AWS vs. Azure vs. Google Cloud

It is a widespread phenomenon that cloud computing is rising both in quality, reputation and fame. Cloud-computing is been travelled a long way ever since its initiation. Hence, no company has a question about is cloud computing platform needed for their business but the question is – which cloud computing platform

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AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud

AWS vs. Azure vs. Google Cloud

It is a widespread phenomenon that cloud computing is rising both in quality, reputation and fame. Cloud computing is been travelled a long way ever since its initiation. Hence, no company has a question about is cloud computing platform needed for their business but the question is – which cloud computing platform to go which?

The cloud computing market is overwhelmed with diverse cloud computing service providers from which – AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform stand out in the first three numbers. Companies have estimated out that after choosing cloud computing, they will make their business more flexible in this growing, competitive digital world. Also, they don’t have to spend time, energy and money in managing and maintaining, buying their company service – instead, they are free to use the excellent services provided by these cloud service providers.


Moving further, let us now compare the 3 world-famous & in-demand cloud platforms: AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud.


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Firstly, What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is the offering of various services accessed with the Internet. The services provided by cloud computing include all the related tools, services or applications like servers, databases, networking, system software and more. Once your system has access to the Internet, there is nothing else needed to access the data and code to manage it.

How to choose the right cloud platform?

Industrial and trade terms must be the main factors defining your choice. The main aspects to be considered while selecting a cloud platform for your business is its providing features, capital and application integration as a solution to your business goals. Your decision should purely incline with the opportunities the cloud service provider grant to boost your business to the next level.

Moving ahead, let us first understand what those three cloud platforms mean?

What is AWS?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud services provider that offers storage, computing power, and much other functionality to organizations of all types and sizes. It is now the first cloud computing platform of all.

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What is Azure?

Azure popularly referred to as Windows Azure is Microsoft’s popular cloud computing platform. It includes great services and features like computing, storage, networking and more. Businesses that use Azure for their product development and deployment make use of all the public cloud features as well.

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What is Google Cloud?

Google Cloud is a well-known cloud computing service that is famous for providing all the features which are operating on the same infrastructure similar to all the Google uses within for its end-user products like Gmail and more.

AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud

1. Services & Features:

The selection of the perfect fit cloud service provider comes with your business requirements, needs and workloads. AWS, Azure & Google Cloud serve comparable resources and features as well. They almost provide similar public cloud services like autoscaling, security, instant provisioning and more.

AWS is the most in-demand cloud service provider of all, it has successfully proved itself for being the most in-depth of the service provider. All the services provided by AWS include all the bases from storage to the developer, maintenance and management tools and more.

In level with AWS, Azure also provides the largest services of all. And Google cloud provides fewer cloud services as compared to the other competitors. All three cloud service providers also partnerships and allow their customers to run external tools, applications, and services in their cloud environments.


175+ Products | 145+ Cloud Services | 24 Global Regions


150+ Products | Approx. To AWS Services | 54 Global Regions

Google Cloud

100+ Products | 75+ Cloud Services | 20 Global Regions

2. Pros & Cons:

Being the top three cloud computing platforms they also have some cons with them. Let us now understand them one by one.

AWS: Pros & Cons

aws strength and weakness

Azure: Pros & Cons

azure strengths and weakness

Google Cloud: Pros & Cons

3. Highly Authorized Customers

Selecting a client or their identity in the market should not be the key in converting them as your customer but it can help you understand how the public cloud will be an advantage to others in your industry.


For the past few years, AWS has taken on large enterprise client deals, such as Netflix, Expedia, Airbnb and more.

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Google Cloud is more famous between start-ups, small organizations and institutes but with this, they have made their way in developing more and more clients towards their platform.

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Google Cloud

Google Cloud is more famous between start-ups, small organizations and institutes but with this, they have made their way in developing more and more clients towards their platform.

4. Compute Capabilities

Running a business in full fledge starts with COMPUTE. Hence, selecting the right to compute services is the key step towards profit to your business.


AWS EC2 instance i.e. Elastic Compute Cloud which offers a huge variety of instance configurations for many renowned services for big data, enterprise applications and migration from the on-premises environment.

Azure Virtual Machine

Azures focus in and out on Azure Virtual Machine which enables you to provision Windows, Linux or any VM on time. And some Azure tools such as Cloud Services, functions and application services help you in creating and deploying applications on the clouds.

Google Cloud Engine

Google Cloud Engine delivers different versions of VMs in Google’s data centres. Compute Engine’s VMs boot easily and quickly which comes with flexible and persistent disk storage for every task and workload of your business.

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5. Deploying PAAS & APPS


AWS grants application deployment solutions including Elastic Beanstalk, Lambda, Container Service, and Batch. However, they have fewer application treating features than Azure.


Azure has used its extensive knowledge of developer tools to gain a competitive term for treating cloud applications. Azure has a broad selection of application deployment and hosting options for developers.

Google Cloud

Google Cloud enables all the developers to construct and deploy their applications on its Google App Engine platform. But Google Cloud provides fewer PAAS features as compared to AWS & Azure.

6. Establishment


AWS is a web service provider introduced by Amazon which provides all the demanding cloud computing services to companies, individuals and more. It is the oldest and the most renowned platform which stands in the first three cloud service provider.

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AWS was launched in 2006 with service offerings like EC2, AWS S3, and more. And then by 2009, EBS was published with many other such renowned and much-needed services by a business.


Microsoft invented Azure in 2010 with the purpose of providing all the different services which businesses keen to have. From then till now, Azure stands out of others and also has made its way and comes out in the first three cloud computing service provides.

Google Cloud

Google cloud computing platform came into the picture in 2011 and from then it has managed to provide all the services to make the clients businesses stand out of all. It searches engine and makes such factors help it to stand out amongst its competitors.

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7. Availability Zones

AWS being the most satisfying and well-identified cloud service providing platform has stood out with more time to establish and expand their network. And hence it has successfully expanded itself all around the globe. On the other hand, Azure and Google cloud platforms are also hosting in multiple locations globally, but the only difference is that the number of their respective availability zones is limited and is in less number.

  • AWS has 60 Availability zones within 20+ geographical regions around the globe.
  • Azure has 50+ regions globally which is available in 140 countries around the globe.
  • Google Cloud Platform is available in and around 24 regions with 73 total zones.
8. Market Shares & Growth Rate

With the survey of all the cloud service platforms, AWS is known to be the best and top-most cloud service providing a platform to date.

  • AWS is the most leading with more than 40% of public cloud share in its name.
  • Azure holding second place from first, owns about 20% of the global market share.
  • And Google Cloud on the other hand – being in the third place owns about 12% of the global market share.


    AWS Vs Azure Vs Google Cloud: Services

    Here are some areas where Azure, AWS, and GCP differ significantly.

    • In contrast to Microsoft Azure’s virtual discs and Google Cloud’s virtual machine instances, Amazon Web Services offers virtual servers and instances. Google Cloud also provides virtual machine instances.
    • On-demand, Reserved, and Spot models are the three different ways that Amazon Web Services (AWS) instances can be acquired. You can purchase an Azure instance using either the on-demand or the short-term commitment model. Both an on-demand and a sustained-use model are available for purchase regarding Google Cloud.
    • The pay-as-you-go pricing model that AWS uses levies costs on its customers on an hourly basis. Azure and Google Cloud customers are charged per minute for their use of the respective services.
    • Docker management is handled by AWS’s Elastic Container Service (ECS), whereas Azure’s Container Service is responsible for this task. Docker containers are managed by Google Cloud using the Google Container Engine.
    • Glacier is the archival storage solution utilized by AWS, Archive Storage is the solution used by Azure, and Coldline is the solution operated by Google Cloud.
    • When it comes to search services, Amazon Web Services uses Amazon CloudSearch, Microsoft Azure uses Azure Search, and Google Cloud does not offer a comparable service.
    • In terms of analytics, Amazon Web Services uses Amazon Kinesis, and Microsoft Azure uses Azure Stream Analytics. On the other hand, Google Cloud uses a feature called Cloud Dataflow in addition to Cloud Data Preparation.
    • AWS relies on AWS OpsWorks and AWS Config for its automation. In contrast, Azure relies on Azure Automation, and Google Cloud makes use of Compute Engine management together with tools such as Puppet and Chef.
    • The utilization of AWS cloud HSM achieves compliance in AWS. The Azure trust center is being utilized for the purpose of providing security and compliance for both Azure and Google Cloud Platform. AWS employs AWS CloudHSM, Azure uses Azure Trust Centre, and Google Cloud Platform has its own set of security processes to ensure compliance with regulations.
    • The AWS Key Management Service is the tool that is utilized when it comes to managing one’s security credentials within AWS.The Azure Key Vault is used to manage security credentials on Azure, whereas on the Google Cloud Platform, Google Cloud Security is used.


    AWS Vs Azure Vs Google Cloud: Key Cloud Tools

    The three cloud service companies should be competing with each other more right now.  All three companies have started providing these services and plan to grow them in the future based on consumer demand and current trends.

    Key Tools for AWS

    Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning

    Among its many AI-related offerings, AWS provides DeepLens, a camera powered by AI that can train and deploy machine learning algorithms for OCR and image/object recognition. Amazon Web Services (AWS) recently announced Gluon. Both programmers can use this open-source deep learning library, and those without a background in artificial intelligence to construct neural networks rapidly.


    Sage Maker to Sever less

    A multitude of machine learning and AI-related services are available on AWS.

     Among the services provided by AWS is AWS SageMaker, a tool for developing and implementing machine learning models. It also features the Lambda serverless computing service, AWS Greengrass IoT messaging service, and Lex conversational interface, which powers Alexa services.

    Key Tools for Azure

    Intellectual Services

    Microsoft provides a bot service and machine learning on Azure as a company that puts a lot of money into AI and machine learning. Besides that, it has cognitive services like the Bing Web Search API, the Text Analytics API, the Face API, the Computer Vision API, and the Custom Vision Service. Microsoft also has several control and analytics services for the Internet of Things. Functions is the name of Microsoft’s serverless computing service.


    MSFT Software Support

    Azure has several tools that can help support Microsoft software installed on-site.The Windows Server Backup service in Windows Server 2012 R2 can be connected to Windows Server 2016 through the Azure Backup service.  In Azure, Visual Studio Team Services takes care of Visual Studio jobs.


    Key Tools for Google Clouds

    IoT to Serverless

    Among all the cutting-edge technologies, Google Cloud provides APIs for speech, natural language, translation, and more. It also offers serverless and Internet of Things services, albeit in beta.


    Massive AI

    At the moment, Google Cloud is at the top in developing AI. TensorFlow is to thank for that; it is an open-source software tool for making machine learning apps. Programmers widely use TensorFlow.


    AWS Vs Azure Vs Google Cloud: Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Options

    A computing environment known as a hybrid cloud combines elements of both a public cloud and a private cloud or on-premises resources. Different cloud deployment tactics and models can be utilized by organizations to cater to their own requirements.

    The term “multi-cloud” describes a hybrid cloud architecture combining numerous cloud computing services from multiple service providers. This can necessitate combining on-premises resources and private clouds with public clouds like Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Amazon Web Services (AWS).

    In terms of their hybrid and multi-cloud services, the following are some key differences between Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud:


    Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers multiple hybrid cloud alternatives that can connect a company’s on-premises infrastructure to its cloud services. This comprises both AWS Outposts, which allow businesses to run AWS infrastructure locally, and AWS Direct Connect, which establishes a dedicated network link between a company’s on-premises infrastructure and the AWS cloud.  Both of these features are included in this category.


    Multiple hybrid cloud solutions are available on Azure, such as Azure Arc for managing and administering resources across multiple on-premises Cloud environments and Azure Stack for deploying Azure services locally.   Azure Stack is just one example of the hybrid cloud solutions available through Microsoft Azure.


    Several hybrid cloud options are available from Google Cloud Platform (GCP).  These solutions include Cloud Interconnect, which enables businesses to link their on-premises infrastructure with GCP, and Cloud Run for Anthos, which allows businesses to deploy containerized apps to either GCP or on-premises. Both of these solutions are examples of hybrid cloud computing.

    In general, each of the three most prominent cloud providers offers a variety of hybrid and multi-cloud solutions that allow businesses to combine and match various cloud models and deployment tactics to fit the requirements of their particular operations better.

    AWS Vs Azure Vs Google Cloud: Pricing

    To be clear, it takes work to get into this cloud price comparison. The general pricing structure for each platform can vary depending on the service chosen, the number of instances, the location, the type of workload, and many other factors. The price calculators for Azure, AWS, and GCP are all different, as are the names of their services.What counts is what your business intends to do on the cloud.  To make things even more interesting, the scenery is constantly changing!

    One big thing that all three of them have in common is that they all let you pay as you go for the services you use. In addition, they all offer free samples that last up to a year.

    To show how difficult it is, here is a list of what each company offers in the cloud computing space, along with links to their free trials.


    Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, and Amazon Lightsail are all compute services for AWS. For example, on EC2, users can buy instances only used when needed and charged by the hour or the second. For one year, the free tier of Amazon EC2 gives you 750 hours of computing power every month.


    Regarding computing goods, Microsoft Azure has a lot more to offer. Some examples are Virtual Machines, Azure Virtual Desktop, and Azure Service Fabric. In a similar free trial case, customers can use 750 hours of computing power monthly for a year.


    Using Google’s computing tools like Compute Engine, App Engine, and Bare Metal is straightforward. Also, at least at first, GCP’s pricing system is easier to understand. People can get $300 in free credits for over 90 days on various goods, not just computers.

    Which Is Ideal for You: AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud?

    In order to wrap up this article about Azure vs. AWS vs. Google Cloud, let’s decide which cloud service will win based on the factors listed above.

    • Setting up: AWS is the victor in this case because it has existed for five years longer.
    • Availability zones: AWS wins this round because it has more areas and availability zones.
    • Market shares: AWS is the clear winner, with about a third of the market shares.
    • Growth rate: With an almost growth rate, GCP emerged victorious. Who makes them: It’s a tie because some significant users use all three cloud platforms.
    • Services:
    • When comparing the available services, AWS comes out on top.
    • Azure wins in terms of compatibility with open-source and on-premise systems, including Microsoft tools, that are widely utilized by virtually all businesses.
    • Pricing Systems: Google Cloud is the winner because its price and discount plans are more customer-friendly.

    In the current cloud war between AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure, AWS comfortably wins and surpasses all other big cloud providers.Given that GCP and Azure are closing the gap with AWS, it’s hard to say how long the cloud provider will remain ranked #1.

     Azure and GCP each have their own advantages, but AWS also benefits from being the pioneer. Since it’s simple to integrate Microsoft tools with Azure Cloud, many firms that utilize MS technologies find that using Azure Cloud makes more sense.  People should pick GCP because it has the best price plan for the servers that run Google Search and YouTube.

    Considering everything, it would be more correct to say that picking the best cloud provider for your requirements matters more than choosing the best one.


This concludes our blog post comparing AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. This blog was helpful to you.If you want to learn more about Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform, check out the Azure Training, Microsoft AWS Master’s Program, and Google Cloud Training offered by 3RI Technologies.

With great understanding throughout the blog, you can see by yourself that AWS proves itself to be the best amongst the rest. And there are various factors companies should examine while choosing the cloud provider where pricing is important too. If your business will be used by millions of customers, clients and you are going to use thousands of instances then this comparison will help you save your funds and capital.


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