Data Scientist Salary in India in 2023

There is exponential growth in jobs related to Data Science in the last 3-4 years. This requirement is going to grow, and there is a massive shortfall in available talent across the globe. In India, as well as candidates/students are only getting aware.

Table of Contents

Salary of Data Scientist in India

In the Data Science field, mathematics, statistics knowledge, programming abilities, and domain knowledge are used to extract insights from provided data. Machine learning algorithms are utilized to create AI systems that carry out jobs that require human intelligence. This helps the system extract insights that businesses and analysts can use to create commercial value. The first stage of data science involves acquiring data once it has been gathered and uploaded to the system. Data cleaning, data storage, data setting, processing of data, and data design are all part of the maintenance stage. Analysis of information is a key component of the field of data science. The main work of data scientists is creating useful data through processes like data mining, data categorization, and data modeling and summarizing the insights extracted from the data. Data scientists also work on data analysis which is quite crucial for businesses. Data scientists also work on sharing insights which include data reporting, data visualization, and the use of business intelligence tools so that better decisions can be made by organizations.

What exactly is a data scientist and what do they do?

Data Scientist is a professional who uses his knowledge and expertise to extract valuable insights from complex and large data sets. They transform raw data into information that can be used by organizations to make informed decisions and resolve complicated problems. They are needed in numerous industries like finance, technology, marketing, and healthcare. Data scientists gather data from different sources like sensors, APIs, databases, etc. They make sure that data is complete, accurate, and properly formatted. They also deal with outliers, inconsistencies, and missing values. They perform data exploration and visualization. They explore data visually through charts, graphs, and other tools to understand patterns, trends, and potential relationships. Data scientists also identify variables in the dataset that influences the analysis. They also create new features by transforming and combining previous ones to enhance performance. Data scientists choose machine learning algorithms according to the problem they want to solve.

Skills Required for a Data Scientist

Data scientists require various sets of skills that are a combination of different domains like programming, statistics, communication, and domain knowledge. Skills needed are:

  • Programming skills and proficiency in languages like Python, R, and SQL for modeling, data manipulation, and analysis
  • Mathematics and Statistics: understanding of hypothesis testing, probability, statistics, distributions, linear algebra, and calculus.
  • Machine Learning: Learning under supervision and without supervision, as well as the assessment of models.
  • Data manipulation and analysis: skills of cleaning and preprocessing incomplete data and data visualization by using libraries like Seaborn, matplotlib, and ggplot2.
  • Domain knowledge, and industry expertise to understand a particular domain like finance, healthcare, and e-commerce.
  • Big Data technologies such as Hadoop and Spark are used to handle massive amounts of data. Data wrangling, data transformation, and feature engineering.
  • TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Scikit-Learn are examples of machine learning tools and systems.
  • Data ethics and privacy, ethical considerations, data privacy, and communication skills like visualization and storytelling.
  • They should have problem-solving skills like critical thinking and business acumen.
  • How to use cloud platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure, and should have proficiency in version control systems.

Data Scientist Job Roles and Responsibilities

The roles and responsibilities of a data scientist depend on industry, company, or particular projects but basically, data scientists are responsible for extracting knowledge and data for organizations to make informed decisions. The following are data scientists’ roles and obligations:

  1. Data collection and preparation: They need to gather and collect relevant data from different sources. Clean and preprocess data to make sure of accuracy and consistency and deal with outliers and missing values.
  2. EDA or Exploratory Data Analysis: They need to conduct exploratory analysis to understand data characteristics and patterns and should know how to create visualizations to identify anomalies, correlations, and trends. Formulate hypotheses for investigation.
  3. Feature engineering: They should know how to create new features from existing data to enhance the performance of the model. They should know how to select and transform required features for machine learning algorithms.
  4. Model development: Data scientists should know how to select appropriate machine learning algorithms according to the problem. They should know model scalability and efficiency for large datasets. Creating and fine-tuning models with software and frameworks like PyTorch or TensorFlow.
  5. Model validation and evaluation: They should know how to evaluate model performance with the use of required metrics. Model validation with techniques like cross-validation.

Key Reasons to Become a Data Scientist

A data scientist career is a great choice as it is quite rewarding. There are numerous reasons to choose and pursue a career in this field:

  • Great demand: There is a high need for qualified people in the field of data science. Numerous companies in different industries seek data scientists to extract useful insights from provided data and make informed decisions.
  • Competitive salaries: Data scientists receive lucrative salaries as they have specialized skill sets and they bring value to the business. As the demand for data scientists is more, there are competitive salary packages.
  • Various packages: Data science is used in a variety of industries like finance, healthcare, e-commerce, technology, and marketing. This job is quite versatile so they work in various domains according to industry requirements.
  • Problem-solving: Data scientists solve problems from the heart and tackle major problems through the development of models, analyze data, and derive actionable insights. The analytical aspect of the job is conceptually stimulating and satisfying.
  • Effective decision-making: Data scientists play a vital role in planning strategies for an organization by providing data-driven insights. Important decisions are influenced by them for better business growth and innovation.

Salary range of Data Scientist in India

There is exponential growth in jobs related to Data Science in the last 3-4 years. This requirement is going to grow, and there is a massive shortfall in available talent across the globe. In India, as well as candidates/students are only getting aware.

The salary of data scientists in India varies on the basis of their location, experience, industry, company size, and skillset. Salaries are higher in metropolitan cities and rely mainly on data science like finance, technology, healthcare, and e-commerce.

The following are the starting wages for Data Scientists in India:

  • Junior data scientists: These are entry-level data scientists with 0-2 years of experience and it ranges from Rs. 4 lakhs to Rs. 8 lakhs per annum.
  • Mid-level data Scientists: They have a few years of experience from 2-5 years and their salaries range from Rs. 8 lakhs to Rs. 15 lakhs.
  • Senior-level data scientists: They have more than 5 years of experience and earn salaries ranging from Rs. 15 lakhs to Rs. 30 lakhs per annum or higher depending on their skills.

These are estimates, and pay structures include incentives, options on stocks, and other benefits. The salary landscape keeps on changing with time based on economic and industry-specific factors.

Data Scientist Salary in India by Position

Position Years of experience Minimum Annual Salary Rs. India Maximum Annual Salary Rs. India
Salary of a data scientist in India Intern / Fresher 0-2 144,000/- 250,000/-
Junior data scientist salary in India 2-4 250,000/- 750,000/-
Senior data scientist average salary 4-7 700,000/- 1,800,000/-
Principal Data Scientist / Project Leader 8-15 1600,000/- 2600,000/- + Incentive

Data Scientist Salary in India by Position

Data Scientist Salary in Bangalore

Position Years of experience Minimum Annual Salary Rs. India Maximum Annual Salary Rs. India
Data scientist fresher salary in Bangalore / Intern 0-2 250,000/- 500,000/-
Junior Data Scientist 2-4 400,000/- 900,000/-
Senior / Consultant Data Scientist 4-12 800,000/- 1,800,000/-
Principal Data Scientist / Project Leader 12-20 1800,000/- 2600,000/-

Data Scientist Salary in Pune

Position Years of experience Minimum Annual Salary Rs. India Maximum Annual Salary Rs. India
Data scientist salary in Pune- Intern / Fresher 0-2 200,000/- 350,000/-
Junior Data Scientist 2-4 360,000/- 720,000/-
Senior Data Scientist 4-7 800,000/- 1,800,000/-
Principal Data Scientist / Project Leader 8-15 1800,000/- 2600,000/-

Data Scientist Salary in Mumbai

Position Years of experience Minimum Annual Salary Rs. India Maximum Annual Salary Rs. India
Data scientist salary in Mumbai – Intern / Fresher 0-2 200,000/- 300,000/-
Junior Data Scientist 2-4 300,000/- 750,000/-
Senior Data Scientist 4-7 800,000/- 1,800,000/-
Principal Data Scientist / Project Leader 8-15 1800,000/- 2500,000/-

Data Scientist Salary in Hyderabad

Position Years of experience Minimum Annual Salary Rs. India Maximum Annual Salary Rs. India
Data scientist salary Hyderabad
Intern / Fresher
0-2 180,000/- 300,000/-
Junior Data Scientist 2-4 300,000/- 750,000/-
Senior Data Scientist 4-7 700,000/- 1,900,000/-
Principal Data Scientist / Project Leader 8-15 1800,000/- 2600,000/-

Data Scientist Salary in Delhi

Position Years of experience Minimum Annual Salary Rs. India Maximum Annual Salary Rs. India
Intern / Fresher 0-2 180,000/- 250,000/-
Junior Data Scientist 2-4 360,000/- 720,000/-
Senior Data Scientist 4-7 800,000/- 1,800,000/-
Principal Data Scientist / Project Leader 8-15 1800,000/- 2600,000/-

Data Scientist Salaries concerning companies

Company Name Highest Data Analysts or Data Scientists Salary India. (Rs. Per annum) 
IBM India 1,470,000
Accenture 19,90,000
JP Morgan Chase and Co. India 10,00,000
American Express 1,350,000
McKinsey and Company 11,00,000
Impetus 19,20,000
Wipro Technology 18,00,000

Do study the following sites to get a precise and suitable idea about salaries for your own qualification and experience


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Data Scientist Salary and Career Potential    

Data science is a multidisciplinary field that utilizes systems, scientific techniques, approaches, and algorithms to extract meaningful information from unstructured and organized data. It searches through enormous databases for crucial information by utilizing a range of techniques, including statistical modeling, data visualization, machine learning, and data analysis.

Data scientists receive varying salaries depending on their industry, region, industry experience, degree, and company size, making them some of the highly paid employees in the technology sector. Many sources (Glassdoor, LinkedIn, PayScale, etc.) claim that the average annual salary in India for a data scientist is between INR 4 and 28 lakhs.

Fresher Data Scientist Salary in India   

A person’s industry, organization size, location, skill set, education, and work history all affect how much a fresher data scientist in India makes.

The Pay for Entry-Level Data Scientists in India

  1. The range of typical pay

For new hires, the typical yearly remuneration ranges from INR 3,00,000 to INR 7,00,000. This range can be significantly increased by acquiring new skills, moving to a higher-paying job, and gaining more experience.

 2. Factors Related to Salary

Educational Background:

Those with advanced degrees (Master’s or Ph.D.) in computer science, statistics, data science, or related fields may be qualified for a higher starting wage.


Skill Set: Having an understanding of databases, having used data visualization tools, and being proficient in programming languages can all help with starting pay.

Location: greater-cost cities and tech clusters (which are referred Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune, and Gurgaon) frequently have greater earnings than other regions of the nation.


Company Type: While established IT companies, multinational corporations, and IT firms typically provide greater compensation and more organized career advancement routes, startups may offer lower initial pay in exchange for stock options or opportunities for rapid growth.


  1. Accreditations and Ongoing Education

Eventually, improving pay prospects can also be achieved by participating in self-development activities such as taking online workshops and courses, acquiring certifications in particular data science fields, and learning new skills.    

 Data Scientist Salary by City 

The location is important since it influences both the type of customers the business serves and the average payment.

When it comes to the annual salary and job possibilities for data scientists in India, Bangalore and New Delhi lag far behind Mumbai. Nonetheless, Bangalore provides the greatest chances for startup employment because it is India’s startup capital. Given Bangalore’s reputation as the center of India’s tech sector, data scientists employed there may anticipate higher compensation than those in other locations.

Professionals are well compensated in a number of locations; these locations may include high-tech companies, big cities, high cost of living, etc. Furthermore, several cities attract highly skilled laborers. Businesses provide competitive compensation and benefits to these personnel in an attempt to draw or retain them.

Bangalore, Hyderabad, and Chennai are the three Indian cities where data scientists are paid the most.

Data Scientist Salary Deciding Factors

 The salary of a data scientist can vary depending on numerous factors like experience, education, industry, location, company size, and skill set. With more experience data scientists have more salary and their leadership and roles depend mainly on their experience. Education in the field of data science, statistics, computer science, and related field helps them get better salaries. Data scientists located in Bangalore, New Delhi, London, San Francisco, and New York earn more as compared to those living in small cities.

Top Companies Who Hire Data Scientists

Several top companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Uber, Airbnb, LinkedIn, Adobe, and Twitter hire data scientists to leverage data for making informed decisions and to enhance customer experience.

Data Scientist Salary in Other Countries

Data scientists’ salaries vary a lot on the basis of the different countries you are working in. In the United States, the salary ranges from $70,000 to $90,000, and people in silicon valley may have a salary of more than $150,000. In Canada, the salaries of data scientists are similar to the USA, ranging from CAD 60,000 to CAD 80,000 and experienced professionals earn more than CAD 100,000. In the UK, salaries range from 25,000 pounds to 100,000 pounds. In Germany, salaries range from 45,000 Euros to 100,000 Euros.

The Future of Data Science Salaries in India 

With 50,000 positions, India is the country that recruits more people worldwide than any other country for data science, data analytics, etc., only surpassed by the US. Due to the rising interest in data science and the allure of data science wages, companies of all sizes, including e-commerce and start-ups, are competing for data specialists.


If you have the right skill set and are willing to stay up to date, your career as a data scientist should consequently continue to progress. This is accurate, particularly in light of the fact that a data scientist’s pay in India is based on how much they actually or obliquely update and upskill.


Challenges to Overcome in Data Science Career

There are numerous challenges in the Data Science career which scientists need to overcome. They range from Data quality and quantity, data privacy and ethics, complex algorithms, interdisciplinary knowledge, keeping up with the latest trends and technologies, and explaining complex concepts.

Data Scientist positions in companies – Hierarchy

Though there could be various nomenclatures in various organizations, normal names of various positions in the organization are as follows

  • Inter / Entry Level Data Scientist
  • Junior / Associate Data Scientist
  • Senior Data Scientist
  • Principal Data Scientist
  • Lead Data Scientist 

Additional specializations/qualifications required to grow and succeed in the hierarchy

One can enter with basic knowledge of Data Science in these companies. To grow and succeed in the hierarchy, one has to improvise their skills. Continuously upgrade and train themselves with the latest development. Keep themselves updated. This can give them opportunities to work at an international level in multinationals. Here are mentioned few skills which candidates will have to add to their own skillset

The following list can be considered while listing the most prominent skills needed for growth in Data Scientist salary in India:

  • Learn Artificial Intelligence
  • Advanced predictive models
  • Machine learning models
  • Learn Python(To master the skills visit Python Training in Pune), Spark ML, R,
  • SAS, Java, NLP, and other tools.
  • Big data technologies
  • Predictive analytical models,
  • Deep Learning using Neural Network
  • Analytical and quantitative problem-solving skills
  • Advanced technology classification models (i.e., SVM, Naïve Bayes, Random Forest, Decision Tree, etc.)
  • ETL and data modeling tools such as Informatica, SAS, or other open-source tools and packages
  • Databases and data warehouses (i.e., SAP, SQL, Oracle, DB2.)
  • Data sources and extraction methodologies
  • Big Data Technologies (i.e., Hadoop, Spark, MapReduce, etc.)
  • Data Visualization and Reporting
  • Risk Analysis
  • Statistics and Math
  • Data Mining, Cleaning
  • Cloud Tools
  • Data privacy and regulations
  • Using market basket analysis,
  • k-nearest neighbors, collaborative filtering, and matrix factorization methods.
  • segmentation analysis,
  • time-series forecasting,
  • synthetic control experiments, etc.

Education-wise salary impact of a Data Scientist

  • Bachelor’s degree required, Master’s degree preferred. Preferably in Data Science, Computer Science, Mathematics, Economics, Statistics, Engineering Social science, or equivalent
  • Subject specialization wise Mathematics and statistics are considered most favored as help in analysis; Computer science is second as help in writing programs, then engineering and all other degrees are considered. Approximate contribution of Maths and Stats is 33%, Computer Engineering/Science 18-20%, any Engineering 15% and then other graduates get involved
  • Though people with expertise in specific tools are in demand irrespective of graduation. Qualified people from IIT’s with machine learning and AI knowledge will always get a 30-40% higher package if shown specialization, domain expertise.
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How to grow to senior level in any organization as a Data Scientist?

The person should have the ability to work independently or collaboratively within a team,

Work under tight timelines.

Should maintain a results-oriented attitude.

A person with high emotional and personal energy.

Should be with strong oral and written communication

He/she should be able to guide, mentor the junior scientist/interns/associates

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Data scientists are professionals who are experts in leveraging data analysis machine learning and Statistics to extract insights and make informed decisions. They play an important role in several businesses by transforming raw data into usable insights. Their responsibilities are inclusive of Data Collection meaning and interpreting results to solve complex problems for better business growth. The salary packages of data scientists are based on factors like experience, location, education, industry, and company size. Data science offers great career prospects with competitive compensation, especially for those who are experts in the field and constantly develop their skills. 

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