, Network applications, Games, Android applications, and more using Java. As a result, you can easily use Java to create Mobile Apps or Desktop Applications running on various OSes and servers like Linux or Windows.
- Supports A Large Number Of Languages
As you can see, this popular language has a broad set of applications, along with a wide support network and diverse library. Since its inception, Java has been the foundation of billions of devices and applications. Since it was developed by Sun Microsystems in 1995 and over the years, this language has been a backbone as far as millions of applications are concerned. The Java programming language, widely used in enterprise applications and the Android mobile operating system, is regularly updated in order to keep pace with the developments of the industry, and it is capable of supporting a large number of languages across the Java platforms.
- Easy To Code And High Level Of Security
The ease of coding and the high level of security offered by this programming language allows the development of large numbers of applications in Health, Welfare, Education, and Insurance. Non-technical or inexperienced developers may face difficulties while utilising the Java programming language for more sophisticated tasks, such as designing mobile-specific applications or developing video games; consequently, hire Java developers for professional-level implementations. Well, if you are looking to build top-notch applications using Java, hire Java developers working at a top-notch Java development company.
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- Java is often regarded as the best programming language
Java is the number one choice of many Software Developers to write applications, and Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) is an extremely popular platform that provides APIs and a runtime environment to write scripts. For developing Internet of Things (IoT) applications, there are a number of programming languages to choose from, but Java offers the developers a head start that is unmatched.
- Java Is The Primary Language For Banking Application Development
Java is the best language in banking application development that requires many security concerns. In Java domain, it is better than the other programming languages. It is the most trusted language in the modern world as the bank application development happens only in Java. Java programming language has been the strongest language in the field as it offers tools for building high-scale computing environments and scientific simulations, and also is capable of performing high-level computing tasks required by scientists.
- Used in Web-based Applications Development
Java is also used to develop Web-based applications as it provides extensive support for Web development via Servlet, JSP, and Struts. Java is a general-purpose programming language designed to allow app developers to write once, run everywhere (WORA), which means compiled Java code can be executed across platforms supporting Java, without requiring a recompilation. Some developers prefer using C++ to develop desktop GUI applications, while others build multiple web applications using Java technologies.
Why did programmers in the last decade choose Java over any other programming language?
The Java Platform is a collection of technologies that assist programmers in properly designing and executing Java-based applications. One of the most popular aspects of Java is that Java can be written and executed on almost any platform, making it a highly flexible and universal programming language. Java is a developing language, just like true languages, and as such, has a unique ability to blend innovation with stability.
For a number of years, Java has been a preferred language among novice programmers and seasoned programmers alike. Since its introduction in the early 1990s, Java has been the go-to language to learn for developers all over the world. By 1995, Java was released for the general public to use for various applications, ranging from the Internet to computer programming. The shift towards using Java for the web came in a reverse heel-turn, which led Java to assume a leading position as the number-one programming language for the interactive web, or–Web 2.0, as developers often call it in discussions.
Celebrated its 27th birthday in 2022, Java has seen steady evolutions in programming efficiency over the decades. For many developers, Java is the language of choice, and it will remain that way for years, given Javas’ ability to adapt to changing trends.
Why Java is Object-Oriented?
The aspect which makes Java one of the more attractive languages is Java, which is an Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) language, in its essence. It follows an object-oriented programming (OOP) approach, which helps in maintaining our code since an object embeds data and its behaviour. Java strongly supports the concepts of Object-Oriented Programming, for this reason, Java is called as pure OO language. The syntax of Java is heavily influenced by C++ and C. Unlike C++, which combined the syntax for structural, generic, object-oriented programming, Java was built almost solely as an object-oriented language.
Java is designed to have the appearance and feel of a C++ programming language, yet is easy to use and mandates an object-oriented programming model. Java is part of the family of languages, heavily influenced by C++ (as well as C#), so learning Java offers huge advantages over learning those other two languages. Java is a simpler language that you can pick up very quickly, making programming much easier and quicker. One of the primary ways developers ensure they are writing robust, bug-free Java code is to take advantage of the many powerful development tools associated with the language.
Why Java is Secure?
The main goal behind creating Java programming language was to make it a portable, easy, and secure programming language. Java was specially designed to allow Java to be used in any computer, whether running Windows, Linux, Mac, UNIX, or any of the other operating systems. Java is considered very straightforward; however, it comes with a library of classes that provide utility functions commonly used, which are something most Java programs cannot function without. Java is the most popular programming language for Android smartphone apps, as well as one of the most preferred languages to develop for edge devices and IoT.
Platform independent — unlike many other programming languages, including C and C++, when you compile a Java programming language, you do not compile to platform-specific machines, but to bytecode that is platform-independent. Java is a general-purpose programming language designed for allowing application developers to write once, run anywhere (WORA), which means compiled Java code can be executed on all platforms supporting Java, without a recompilation. It is widely used in the Software, Web, Mobile App development, apart from this, it is also used in Big Data analytics and server-side technologies. Java is widely used to develop Java applications on Laptops, Data Centers, Gaming Consoles, Scientific Supercomputers, Mobile Phones, etc.
The most important characteristic of Java is that it provides platform independence, leading to portability capability, ultimately becoming its greatest strength. The principles of building java are easy, reliable, secure, fast, portable, threaded, interpretive, dynamic, etc. As per company’s stated mission, the JavaSoft product offerings comprised of a basic Java platform, comprising the Virtual Machine, the Java Language, and Java APIs (application programming interfaces).
Why Java is Robust?
Java is a reliable programming language as it provides features such as automatic garbage collection and dynamic memory allocation. Java is robust because it is capable of managing runtime errors, supports automatic garbage collection and exception handling, and it avoids the notion of explicit pointers. Java is a robust language that is able to handle run-time errors, since Java checks code at the compile-time as well as at the run-time.
Java makes efforts to remove code which is prone to errors, by emphasizing compile-time checking of errors as well as run-time checks. Java is a type-checking-heavy language that has strong type checking at both the compilation time and runtime, allowing us to develop error-free applications and programs. Java is easy as java makes coding easier for programmer by avoiding some features of C and C++. Java is one of the most widely used programming languages, allowing development of different types of applications, which can be run on the same machine.
Why we use Java?
Java supports major features of object-oriented programming such as Encapsulation, Abstractions, and Inheritance. This language has removed a lot of complex, seldom-used features, such as explicit pointers, operator overloading, and so on.
Java is architecture-neutral, as no implementation-dependent features are present, such as fixed primitive type sizes. Java is considered to be a strong, reliable programming language as it has robust memory management, and since Java does not use pointers of any kind, which circumvents security dilemmas.
The language is considered very easy; however, it comes with library of classes that offers utility functions commonly used which are impossible for most of the Java programs not to run. Java continues to be one of the most popular programming languages among developers and technology companies due to its unique features. Java has been an extremely popular and useful programming language due to its great features, which have played an extremely major role in contributing to this languages popularity. Now, we know which features have made Java a popular and useful programming language among Programmers, Software Developers, and Data Science professionals.
All of these outstanding features make Java a powerful programming language, and that is the reason every learner wants to learn Java. Other factors which make Java a highly robust language include the fact that Java eases a programmer to use efficient type checking & exception handling mechanisms compared to other languages. It is developed such that it puts in lot of efforts in inspecting errors at an early stage, which is the reason that the java compilers are capable to detect even those errors that are not easily detected by other programming languages.
As Java is platform-independent language, therefore, Java is not specific to any CPU or OS. It means that the java language is used to develop distributed applications where resources are shared between more than one clients. Java is made up of 50 keywords, but Java API has thousands of classes with tens of thousands of methods that you can use in your programs.
The Importance of Java
Since the development of the Java programming language, it has seen immense popularity and remains one of the most liked programming languages in terms of software development. Here are some amazing factors that would give you a clear understanding of why Java has millions of fans in the programming world.
- First of all, Java is platform independent. What does this mean? This simply explains that machines or devices with JRE (Java Runtime Environment) installed on them can run Java code effectively. There’s a globally acknowledged phrase that is used for Java: Write Once, Run Anywhere. This makes the language versatile and compatible across other OSs, such as Windows, Linux, MacOS, etc. This makes the code-portability super easy and fast, making the development process way smoother and reducing time and resources.
- The second one is robustness and reliability. This property of Java draws the attention of developers. Along with this, Java provides developers with strong memory management, exception handling, etc. It has extensive libraries that support developers in developing stable and secure applications.
- The third one is well-known and is a significant feature of Java, and that is the non-OOP concept. This amazing property is like “icing on the cake”. This concept encourages code reusability and scalability, which are important to creating robust applications.
- The fourth is having a huge Java community. The active community plays a key role in the road to its success globally. The active Java community offers plenty of resources and frameworks that streamline software development. Java has a number of frameworks like Spring, Hibernate, and Struts that elevate the productivity and efficiency of the software developer.
- The fifth one is Java’s flexibility and versatility. With this feature, the Java programming language becomes the best choice to develop high-quality enterprise-level applications. Along with it, Java seems appropriate for web applications as well as mobile apps.
Reasons that Contribute to Java Programming Language Popularity
Unquestionably, Java is one of the most loved programming languages because of its tons of features. Some of the reasons that contribute to Java programming language popularity are shared below:
- Platform Independence: Java is platform independent, which means the programming language has the ability to run on various operating systems. This property makes it versatile and widely embraced by Java developers.
- Developer Community: Java also has a huge community that contributes to frameworks, libraries, enriches collaboration, and facilitates knowledge sharing.
- Security Features: Jaba is equipped with advanced features like classloaders, security managers, and cryptography APIs. With all these features, Java becomes one of the most trusted choices for secure apps.
- Versatility and Domain Applicability: Java has been used in multiple domains, like web development, enterprise applications, mobile apps, IoT, and plenty more. This made Java a popular and globally liked programming language.
- Performance: Java facilitates developers with a good balance of performance and portability and fulfills the complete requirements of applications.
- Enterprise Adoption: To develop enterprise applications, Java becomes the choice for developers. The programming language offers robustness and scalability and also acts as support for multithreading.
- Longevity and Corporate Backing: Oracle is one of the big names in the IT world. This IT giant provides support for Java, which ultimately boosts the continuous development of Java.
- Ease of Learning and Usage: Java has an easy learning curve that attracts beginners. The syntax of the Java programming language is clear and has a structured format, helping newbies learn much faster.
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